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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. I’ll start. Cannibal Corps Bay City Drollers Terry Hacks Fool Motley Crud Hush Busted Root
  2. I know. The really sad part is that Bruce and Ted are gone now. Bruce died from cancer, and Ted was killed in a plane crash.
  3. I miss the days of REAL jazz fusion. Bands like Weather Report, Didier Lockwood, Gamalon, and these guys. Kenny G and his ilk ruined it. Besides, who’s going to fill John Patitucci’s shoes when he goes?
  4. Our space is really limited, so we’re doing the best we can with what we have. Oops! Lest I forget. Mrs. CC is looking forward to seeing roses pop out.
  5. Yeah, but I don’t need to come across any ambulance chasers. You know, the ones with the billboards?
  6. Bad news about my meds: they can cause insomnia. Good news: I am much more focused and alert. While I could wish I’d known about the problem and solution many years ago, it’s better late than never.
  7. People who cut truckers off at the very last second just so they can catch their exit. Newsflash, people! We can’t stop on a dime. Help you if you cause a wreck and a trucker has a dash cam. You’ll lose in court.
  8. Does the CBA allow for unforeseen circumstances such as COVID-19?
  9. Absolutely not. Yes, there have been strike shortened seasons (with the exception of 04-05), but they still awarded championships. This is the only exception to date, and I hope this never happens again.
  10. Nothing is sweeter than seeing a T-shirt that says “Do not disturb me on these days”. It had the Dallas Cowboys regular season schedule on it. I wanted to go up him and ask, “Including when they hosted the Bills this past Thanksgiving?”, but I used better judgment and passed on it. BTW, I was wearing my Bills baseball cap ATST.
  11. Our herb garden has really been taking off like a SpaceX rocket! I hope to have a pic or two for you guys tomorrow or Saturday.
  12. I’ve been saying on other platforms that education begins at home. Your post proves this. Just thought I’d let you know that there are Christian ministries that outright reject racism and that they unwaveringly proclaim that we are all one human race. I understand that you say that you are an atheist, but you seem to be open-minded enough to not throw the baby out with the bath water.
  13. I guess if you love PBR, have at it. Besides, I thought this was Labatt Blue territory.
  14. Don’t give them a reason to move the franchise.
  15. Help me out, please. Who’s Chia? As for Mike Milbury, I’ll pass. Something about his personality rubs me the way way. This reminds me of the recent Craigslist posting on selling the team. I just hope they put an end to this disastrous golf foxtrot.
  16. Sad AND sickening! We dealt with this for 9 years. Thanks to Mr. Musk, that changed.
  17. That’s not where I was going. Look at the beer can.
  18. Supposedly, this laugh was $8M cheaper than hitching a ride from Star City in Kazakhstan.
  19. Still working and paying the bills. Mrs. CC and I are working our way through NCIS. In spite of all of the cast changes, the show keeps going strong.
  20. What’s wrong with this picture?
  21. Unfortunately, the post has been flagged for removal. Somehow, the Pegulas didn’t like the humor made at their expense. Jeez! Lighten up, Kimbo Slice! You could have been Taro Tsujimoto IAL for all we know.
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