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Everything posted by pi2000

  1. DG was right to start him Friday coming off the 38s effort against the same team. I blame DG and the leadership group for the poor effort.
  2. UPL just dominated the Flyers. You put him right back in there against them Friday.
  3. Can't fault UPL for first goal, but he could've stepped up and poked the puck on the second goal, also Bryson doing Bryson things... why is he still here again? smh
  4. I agree, he plays a very mature game, however IMO he's not "too good" for juniors. Again, for a prospect like him at 18 he needs to playing +20min a game in all situations to fully round out his game. Giving him 10-13min at night in the NHL will stunt his growth and most importantly his confidence as he'll need to adjust from being over a point per game player, to much much less than that. That's not ideal for a kid with his potential... dominating in juniors is much better for him long term vs being a role player at the NHL level.
  5. Name one prospect, in the history of the game, who's development stalled out because he played an extra year in juniors. There's none, but I can name a dozen off the top of my head who made the jump too early. He's 18, he's still learning the game, his instincts and awareness are still developing... he needs to playing and playing a lot... not just 10-13min per game like he is now. And all those rumors about Wenatchee being a toxic environment are completely false. They have the winningest head coach in AHL history (808 wins) behind the bench and are 1st place in their division, 2nd in the Western Conference... there's a lot he could still learn from Coach Sommer.
  6. The new head coach (Kevin Constantine) who was hired in the offseason, was suspended until 2025 for discriminatory comments. This all happened before the season even started. Their current head coach is Roy Sommer, who was head coach of the San Jose AHL team last season. Wenatchee is currently 1st place in their division and 2nd in the conference.
  7. How exactly does sitting around not playing for a few weeks as an 18 year old help his development? Juniors has never ruined a prospect... forcing them into action too early in their career has... countless times.
  8. Yeah I get the conspiracy theories around those 2, but really it would've been best for their long term development if they were both back in junior playing 25min a game in all situations. KA needs to show a little more patience with these young prospects, hopefully this doesn't stunt their development.
  9. This will set him back I'm afraid. This is what happens when you thrust an undersized 18yo into your lineup before he's physically ready. What wouldve been best for him is to play a full season as the top dog on his junior team, learn how to lead and continue to build confidence while filling out physically. Now he's forced to miss time in what is a crucial development year for him, smh.
  10. What a ***** joke. Handing out tens of millions in deals left and right with a 10 cent goalie. FITFO
  11. I've said it since day 1, both him and Savoie should be sent back to Wenatchee. No prospect has ever been ruined by playing too many years of junior hockey.
  12. Levi makes some nice saves, but he has a ton to work on, it's obvious even on saves... he should be in Roch playing every night. Buffalo is ready to contend, but when he's letting in weak goals and looks shaky it completely deflates the team. First, second and 4th goal he should've had... out of position kicks it in, lost the puck stick not down, flat footed on the goaline too deep in the net.
  13. They look absolutely lost and confused in their own zone, almost like they've never practiced how to defend their zone.... I can't even tell what defense they're playing.. is it man? is it zone? do they collapse in front of Levi? I have no idea.
  14. That's the issue. The backup(s) will underperform if only playing once a month... they'd improve their playoff chances with a single backup tendy playing once every 5-7 games. I'd also suggest sitting Levi every 5 games or so, maybe even give him a week off here and there to stay fresh. He's never playes more than 20-30 games in a season, he'll need more frequent mental breaks while he adjusts.
  15. "Mexican food" and "Buffalo" don't belong in the same sentence.
  16. This was part of his "contract" agreement last season to get him to come back for one more year while Levi was in school. Mike Bales is officially on notice.
  17. Yep. UPL might get a start next week after not playing for a month, have a rough start before settling in and everybody will say he sucks. Totally fair to him lol. Trade him or send him to Roch, if he gets claimed, oh well... time to move on, they have their guy in Levi.
  18. Outcoached. Granato is a great developmental coach, but this team needs to take the next step system wise. Still giving up too much. Is he the guy to take this team to the next level?
  19. .....if he doesn't put up 2+ points and is at least a +2 tonite, then he's overpaid.
  20. not saying it's a must win, but.... many women may watch Mittlestadt work miracles with multiple wingers.
  21. $20m for 2 defensemen? hmmmm Next season they'll have +$27m tied up between 4 d-men. Idk, hope it works out but seems a little top heavy.
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