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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Agreed... Murray needs to STFU... and quietly grovel before Jack. Dude needs to grow up unlike us on this board. :P
  2. Tim Murray apparently. The man needs to do a mia culpa saying he is sorry about any negative feelings he might have created towards Jack E and do a little grovelling. It would really suck if Sabres lost Jack to. Can he not declare for the draft?
  3. So does the organist play jumpin jack flash when he scores?
  4. Ah Ottawa bitten by bad reffing, hand pass on game winner. toga, Toga!
  5. Murray was obviously disappointed not getting McDavid, still helluv a consolation prize with some size in Eichel. Means Murray will need to earn his paycheck with later picks.... Murray was visually dissapointed so not really out of context, just overblown and mishandled by Murray wearing his emotions on sleaves and not being welcoming to Eichel but instead crying about process we all know and have known sucks.
  6. Darn except in first, ER got busy and couldnt watch... P.s. Neil or a shadow of his former self is in tonite.
  7. breathing is overrated. I am more woried about arthritic finger...????
  8. Plot....ploy... Plot... Though I crticize, and don't think he is the next coming... I still want him to be succesful... Better than Darcy is a pretty low bar... I want the Sabres to win the cup and will hold this or any other GMs feet to the fire till they do.
  9. Now you get it.... Add in I work in the greatest league in the best sport in the world for a future cup winner!
  10. Murray's attitude is why the NHL continues to be considered a second class sport, despite my bias. It is marketing 101 and if the NHL had any understanding of this Murray should have been fined and Edmonton should never have gotten the first pick. This is about promotion of the league, who gives a rats ass what Murray thinks of the circus, he should participate with a fake smile on his face and promote the league.
  11. No you misunderstand, I think Murray misjudged Lemieux's self righteousness abt being a no. 1 and could avoided that debacle choosing someone else such as...Barbashev That he recovered and didnt pull a Darcy getting something for him is a plus.
  12. I know we disagree on Lemieux, and at least he got something post imo misjudgement... Better than Darcy sticking with the Tin Man for too long.... Or not resigning Briere.
  13. Fair enough was lazy on ipad and didnt recheck last years draft...Karabacek, Cornel, Martin, Johassen, Willman, Brown and Olafsson, along with Lemieux who is no longer here and Max. Agree with second part, especially considering his rep is that of a first rate scout...
  14. What he says or doesnt say in public is more for a PR person to keep Murray out of trouble. My concern is for his hockey sense and my sense that his desire for control may lead to inflexibilty when choosing a new coach and whether he has ability to find diamond in later rounds or able to trade guys for better assets. So far 50/50 imo but jury is still out. Bogo good, Kane who knows but has dreaded potential, Lemieux a minor snafu.... Will Comfer, Bailey, Baptiste, et al turn into useable players? Do Sabres markedly improve next year under who as their coach? Should be interesting...
  15. Ok Murray gets it abt center... But he needs to suck it up on process even though i agree with him process sucks. He needs to promote the league... NFL would fine him for these comments. TY for posting.
  16. Sabres still need another guy who can put the puck in the net... Anyone they could trade up to get worth it, Any perceived late bloomers outbthere??
  17. I know some of you like it but just seems immature at times. Though no one on this board has a leg to stand on including myself in that regard..
  18. Which is why he needs a better PR guy to handle that crap get him thru it quick and back to business
  19. Now that would be awesome and I would reconsider my Murray hate.
  20. Sabres need more than either Eichel or McDavid in a draft this deep, one player doesn't improve scoring that much except if he is Taresenko. And now Buff needs a coach not named Murray....
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