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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Man, that first goal. Risto trying to cross check Lee instead of tie up the stick. You can't do that. The second goal.. just barf. The third goal a lot like the one yesterday. No D man was anywhere near the net. They are running around lost.
  2. Happy Birthday! 78? Well done. Here's to many more! Gotta be nice having a child who's a chef... what's his specialty?
  3. I think, at this point, I would prefer to put Cozens at the 2C with Skinner and Reinhart and move Olofsson to the top line. Put Staal in at 3C, drop Okposo and figure out which of Lazar/Eakin are going to play wing for a bit. I like Bryson, but pairing him with Montour almost assuredly means that pairing will get caved in when they are on the ice. I would put Bryson with Risto.
  4. Absolutely. Sometimes you make a choice and it doesn't work out. All you can do is learn from it and hope to not repeat it. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes you have to be patient and accept you can't take action despite wanting to take action. You have to wait it out, because the actions you have available all have strong chances of making things worse, either immediately or in the near enough future to matter. The lack of taking action does not mean one is in agreement with the situation. Only that they believe the right action to take does not yet exist. I think it's better to think of the possible actions and see what's reasonably possible rather than just yell "Do something."
  5. Absolutely. Lasagna is best if it has a chance to sit. That's how my wife does it (she made it Friday for yesterday) and she learned that from her grandmother, who came here straight from Italy. πŸ™‚ Lasagna is the meal I have on my birthday and the one my son has on his birthday. His birthday was Thursday but he had a hockey game. So be it. Also, I guess I will watch this game. I'm going to hate myself for it perhaps even more than I do the next morning when I hate myself for having just one more drink the night before.
  6. The interim coach is usually an assistant and on this group of coaches it's logical to assume they are part of the problem since Krueger already said he leaves the X's and O's to the people with more knowledge. Stupid action is making a change when it will have no benefit or bearing on the long term outcome. In your scenario you're saying spend $1000 now to make yourself happy and screw the fact that I won't have the money to pay that bill later. Everything you project in your posts is that you welcome rash decisions that may have mediocre short-term benefit but ultimately not really improve anything or lead to worse situations later on. And here is Exhibit A. Ted Nolan and Ron Rolston could not do a better job at this point. Just a point: if a response is going to include how this team is a suffering mess worse than when they were coached by those two, please also supply evidence of how you care comparing a season where the Sabres have only played 6 teams, 3 of whom would be considered near the top in the league, as opposed to a normal season where they'd have more games against lower opponents.
  7. One might argue that you are simply motivated by one of your players being injured and you take it upon yourself to play harder and win the game because of that and not any response from the fighting.
  8. Now, when you say that, do you mean it like most posters on here regarding a player and a contract? πŸ™‚ I know you don't.. but others might actually think you want him to have another contract.. πŸ™‚
  9. Ahh you were referring to Wilson caring, my apologies. No, I don't think he does. But you also don't want a Marty McSorely or a Todd Bertuzzi response either right? And yes, Wilson needs to be sitting down a long time. I am sure he'll get less simply because of the compressed season. It's just how the NHL thinks. But he deserves the max.
  10. Did you read what Weave posted? Did you ignore it? It laid out some good reasons why this press conference was held. You seem to just want to ignore things and rage about "inaction". Stupid action is just as bad. But is he wrong? If he's not wrong, and I don't believe he is, then you are the one who looks like a joke for simply saying this in response to his accurate statements. Before you have a plan you evaluate what needs to be done. When you have a plan you evaluate how it's being played out. And, it's a press conference to answer questions, if anyone thought they'd actually get detailed answers they are the fools. What Adams did has been done time and time again across sports leagues and each time people are amazed at how little is said. Sometimes statements are made without being directly made. No, it's not. He can have full authority to act but still want to consult people on his thinking. I have full authority to go spend $1000 right now, but I'll probably confer with my wife before I do it.
  11. I didn't see the game but I would be inclined to believe, based on other posters, that when the hit occurred there was a response. You are saying nothing was done and others are saying Wilson was taken to the ice and had a cut on his nose. If you mean no one fought him? Then yes, that would be accurate. As for your thoughts on Carlo... I would bet he cares very much that the Bruins went after Wilson and that they won. I'm sure he'd prefer to not be in the hospital but I am also quite positive he's happier that his team responded than he'd be if he was in the hospital and his team did nothing.
  12. I would imagine that most players on 1 year contracts will be moved if there's a decent interest. Hall will be traded and the good news is that with the Sabres being so dysfunctional no one can really believe that Hall is as had as he is playing so someone will give up something decent for him.
  13. Oh damn.. last varsity game of the season (unless they make sectionals) at 1pm today. Looks like I'll miss this one too. I'm heartbroken...
  14. Nothing so far has helped. So why not?
  15. Absolutely. Simply put, you don't win if the puck if you don't have the puck. Circling back to your D to retain possession should be the play over dumping it in to the other team. The only time you deviate is when you need a wholesale change or you simply can't get it back to the D without an equal opportunity of turning it over.
