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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. I think this hurts Chi, Saad has been coming into his own and his confidence is through the roof. Hossa looked old and a step slower, and Bickel is a good character guy, but they can be found. Saad was gonna cost but gotta think the Hawks could have trimmed elsewhere.
  2. So whats the earliest we start seeing signings tomorrow?
  3. Or Hodgson and a third for the gynie clamp but leaves keep 2/3 of his salary.
  4. I disagree on balance with the concussion issue and Lerner is still a potential, so yes TM way overpaid imo, not saying he may have gotten a gem, interdivision shouldn't cost that much above the going rate. Also no way Cindy is the same player he once was, skill yes, agressiveness no, he is no where near as consistent and tough, still great but not as dominant post concussion.
  5. Really, Lerner head issues even med staff are unsure of implications both shortbrun and long run, it will be hard to tell both for Lerner's sake and the Sabres which is why taking a risk on him is fine, overpaying was foolish and TM needs to become a better negotiator. That being said he has been able to adapt and now his Uncle owes him one. Murray if smart keeps that chit in his pocket and uses it well.
  6. So Saad, Tarasenko, Oduya, and Reggie... wow now that wouldbe a haul and if Murray pulls anywherenear that off I will. hmmm, be very happy :)
  7. DeLuca and KTD i appreciate both of your thoughtfulness on this subject. I agree balance is the word and acknowledging that some of what Murray is doing is risky, but calculated and only part of the strategy is probably correct. That doesnt mean it should not be questioned. The koolaid crowd drives me up the wall as much as the sky is falling crowd can be a bit much too, balance.
  8. I watched past Sabre teams fall apart because of injury, guys that have had them are targeted dont think Kane's shoulder and Lerner's head wont be
  9. with medical issues..., discount... where is my discount folks... lol
  10. Still potential till they all get together and with potentially two head cases, who knows.., Hedge always hedge I hope you are right, call me skeptical. Show me, god can't wait till season starts.
  11. F fine, is it too much to ask, I Want awesome, potential is like a Wish Sandwich and a rubber biscuit.. I am a medical professional with experience addressing head trauma and a child who has a complicated neurological problem, actually not in any fantacy leagues. But may live too close to Wall Street hence the request for a risk discount.
  12. And some don't have prob with Kane, hope you are right. Lerner, if and a big if, watched him in Ottowa before he got hurt, imo, will be a very good goaltender, if his head is ok, much better than Lack... Just saying the risk is worth a discount... Murray needs to get his cake and eat it too at a fair price, not a Westchester, NY price
  13. Me neither and that part I agree with, my concern is with what he got in return specifically Kane... Head case... We will see the first time he feels slighted, and Lerner - head ache case. Was gonna say case of head but that sounded wrong....
  14. If the two most of us question Murray about Kane and Lerner, yes that is over valueing their worth especially given their health issues. I have no problem with these trades if both their heads are screwed on right, but that is a very important asset to have working correctly. look how quickly NFL draft picks and FAs fall when healthis an issue. Heck look at PLF near his end even though he could still skate. Head issues should not be taken lightly.
  15. For 2 reasons I would say your statement misses the point. It remains to be seen if who Murray got in return makes a difference, the new assets have flaws too and may not gell. 2 his negotiating has lent the Sabres giving away too much imo and if Murray had given away less could he have gotten more in return with other trades. Imo he could have done better by not giving away so much, the Sabres could have gotten another D and a scoring winger and a more stable goaltender. Your statement of who cares and it is irrelant is myopic and short sighted as well as insulting. The Sabres have been bad for too long for many of us question every move of this GM and point out his moves pitfalls. Until the Sabres actually show they are competative I think these are highly relevant discussions. . its a bit "risky" Fair points, except that two of the players received in return are big physical question marks and one Kane may be a head case and one has case of cracked head, Lerner, don't know yet and that is a lot to give a way on a maybe and a prayer. Granted both are hockey player and dont need a lot upstairs for anything other than hockey. And the Sabres still need another scoring winger and top 4 D.
  16. So remind me again what UFA and RFA D are out there? Ah any of Mike Green, Johnny Oduya and, Paul Martin would be nice. As for wingers I am hoping for Joel Ward.
  17. Agreed, always forget about him and Larsson young depth now replenish young D
  18. Yeh but Sabres arent there yet and Chi did that after they won the first one.
  19. If that was all it was, but Grigs, Big Z, Armia, a 1st and really two more late firsts/early 2nds, that is a lot of apples out the pipe. Hope there is still enough smoke, guess Stachan and Weber will be stickin around
  20. If he can score, numbers were not there last year, injured or couldn't break the line-up
  21. crap, Big Z should have been enough, don't like the trade. Murray imo getting schooled. Sabres will be better, but won't have enough depth to go anywhere long term.
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