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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I honestly don't know what other goalies they have, but starting an ECHL goalie makes no sense to me. Unless they are doing it to ensure last place. GO SABRES!!!
  2. Can starting an ECHL goalie be done without backlash? Aside from pulling your goalie at the start of the game, nothing is going too far at this point. What, we're gonna get scolded by Bettman? Nobody is gonna remember any of it anyway. GO SABRES!!!
  3. This is inspired! But I'd still play Ellis over Tynan just to be safe. GO SABRES!!!
  4. This is a valid point. I wouldn't be above putting barbiturates in their bench water. GO SABRES!!!
  5. I say Hackett can back up our ECHL goalie instead. GO SABRES!!!
  6. Agree 100%. Let the coaches coach and the players play. And let Murray decide what chips are played. GO SABRES!!!
  7. I've made my position known: as complete a roster makeover as possible. None of the injured players even sniffs coming back. Star players like Ennis and Risto are shelved to prevent injury. Every prospect in the A that we haven't seen is called up to get a look. And we bring in an ECHL goalie as well. Gotta be in it to win it. GO SABRES!!!
  8. That's not how I see it going down. At no time would Murray say to throw the rest of the season. But he would tell them that all the AHL eligible players are going back down and a replacement group from Rochester is coming up. He would tell Ennis, Risto, Bogo, etc. that they are being shelved for the rest of the year; no sense in risking injury. He would also insist Hackett gets his starts, while an ECHL prospect gets brought up to see if he has what it takes. As to telling them about drafting their replacements, that's a given. Half this current squad isn't in our future plans as it is. Too bad if they can't deal with that reality. Radical? Yes. But Arizona is playing to win this prize and we need to match that commitment. All the flowery rhetoric about character and winning being the primary objective is out the window at this point. GO SABRES!!! And the 'Yotes can realistically be expected to do this with an ECHL goalie prospect? I doubt it. GO SABRES!!! LOL!
  9. I don't think the stats guys took into account the goal tending prowess of an ECHL goalie in their analysis. The 'Yotes are playing to win. GO SABRES!!!
  10. Agreed. And when Murray trades pending free agents, he's accused of facilitating the tank to boot! If Murray DOES have some immutable code of honor about this whole thing, he needs to get over it, and fast. The ONE thing everyone is gonna remember is how we blew the opportunity. Conversely, nobody is gonna remember what the 'Yotes did when one of McDeichel is skating circles around the competition. Only how great they are gonna be with one of them to build around. GO SABRES!!!
  11. I agree 100%. We are getting gamed by the 'Yotes and I can't believe Murray is OK with that. Sit the whole team down, let them know what the deal is, and go about the business of finishing last. And if Nolan doesn't like, who cares? I mean, except for the holier than thou purists who actually believe their own crap? GO SABRES!!!
  12. Good. Let's get him up to the big club to spell Risto. Who's down on the farm to replace Ennis? GO SABRES!!!
  13. Shades of John Mackey! GO BILLS!!!
  14. Tip of the hat to Jimmy O! He got very creative with the Harvin deal and absolutely handcuffed Miami with the Clay deal. Most teams have a dedicated capologist and we have one of the best. GO BILLS!!!
  15. Good post, thanks for the perspective. Can't speak for anyone else, but I haven't forgotten SR. Not by a long shot. I was in the minority when pointing out his positives during his nine game stint this season. He's gonna be a good one, no doubt. That said, unless he's had a remarkable physical turnaround, I think he's still a year or two away from being able to compete on a purely physical level. Mentally, he's been there for a while though. GO SABRES!!!
  16. I disagree that they tanked for OJ. '68 was the year of the disaster QB as 4, count 'em 4, QBs were lost due to injury and we had to resort to playing Ed Rutkowski as our disaster QB. We earned every inch of that 1-12-1 season.
  17. You said anyone trying to convince you of anything should save it. I'm not trying to convince you of anything so I thought I'd share. I'm generous like that. GO SABRES!!!
  18. I don't know anyone who is under that delusion. I would rather have one of two generational talents than anyone else in the draft and that can be accomplished by finishing ONE MEASLEY PHUCKING POINT worse than anyone else in this HISTORICALLY BAD ABOMINATION OF A SEASON! It's really that simple. I can't tell if you're a glass half full or a glass half empty kind of guy. GO SABRES!!!
  19. Neither is being a bigger loser than the biggest loser, which is what we'll be by not landing one of the top two prizes. GO SABRES!!!
  20. Miami's a train wreck. I look for them to implode this year. Roster purges are never a popular thing in the locker room. And I'm gonna laugh when Suh takes himself out of more plays than he actually makes. GO BILLS!!!
  21. Yes, that's the issue. If they can do it for one 13 game stretch, they can do it for another. Especially with the schedule we have coming up. It's time for TP/Murray to "meddle." Sit Ennis and Risto the rest of the season and give them any performance bonuses for being good sports. No sense risking them to long term injury. Send all current Amerks back down and bring up a replacement group. And get Hackett his phuckin 8 games already. If Teddy doesn't like it, tell him to go pound sand. GO SABRES!!!
  22. I'd rather have McDeichel AND watch Murray swing a deal for ROR. That said, as others have mentioned, if we draft 3rd, I can see him taking Hanifan and packaging Grigo (whom Roy loves) and Zadorov to Colorodo for ROR. GO SABRES!!!
  23. Fools gold. Typical unsustainable performance on a night when we again get outshot 2-1 and only possess the puck for a third of the game, if that. I want a phuckin' linchpin. Not a bunch of hustling overachievers playing meaningless minutes in meaningless games who will once gain be outclassed next year for the better part of 82 games. But it's nice that Nolan can get such a performance out of a historically bad team.... again. Time for Murray to intervene. GO SABRES!!!
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