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It seems to me that what was said here a few weeks ago about the sensitive nature of the Sabres actually applies to some on this board. Look, we played the Pens at home where they are always tough - those Stanley Cup Champs!


We are almost even in shots, we came back from a two goal deficit, we almost score the tying goal with a few minutes left, again the officiating left plenty to be desired, Ottawa lost at home to the Rags 4 - 1. Devils blow a 3rd period 4 - 0 lead and hang on to win 4 - 3, NHL.com summary of the Sabres Pens read Pens survive Sabres! It was an up tempo game and we almost pulled it out!


I say we are just warming up to the task at hand - GO Buffalo Sabres!


I've seen you say this same thing over and over; they're just getting started, they're beginning to peak, etc. etc.


Their play suggests otherwise, they're actually digressing as they approach the most important part of the season.


I'm not of the opinion that we can't be fixed just yet, I still believe 1 or 2 moves can put us back in contention. But do you honestly have any faith that we wouldn't get swept by the Pens in the first round with this roster???


I'm sick of this "3rd period" blitz we've become oh so familiar with. These guys should be showing the same passion in the 1st and 2nd, and they're not. Everything points to "comfort" with these guys. They know Darcy, and know how safe they are, and it's glaringly obvious.


My dog's poop has more passion than these sissies. I'd be throwing up in the locker room if I were Kaleta, and probably chucking it around by the scoop full in disgust. These guys can't carry around his jock, bottomline.

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It seems to me that what was said here a few weeks ago about the sensitive nature of the Sabres actually applies to some on this board. Look, we played the Pens at home where they are always tough - those Stanley Cup Champs!


We are almost even in shots, we came back from a two goal deficit, we almost score the tying goal with a few minutes left, again the officiating left plenty to be desired, Ottawa lost at home to the Rags 4 - 1. Devils blow a 3rd period 4 - 0 lead and hang on to win 4 - 3, NHL.com summary of the Sabres Pens read Pens survive Sabres! It was an up tempo game and we almost pulled it out!


I say we are just warming up to the task at hand - GO Buffalo Sabres!

At this point the most important things are wins and losses. You seem to be rationalizing a loss because it was the Pens and we played them close at home. Not many here are buying this anymore.

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A two week break and there is still a PP unit consisting of Rivet, Butler, Stafford, Gaustad & MacArthur. :blink: Nothing more needs to be said. I would rather have the guys on the other unit just stay out there the full 2 minutes. Seriously! Why not? It's not like they are skating as hard as they do during a 5 on 5 shift.

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Very classy tribute to Olympians. Miller got a loud standing ovation by Pitt fans, nice gesture. Before Crosby was introduced they showed a replay of the goal -- smattering of boos during the video and then just polite applause for Crosby. Sorrry Sid, Team USA before Penguins.

Did you go to the game or watch it on TV? just wondering because I was at the game and am wondering if it appeared differently to me because I was surrounded by people and didn't get a good "arena" sampling, which might have tainted my view...


here is my view... Yes the fans did give Miller and Orpik a GREAT ovation, GREAT... but WAY too many people cheered loudly for Crosby. they even cheered loudly for Malkin and Gonchar. They politely applauded for Hecht, Tallinder, Sekera, and Lydman. There were so many Team Canda jerseys in the crowd it made me SICK. Maybe I'm more patriotic than the common person, I don't know... I'd like to think these morons can differentiate between cheering for a person and cheering for YOUR COUNTRY! I agree that when they showed the reply of Crosby scoring, there were more boos than not, but when the announcer came on and said Crosby's name, the place cheered a lot. Too much for me, I'm sorry. At that moment you weren't cheering for Crosby the Penguins Captain, at that moment you were cheering Crosby the Team Canada member that beat you country's team, and that is insane to me. I did not cheer for Ruff when they announced him, I actually booed because at that moment they weren't acknowledging Ruff the head coach of the Sabres, it was Ruff the assistant coach of Team Canada. a few minutes earlier when they announced Ruff as the head coach of the Sabres, I cheered. There is a difference. The fans had their moment to cheer from Crosby as a Penguin a few minutes later when they announced the starting lineup.

