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Tom Webster is a stand up guy!


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I'll admit that I have butted heads with Tom Webster as much as anyone here, but I want to make an official announcement that -- agree with him or not -- he is as stand up of a guy as you will find.


Anyone remember this little contest:



At that point, we were all but out of the playoffs, so not too many people posted. I ended winning, but when our playoff hopes ended, I was like "oh well, would have been nice." Then, late August, I get a PM from TW saying something like "I think I owe you tickets." "I guess ..." I replied. To which he said "pick a game and let me know." My brother's a paid fireman, so it was hard to find a game that he could go to and we ended up picking November 21st. As it turns out, they made that a Gold game (they posted the levels the following day.) Despite that, a month later, I am sitting with the tickets in my hand!! And these aren't nose-bleed level seats either. No, they're 100-level Preferred (look on sabres.nhl.com if you want to see just how much those seats would be normally.) Neither my brother nor I have sat that close to a Sabres game in our lives (even when we saw them play in Rochester) and we're 36/33, respectively, so this will be a game to remember.


A major thanks goes to TW, and to everyone else: remember this when he starts getting your panties in a bunch.

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I've disagreed with him a couple of times but never once thought he wasn't a stand up guy. Unlike what Keith Oberman and Bill O'Reilly want us to believe, you can disagree with someone and still be cordial. In fact, if everyone agreed with me I would kill myself, cuz I'm an idiot. Cool story though and nice work Tom.


Man...I can't wait until the season starts so there is more stuff to disagree with people about.

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but never once thought he wasn't a stand up guy.

Me neither. I didn't mean to imply that. We all know that he's not afraid to speak his mind and state his opinion, even when it's not the popular view. That has the potential to rub some thinner skinned people the wrong way. The title of my thread was poking a little fun of that. However, I wanted to let everyone, not just those thin-skinned people, know that he is a great guy and did something that most people wouldn't have.

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Did this really require a thread?


Now I'm not trying to be thread police or anything like that, but all I can think while reading this is 'so what?'. He paid up on a bet, let's build a statue.



Lighten up. He made a contest on the board. He felt that Carp won and he paid. Period. good on you carp for giving him his due.

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Did this really require a thread?


Now I'm not trying to be thread police or anything like that, but all I can think while reading this is 'so what?'. He paid up on a bet, let's build a statue.

Well, a contest, not a bet, but he did more than that. First, it's not a small thing that someone on a message board that I've never met and could just change screen names and never be heard from again, made good on a $300+ prize (face value). Second, the prize was 2008 playoff tickets. I assumed it was over and done with when we missed the playoffs. I didn't contact him saying "where are my tickets", he contacted me saying that, even though we missed the playoffs, he still owed me tickets.


Did I have to make a thread? No, but I felt like sharing the fact that he is a man of his word and then some. Plus, seeing as how we have about 10 OT threads and several others that are barely on topic, I hardly think this thread warrants asking if "this really required a thread." :nana:

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Did this really require a thread?


Now I'm not trying to be thread police or anything like that, but all I can think while reading this is 'so what?'. He paid up on a bet, let's build a statue.


are you carping about carp? (actually the statue line was a good one).


Good for Tom and good for carp for paying his respects.


Will there ever be a real hockey game again?

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Did this really require a thread?


Now I'm not trying to be thread police or anything like that, but all I can think while reading this is 'so what?'. He paid up on a bet, let's build a statue.


I think if Tom Webster made a thread by saying that he bought the tickets and wished Carp a good time, that would be like he's looking for attention and looking to improve his status on a forum, but it wasn't. He did it behind closed doors, on a forum where almost nobody knows anyone, he got the dude tickets that he said he would get. I give mad props to Carp for giving the props to TW and for TW for being a good guy. I'm glad this thread was started. Anyone who does something that good deserves a thread.

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Carp scored free tickets, so I can't defend myself against a personal attack? Yeah, Tom's really cordial.


I'd be more impressed if the tickets had gone to Children's Hospital.

Not to get in the middle of this personal fight between the two of you, but I do believe TW actually has an ongoing bet with DeLuca in which the winner will donate money to their favorite charity, so I do believe TW is also a charitable guy. What the bet was and what the stakes were, I have no idea and I'd have to dig deep through the archives, but I'm pretty sure such bet with DeLuca does exist. So, I guess if he loses his bet to DeLuca, that would make you impressed?


By the way, TW, does your screen name come from the former head coach of the LA Kings and New York Rangers?

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By the way, TW, does your screen name come from the former head coach of the LA Kings and New York Rangers?

Yes, but he was drafted by the Sabres and then immediately traded for Roger Crozier. So, in theory, he was a Sabre for about five minutes.

(I knew the Sabres part, but had to look up his coaching history.)

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Carp scored free tickets, so I can't defend myself against a personal attack? Yeah, Tom's really cordial.


I'd be more impressed if the tickets had gone to Children's Hospital.

Whats with the attitude..You guys not get along or something? I thought it was pretty cool paying out on a contest..I didnt think he was doing it to impress anybody...Maybe you oughta start a Tom Webster for president thread.. :nana:

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Yes, but he was drafted by the Sabres and then immediately traded for Roger Crozier. So, in theory, he was a Sabre for about five minutes.

(I knew the Sabres part, but had to look up his coaching history.)


