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yeah, during play is not the time to talk about anything but the play, which the color guy has a knack for


I've never understood why the league wants to try and market its game with broadcasts like this -- even in the playoffs! The NHL is always talking about growing the fan base. Well, I don't like soccer. If I tune into a soccer game for a minute and the announcers aren't even talking about the game, it just reinforces my opinion that the game is not worthy of my time. It pisses of the diehards, so the league gets absolutely nothing out of it.

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The team is really giving Miller a "Lalime-like" effort out there tonight. No defense, no offense, just going through the motions.


I'm done with this game. Even a 4-goal third period comeback will not bring back the ninety minutes or so of my life I just wasted with the first two periods.


A little help here did they look as bad as the early posts and score indicate?


Yeah... I've missed a few games this season, but that 2nd period was the most uninspiring worst hockey I've seen this season. "Just going through the motions" was perfect was of putting it. Lazy on backcheck, not bodying up and taking their guys out from in front of Miller, no composure in making the right plays/passes to keep or get offensive momentum....


It was easy to give up the TV to my roommate for the Green Bay game after that 2nd period....


Are Mike Grier and Goose really that essential to this team winning games?


On one of the power plays I really wished Gaustad was there to at least make a physical presence in front of the damn net! And if you think about Grier in there instead of Paetsch (no disrespect to Paetsch, at least he gives a hoot and skates hard when he gets PT), then you can see his worth. Certainly not "essential to this team winning games", but Grier can typically make some impact on Offense.

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Just got back. Wow, WOW, what a effort. The crowd was a little slight at the start, I'm guessing thanks to the weather (the season ticket holders who sit right in front of me never made it at all), but still, right at the puck drop, there was a rousing, loud, "Let's Go Buffalo" chant. The crowd was into it for the first ten minutes. And then, we just kind of looked at each other, as if to say, "WTF is this team doing?" Shortly thereafter, we articulated the same question, this time using words. Complete strangers were having audible conversations about how badly the team was sucking, prostitutes at Danish climate change conventions, health care, and other topics of the day.


It was HORRIBLE. PA, it WAS silent tonight, after the first ten. (I tried to start a "PA Sabre" chant--did you hear it?) But the team didn't exactly inspire us to cheer, either. The loudest the crowd got after the opening was when the refs called Kaleta for boarding.


Brodeur played out of his mind. Never have I seen a goalie stop five soft shots so well in two successive periods. He truly was brilliant. At one point, he calmly let a 15 mph wrister just bounce off of his chest, and then just as calmly, distributed it to one of his defensemen, confidently knowing that no Sabre would be there to touch the rebound. The man just reinvented the goaltender position tonight, even while greatly challenged by boredom.


Ok. Seriously, there was a good chant at the start of the game, and the crowd was great for the first ten minutes.


Just as seriously, that game sucked.

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Just got back. Wow, WOW, what a effort. The crowd was a little slight at the start, I'm guessing thanks to the weather (the season ticket holders who sit right in front of me never made it at all), but still, right at the puck drop, there was a rousing, loud, "Let's Go Buffalo" chant. The crowd was into it for the first ten minutes. And then, we just kind of looked at each other, as if to say, "WTF is this team doing?" Shortly thereafter, we articulated the same question, this time using words. Complete strangers were having audible conversations about how badly the team was sucking, prostitutes at Danish climate change conventions, health care, and other topics of the day.


It was HORRIBLE. PA, it WAS silent tonight, after the first ten. (I tried to start a "PA Sabre" chant--did you hear it?) But the team didn't exactly inspire us to cheer, either. The loudest the crowd got after the opening was when the refs called Kaleta for boarding.


Brodeur played out of his mind. Never have I seen a goalie stop five soft shots so well in two successive periods. He truly was brilliant. At one point, he calmly let a 15 mph wrister just bounce off of his chest, and then just as calmly, distributed it to one of his defensemen, confidently knowing that no Sabre would be there to touch the rebound. The man just reinvented the goaltender position tonight, even while greatly challenged by boredom.


Ok. Seriously, there was a good chant at the start of the game, and the crowd was great for the first ten minutes.


Just as seriously, that game sucked.

The Devils just looked great. Year after year they put good teams in front of their excellent goalie

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Brodeur played out of his mind. Never have I seen a goalie stop five soft shots so well in two successive periods. He truly was brilliant. At one point, he calmly let a 15 mph wrister just bounce off of his chest, and then just as calmly, distributed it to one of his defensemen, confidently knowing that no Sabre would be there to touch the rebound. The man just reinvented the goaltender position tonight, even while greatly challenged by boredom.





I think it was a nice thing that the Sabres did for ol' Marty, tonight.

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I've seen Rivet make too many mistakes for a guy of his experience and savvy. I have to think there's something wrong. IMO he was never happy coming to Buffalo...there were articles about his reluctance to leave his spacious, stylish digs in San Jose to come to Bf and I think he's playing as if he's reluctantly taking part in a nightmare. There's some subtext to his mistakes...He's not happy. Sabres have a surplus of D-Men and I think they have to unload Rivet and maybe make Gaustad captain...if he could stay healthy.


You can't import heart and leadership. At least not for long.

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I've seen Rivet make too many mistakes for a guy of his experience and savvy. I have to think there's something wrong. IMO he was never happy coming to Buffalo...there were articles about his reluctance to leave his spacious, stylish digs in San Jose to come to Bf and I think he's playing as if he's reluctantly taking part in a nightmare. There's some subtext to his mistakes...He's not happy. Sabres have a surplus of D-Men and I think they have to unload Rivet and maybe make Gaustad captain...if he could stay healthy.


You can't import heart and leadership. At least not for long.


With the abysmal offense in front of him, can you really blame Rivet if he isn't happy being on this team? How do you Captain a team full of babies?

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With the abysmal offense in front of him, can you really blame Rivet if he isn't happy being on this team? How do you Captain a team full of babies?


Hard to disagree there.


He seemed to start out with fire in his belly last season, but who could blame him for gradually losing interest once he saw how the remainder of the roster behaved?


Not saying that's how things are, just saying I wouldn't hold it against him.

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Rivet's play has been lackluster ALL season.


I was harping on him 10 games ago. He's not moving his feet, he's making unwise decisions in his own zone, and he's having difficulty making the outlet pass up the ice.


I would like nothing more than to deal him at this point and unload his 3.5 cap hit. Give the C to Grier or Goose.

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Rivet's play has been lackluster ALL season.


I was harping on him 10 games ago. He's not moving his feet, he's making unwise decisions in his own zone, and he's having difficulty making the outlet pass up the ice.


I would like nothing more than to deal him at this point and unload his 3.5 cap hit. Give the C to Grier or Goose.


But who would be the scapegoat then? When no one scores, since that has been the problem.


Vanek maybe?

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Rivet isn't a scapegoat. He's just a problem.


Oh, then it is clear. It just sounded like scapegoat when biggest problem in team is scoring and people are blaming defensive D-man.

When team keeps winning, no one admits captain is part of that.


Maybe he should get traded and show what he is elsewhere. Just like Afinogenov did.

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