I'm sure I'll get crap from people on here that say I'm "not being a good sport" or some other political correct BS but I don't care, political correctness is killing this country. USA Pride needs to come back and come back without apology.


it wasn't all negative and I am harping on it that way, there were some very classy and great moments... most people that paid attention cheered Miller when he came out for warm ups, and they later showed a video clip again on the score board of Crosby scoring in the Gold medal game and it was either not cheered or booed... but I just had to vent about a few things that bothered me while I was at the game.

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In reality.....a good GM would be on the phone with teams about Miller. Miller will never be a hotter commodity. You can catch a johnny-come-lately gm offguard with a proposition.....and the teams that love to make spotlight moves might actually think about giving up the world.


You don't expect to make a deal....but you are cheating yourself by not trying to fleece someone. Hey....Miller for Lundqvist and Del Zotto. Miller for Nabakov and Marleau. You get the point. Before the season those are no brainers.


I've said the same thing. And, honestly, given Miller's comment about how it's hard enough to play goal in Buffalo (let alone do it on the Olympic stage), how long is it going to be before he demands a trade anyway? Ryan has tasted life in the real hockey world now. How you gonna keep him down on the farm?

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Now we continue the 5 minute end-of-game flurry that we always seem to do in these games that we play 50 minutes of horrible hockey.

THIS QFT. And it is not a recipe for how you win games.


That was terrible. How do they come out with so little emotion after being away for 2 weeks??? Sad, just plain sad right now. Do these guys expect to win games by not working and not putting forth an effort?? I hope Darcy makes a trade, Ryan Miller, the best goalie in the world, deserves better than this.

My sentiments exactly. Olympic hockey spoiled me.


IMO....I really think that Brian Burke is a hell of a GM..He put together a team..A few great players and solid two way hard hitting players and a all world goalie( cant believe I would ever have said that) He built Anaheim like that and in a few yrs the Leafs will be there..Regier has the all world goalie a future stud in Myers on D and really a lot of potential that seems all that that is ever gonna be upfront..I almost gotta say Kaleta might be the only player worth a crap up front..Every one else is a pedestrian..Move a few of them for something solid up the middle and a good dman and lets give Miller a chance to gear it up for the playofs like he did for the Olympics. I think its gonna be real hard for Miller to get all up with the team he has playin in front of him..They play like heartless robots...No Team effort at all..


I agree completely and posted as much about Burke in the Olympic thread. I really respect his formula for the Olympic team and his teams in general. I wonder how many of the current roster would still be here if Burke was our GM? Your second bolded comment about the team in front of Miller is what I will be watching for the rest of the season.


I've said the same thing. And, honestly, given Miller's comment about how it's hard enough to play goal in Buffalo (let alone do it on the Olympic stage), how long is it going to be before he demands a trade anyway? Ryan has tasted life in the real hockey world now. How you gonna keep him down on the farm?


Interesting thought. A hockey player that cares about winning and how they play being on soft team like this kind of makes me rethink what Hasek did in a totally different light. Boy could that turn into a soap opera although there is a side of me that says maybe some ultimatum like that could force this managment to do something with this group of under achievers.

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given Miller's comment about how it's hard enough to play goal in Buffalo (let alone do it on the Olympic stage), how long is it going to be before he demands a trade anyway?

i heard about this remark, but missed seeing it verbatim. linkelage?



I think it might be easier to trade Miller to a better team than to fix this team for him...oi.
there is a side of me that says maybe some ultimatum like that could force this managment to do something with this group of under achievers.

this strikes me as a little hasty -- but not totally out of line.


The major problem with this team is that they don't have just a couple players that vanish for games at a time, they have like 6-8 players vanish.

that's as sad as it is accurate.


Get Ennis and Gerbe up here because I GUARANTEE they do SOMETHING to get noticed (good or bad).

ennis, absolutely.


gerbe? between his so-so performances with the big club, his fragile groin, and, most recently, dreaded "upper body injury" (read concussion), i don't think he's going to end up making it in the nhl.

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