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Everything posted by MDFan

  1. I would bet it was a short conversation.
  2. The Sabres unfortunately are heavy in LW with not much on the right. Unless they can flip Kane for a competent right winger, they are going to have to make do. It does not change that the Sabres are waisting time by continuing to jam O'Reilley and Reinhardt into the wrong positions.
  3. Agree with this. Sam needs to be a center, and O'reilley at wing. This is the best configuration for the long term and there is no evidence to suggest it is not the correct one. It has been the stubbornness of Bylsma that has prevented this playing out. The time to make this move is now. Eichel with O' Reilly on his wing would be a dymamic combination. Sam with Okposo would be also a potentially great alignment. Beyond that, I would hope that some combination of Bailey, Baptiste, or Fasching can step up to one or two of the left wing roles. I like Kane with Larson and Foligno on a third line. Ennis is the piece that does not fit right now and I have no confidence that he can be effective in the top six.
  4. I am not sure that I understand how Pegula is "meddling" with the Sabres. He hired TM and gave him free rein to build the team and coaching staff as he saw fit. Three years into it, is anyone really satisfied with the results? I liked TM's style and personality, and agreed with much of what he did, but there have been some critical errors that have resulted in the Sabres still muddling along. Anyone could see Bylsma was not right for this job after two years. Multiple player issues as well. If Murray stuck with Bylsma in his meeting with Pegula, good for him in pulling the plug. We are not starting over in the rebuild but a fresh direction is required.
  5. Now that I say that, they finally put him on a line with real NHL players and he scores. Great shot.
  6. I don't blame him if he is. Look who he is playing with.
  7. It seems the opposite to me - a poor fit for contract 2. They already have big money tied up in their top 4. Panarin is likely next in line. He gets an immediate opportunity to win a cup, which would be attractive, but a big money contract is more likely with another team.
  8. Actually, an underperming forward for a D man which fills a big need is not a bad deal. Whether they should have drafted Hall in the first place is a different question. This helps the Oilers.
  9. Montreal is a tire fire. What a stupid move.
  10. I think actually a good move for Stamkos and the best outcome for the game. Very happy he did not go to Toronto.
  11. That would be fun. It would be even more fun if John Scott was still on he team. I hate the leaves. Go Sabres.
  12. According to the article on ESPN, he and the GM were not on the same page. The quote from a team source is "it simply didn't work out and it was a mutual parting of ways". Sorry I can't link it right now but the article is on the ESPN NHL site.
  13. The Bruins are trying to tank without tanking. I cannot see this approach working. They could be really bad, but not bad enough for a top five pick. Pain and suffering ahead for Bruins fans.
  14. Is there anyone in the world who actually takes Don Cherry seriously anymore? If there is, I am pretty confident that Mike Babcock is not one of them.
  15. I was talking about the OP, and I am not off in my assessment. Of course , this is matter of opinion.
  16. That is quite possibly the most ignorant and insulting post I have read on this, or any other, sports message board. I am sure you are very proud of yourself. Well done.
  17. Hatrick's is awesome. I always stop in there when I am in town, and have had the opportunity to watch a couple of Sabres games there, once against the Lightening, albeit in better times. You certainly cannot beat the bartender/waitress selection.
  18. Probably the result of the hit from behind into the boards in the third period. Uncalled. He is lucky it was not an upper body, ie, head injury.
  19. Sounds like Luke Adam 2.0 Will be a good fit in Rochester.
  20. It at least looks worth watching. Hopefully not TOO good.
  21. Assuming they have tried to trade him, and there is no reason to believe they have not been doing so for months, this makes the most sense. They are trying to build a team, and having an unhappy, underperforming player as the veteran of your blue line is not the way to do it. I am sure the Sabres are capable of managing the cap implications so I am unconcerned about the " how will we possibly reach the floor" talk. Better to cut and run from this now. He was clearly not part of the future. He sulked and played very poorly last year. Let's move on.
  22. Love this pick. Size, attitude, toughness, and enough skill to be dangerous. Exactly the type of player they need if he develops. Let's hope he does.
  23. Great Reinhart discussion going on this thread.
  24. I am entirely confident that the Islanders will be just as bad next year as they were this year. From a timing perspective, I was hoping to get their pick this year as that shortens the time frame for actual NHL production from the pick, but they will probably get as good or better a player in next year's draft from the Islanders.
  25. Tim Murray has said publicly he is not at all concerned about reaching the cap floor. I assume he has a plan. I cannot imagine any scenario where Leino is part of that plan. They may still not be good next year, but I fully expect the roster to be completely purged of consistent under achievers. If you want to start to establish a certain style of play and mentality, which they do, Leino has to go.
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