  16. Hall and Staal haven't scored.. Reider has. Perhaps it's not as crazy as you think. It'll all matter in ice time in the end. Don't have to watch this one... varsity game tonight. Big game. Sad the season is almost over.
  17. The fight aside, the way Dylan Cozens is playing the game right now is what excites me about him. In that same game, and I believe Marty pointed it out in intermission, he carried the puck in the zone while the team made a line change. He protected the puck, waited, and then made a play to continue the offensive zone attack. He's patient out there. The only reason he's not at the top of this team right now is his lacking in physical ability and that's not his fault. He's young. When he's not losing out because of his strength, he's absolutely what you want to see on this team. I will say this. Jack Eichel went out and threw some hits after that fight. The team really did pour the pressure on the Rangers after it. It's not really the fight, but the emotional aftermath that really matters. I think you could get some players who make big hits or just wear down the opponent like the Islanders Identity line of Cizikas, Martin, and Clutterbuck. That line goes out on the ice and just sets the tone for the rest of the team to follow. They physically wear opponents out. The Sabres don't have that and they need it. Sheahan and Girgensons could be the foundation of it. They had it, somewhat, last year with the LOG line. I'm not sold Girgensons is the physical player that's needed. So, you take the emotion of a kid like Cozens who's already know for his work ethic. He went out and set a tone that basically said, "We can play physical. Enough of this crap." The team responded. I think we'll see more of it. It demonstrates the attitude they need. It worked. You don't want him fighting in many games, but you want players out there setting the attitude of the team. I'm not gonna go all Cozens for Captain yet as that puts a lot on his shoulders. But he can certainly lead by example and let others follow along like they did Tuesday.
  18. Actually almost assuredly they will not brew on site. They would call it a Brewpub if they did. The licensing they need actually changes if they don't brew on site. It makes it a wiser choice in being able to offer a full bar as well. They can (and will) still dominate the tap handles though I am sure of that. They also have their own spirits so I would expect to see those featured as well.
  19. I appreciate the response. A few more questions.. If the purpose of a vaccine is to achieve herd immunity then wouldn't it also be possible for that to happen naturally? What is the percentage of the population that needs to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity? It seems contradictory to say that herd immunity can be achieved naturally and yet also acknowledge that something that is still highly vaccinated against, such as MMR. You note the effectiveness rates, so clearly mumps has a 29% chance of being ineffective, rubella and measles less than 10%. It seems that you also point out though that outbreaks are occurring not because of an ineffective vaccine so much as those who chose to not be vaccinated. This, of course, makes sense, but it seems to also work against the concept of herd immunity. At least with the flu shot I can speak anecdotally. I had it twice in my life and both times I ended up with the flu (diagnosed) that year. For whatever reason I've never had it otherwise. Hard to say why, but each of us is unique. I certainly do not believe the shot caused the flu, only that it failed, twice, to prevent it. I also didn't get the flu immediately after the shot, it was at least a month or more later. I'm not an anti-vaxxer by any means. My kids are vaccinated. I am just skeptical of some claims when my personal experience has indicated otherwise. As for how people become anti-vaxxers.. I think the lunatics will believe anything. But there is a segment of the population, with experiences like mine, who would tend to think critically about using the term vaccine for something that is acknowledged to be questionably effective (compared to MMR for example).
  20. if I had the money I would be interested, even if I weren't a Sabres fan. You have a large, geographically dispersed fan base from a city that is dying for a championship of any kind. Owning the Sabres and properly running it should be able to make you money and definitely get your ego stroked by fans who would adore you for bringing back a competitive, fun team that had a chance at winning. I wouldn't move the team from Buffalo, the market has proven how insane it is for hockey and you only need to fill the arena. Even in a city the size of Buffalo that was possible, I recall not too long ago when they had to put STH on a waiting list. The new model. Bars themselves are seeing reduced traffic, store sales, while up, are more competitive than ever. However, the traffic at micro-breweries, and targeted brewpubs is through the roof. Those are popping up all over and they need to open their own locations to remain relevant and to support the size of brewing operation that they have.
  21. If a player doesn't want to be here, then we should get rid of him. This organization has made changes to try and please him and it's not worked. Perhaps they are not the right changes, but he appeared to be on board with them. He's done and he wants out. I wouldn't want to play for a teammate like that. As a fan I root for the Sabres first and the players second. If a player doesn't want to be here then I want them gone. I've never been a huge Eichel fan anyway. Until last season he never seemed to be the guy who was going to deliver and was prone to taking shifts off and gliding around the ice. I'm in favor of moving on from the coach and Eichel and anyone else who wants out.
  22. Excuse me.. who are you? πŸ˜‰ I think the Sabres, even with the current goaltending situation could compete better if they were on the same page or cared to play. it's clear something is rotten in the locker room.
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