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Everything posted by MDFan

  1. With regard to Scott, I think Nolan is really trying to salvage the guy's career. Post suspension, Scott was penalized virtually every time he hit someone. Every time. I doubt that Scott will ever be a complete hockey player, but Nolan is trying to teach him how to play without the rough stuff. Personally, I do not think he has much value outside of intimidation, but if it is only going to cost the team, and ultimately run him out of the league, what is the point. Noble but will not likely work for the guy. As far as the rest of the team, or what Nolan may or may not be telling them, its anybody's guess. I suspect he would prefer to see shift to shift toughness and heart rather than raw reaction to events. He is not getting that on a nightly basis and as someone else pointed out, it will be the demise of more than a few careers here.
  2. Typical bush league NHL crap. It will never change as long as that gutless weasel Bettman is running things.
  3. Great article. He is right about many things, especially about how his shining the light on the hypocrisy of the NHL will not endear him to the league office.
  4. I did not see Girgenson's injury. The play on Stewart did not look good. Frankly, I thought it was a bit of cheap shot, if a knee to knee by a goalie can be considered a cheap shot.
  5. You might see Pysyk in Buffalo next year, perhaps Risto by the end of the year but I bet they would prefer not. No way on Zadorov. Ted Black said on GR today that their intention was not to compete for a playoff spot next year. It would be an accident if it happened, not a plan.
  6. If he could win 5 of the remaining 20 or so games with this steaming pile he should be coach of the year. I am on board with the tank, but there is no denying this is going to hard to watch.
  7. Finally some rationality. They were lucky to get anything for Halak today. Neuvirth has upside and is under contract. At the least, it puts off having to find a goaltender who is NHL ready before next season. If it was Neuvirth for a third and exchange of two UFAs I would be fine with it.
  8. Why not? The do not currently have any.
  9. Well, you knew it was going to be worse after the trade deadline. It was just a question of how much worse.
  10. Why not cash in the chips they have now for assets? They can certainly negotiate with Ott and Moulson in July if they want to, assuming both were genuine in their stated desire to discuss staying.
  11. It has been widely reported, and acknowledged by Miller, that he did have discussions with the team. Apparently no formal contract was offered, just trying to gauge his interest in committing to stay. Miller was also public about his lack of certainty in wanting to stay. I suspect if he had expressed a strong preference for resigning now, that would probably have happened, but Miller was not interested. It is less clear on Ott. There is nothing preventing the Sabres from making offers to Moulson and Ott come July 1, if they want to resign either, and nothing preventing them from agreeing to come back if that is what they want. Cashing in the chips now is the right thing to do for the team, IMO.
  12. None of those suggested Sabres trades in the matchmaker article make any sense to me. If TM made any of those trades I would seriously question his intelligence. Thankfully, I am pretty sure he does not take trade advice from websites. :P
  13. A non-disclosure in return for severance is not at all unusual. I have signed several. This is intended to prevent the departed party from impacting the organization's competitive position in any way. In the case of an NHL Team, Sabres or anyone, this would logically cover any specific discussion of internal team decision making or discussions. A former employee making statements that denigrate the public image of the team would put them at a competitive disadvantage so would logically be prohibited.
  14. Agreed. He is an intriguing prospect but at least one year in Rochester best case. You never know - he may blossom there.
  15. So true. Buffalo sports fans have a long history of under valuing and under appreciating their own players. People will be missing Miller once Enroth is starting every game. Not saying they should not trade him, but we are not likely to see anyone in his class with the Sabres for some time. The cupboard, at least in the near term, is looking very bare.
  16. I I hate to judge before all he facts are in, but it beginning to look like this is a very bad team.
  17. Nothing all that surprising. Varone and Rudy get to play during the break. Omark has shown nothing.
  18. I am really trying to care, but I just cannot. I am being run over by the tank
  19. I like Kaleta, but he is not and never will be the player or leader that Steve Ott is. Players like Ott are not that available which is why he is in such demand. Good for him - he is being wasted on this team.
  20. The NHL has decided to run him out of the game. Make an example out of him.
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