I knew it. carp=Tom Webster.


Well spank my ass and call me Nancy.

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Well, a contest, not a bet, but he did more than that. First, it's not a small thing that someone on a message board that I've never met and could just change screen names and never be heard from again, made good on a $300+ prize (face value). Second, the prize was 2008 playoff tickets. I assumed it was over and done with when we missed the playoffs. I didn't contact him saying "w :thumbsup: :thumbsup: here are my tickets", he contacted me saying that, even though we missed the playoffs, he still owed me tickets.


Did I have to make a thread? No, but I felt like sharing the fact that he is a man of his word and then some. Plus, seeing as how we have about 10 OT threads and several others that are barely on topic, I hardly think this thread warrants asking if "this really required a thread." :nana:


Ditto and double down that :thumbsup: :thumbsup:. In a day and age when contracts, rules and even regulations don't bind people to do what they comitted, agreed or promised to do and you got someone whose word is good for their actions then that defintely deserves a thread and little respect :beer:... Good man and thanks Tom...

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Good stuff. Cheers for the stand-uppage. One watery beer at HCBC for ya if I ever meet you. Eh, make it two. (Six?)


Not that this is necessary, or that anobody cares, but I just wanna say that it's often easy to rant and get angry when people you respect are pilloried (ie golisano), but I've probably been too harsh in my language sometimes. There was a period of time here when the same 4 opinions were being regurgitated ad nauseum.

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  • 1 month later...

While I'm still really excited about this game (Friday), after tonight and the games that preceded it, my excitement has been tempered. I'm hoping for a little tit-for-tat from the Flyers, since our loss to them last year sparked their resurgence by ending a losing streak. Time for them to return the favor.


My brother and I will be there - red line section, behind the penalty box (if I remember correctly), top of the 100 Level Preferreds - sporting 2006-07 third (throwback) jerseys. Look for us.

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While I'm still really excited about this game (Friday), after tonight and the games that preceded it, my excitement has been tempered. I'm hoping for a little tit-for-tat from the Flyers, since our loss to them last year sparked their resurgence by ending a losing streak. Time for them to return the favor.


My brother and I will be there - red line section, behind the penalty box (if I remember correctly), top of the 100 Level Preferreds - sporting 2006-07 third (throwback) jerseys. Look for us.


I'll be there in 321 row 3 with my home white Khmylev jersey on, so I'll be peeking over your shoulders. What names on your jerseys?

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I'll be there in 321 row 3 with my home white Khmylev jersey on, so I'll be peeking over your shoulders. What names on your jerseys?

Roy and Pommer. I got my Pommer jersey when he signed his first (non-entry) contract two years ago. Then, last year after Roy signed his most recent contract, I got my brother his for Christmas (my bother's not quite 5' 10 and he's always worn #9, so Roy was an easy call.) They're both RBK authentics (pre-Edge, so they're still built like real sweaters.)

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Roy and Pommer. I got my Pommer jersey when he signed his first (non-entry) contract two years ago. Then, last year after Roy signed his most recent contract, I got my brother his for Christmas (my bother's not quite 5' 10 and he's always worn #9, so Roy was an easy call.) They're both RBK authentics (pre-Edge, so they're still built like real sweaters.)


I'll keep an eye out, maybe try and catch you guys if you get up for a beer during intermission. :thumbsup:

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Despite the loss, it was a pretty amazing experience. I met a few of TW's friends and even caught the blimp-dropped cake coupon (was really hoping it was something more exciting than that - I would have rather won the 50/50.) TW definitely has great seats; possibly the best in the arena. Basically, he's at center ice and just high enough to look over the boards at most of the ice. In watching the game on MSG's noon replay, he has just about the exact view that the main camera has. It was like watching the game on the biggest, highest-definition TV that you could imagine. I am completely jealous and have made it a personal goal to buy similar season tickets some day. It's a totally different experience than sitting in the 300's (though, that's still a lot of fun, too.)


What's really depressing is how many people have those seats and know little to nothing about the team. A girl a couple of rows in front of us was wearing a Max jersey and when they announced that he was a healthy scratch, she said "honey, they benched Max." What's worse, he looked like it was news to him, too. A couple of guys asked us if Timmy was hurt again. For seats that good, you should have to pass an exam on the team.

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Despite the loss, it was a pretty amazing experience. I met a few of TW's friends and even caught the blimp-dropped cake coupon (was really hoping it was something more exciting than that - I would have rather won the 50/50.) TW definitely has great seats; possibly the best in the arena. Basically, he's at center ice and just high enough to look over the boards at most of the ice. In watching the game on MSG's noon replay, he has just about the exact view that the main camera has. It was like watching the game on the biggest, highest-definition TV that you could imagine. I am completely jealous and have made it a personal goal to buy similar season tickets some day. It's a totally different experience than sitting in the 300's (though, that's still a lot of fun, too.)


What's really depressing is how many people have those seats and know little to nothing about the team. A girl a couple of rows in front of us was wearing a Max jersey and when they announced that he was a healthy scratch, she said "honey, they benched Max." What's worse, he looked like it was news to him, too. A couple of guys asked us if Timmy was hurt again. For seats that good, you should have to pass an exam on the team.


Glad you had a good time despite the game. Completely agree with you regarding the lack of knowledge of some of those fans.

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