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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Hey, have him contact my cousin Chad, does the soundtrack for Scandle, did the lead in for scrubs, played hockey growing up, produce Colin Hay's accoustic album, 3 songs on movie Garden State, sound track for Chasing Mavericks and more. Seriously though should be plenty of talent in Buffalo to do this.
  2. If they can get the ice girls to dress up like that and dance like that, I could go for a Bollywood theme!
  3. I like this version for singing: laurie berkner erie canal
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/al-arbour-coached-isles-4-cup-titles-dies-164914312--spt.html
  5. AP story by Tom Canavan and our own John Wawrow, Remember a great coach RIP
  6. AP story by Tom Canavan and our own John Wawrow, Remember a great coach RIP
  7. Ah the memories, great way to pick up girls too. We would go to the midnite movie at the Key Theatre in Georgetown. I was at GW. We would show up at 11 to get our seats and dance to punk rock music and figure out who you were taking home that night. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel. We of course brought rice, toast, squirt bottles.., newspapers etc and laugh at the guy with no fing neck... Sigh good times. P.S. reading MRI in practice and starting to train. physics keeps the mind young....
  8. Having been there during the debate working for the democratic leadership in the Senate, the feeling I remember was that everyone felt Cheney was misrepresenting the facts about Iraq, Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban was a bigger threat but Bush et al wanted payback for threatening his father and there was significant concern of the threat from Sadam and Iran focused on a weakened Sadam to the Iraqi control of its oil fields. Senatorial Dems couldn't politically justify getting in front of a pissed off american electorate from post 911 in wake of Admin PR campaign despite reservations expressed by many includings warnings and by doubts expressed Senator Paul Wellstone.
  9. Still one of my favorites and great little humodor in Stamford that carries 3 different labels as well as a number of styles of Ashton's
  10. Please be the guinea pig and let us know your thoughts, I'm in the exact same boat. I second this motion. It's good to know that all though I am a bull headed, stubborn, crotchety old fart, my disdain for 8.1 is not just because it is so different than XP but that it truly sucks. I am buying new laptop soon figure 10 or find refurb 7 but would luv details of turning off spware too
  11. Dude that is tame, spend a nite working in ER in Yonkers 1 evening, forgot how sheltered Amherst is... Or a day strolling around Capital in the 1980s, a lot of folks with psych issues that don't make itbto burbs. D welcome to the Muffy and Dave fan level... Seriously it could've been a lot worse.
  12. So if the northeast moon set on the west side would that mean the Sabres have won the Stanley Cup??
  13. So they are trading for Stafford then...
  14. Interesting article on NHL website analyzing depth of 2016 class. http://www.nhl.com/ice/m_news.htm?id=774344
  15. I smell an old fashion peasant revolt.
  16. Jack compares to a healthy motivated Super Mario, long stick powerful shoulders and edge speed. In todays game would take a healthy Mario over Gretsky, but the key is gretsky knew how to avoid hits, making his hockey life longer. McDavid, Eichel and Crosby all like to mix it up so we will see health wise. Cindy has already paid some price forit with his concussions.
  17. True, but adding top 6 guys is the key and the current group of bottom six played top six minutes for Sabres last year, so this is an improvement. Not saying Sabres are contenders yet, you? Or just tired of bottom six finishes? Maybe some of them, especially young guys step up, maybe some are trade bait for picks that Murray uses to overspend but get a top six guy, either way accumulating all these guys is good thing imo till further notice.
  18. Or put Larsson at wing, guy can skate, digs in corners and shows he can set up guys 3rd or fourth line, see where he fits. All true but nice to have all these forwards during a long season, gives some room to overcome injuries and spell guys, havent looked at how many back to back games sabres have but this might work!
  19. Sabres could have used Ward a better Marcus and has wheels imo.
  20. The original Sabre #15 Gerry Meehan with A C on his jersey, Eich should wear it proudly
  21. Sarcasm dude... With ifs but nice bite and seriously why not sign Oduya, no return compensation required...
  22. He would rather give away draft pics, signing FAs not exciting enough...
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