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Sabres streak: 448 consecutive games without being above .500(inc OTL)


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This is really mind numbing...the Sabres have now gone 448 games since they were last above .500(with OT losses included). The last time they were above this was the 3rd game of the 2012-2013 season under Ron Rolston when they were 2-1...


Not sure if this is an NHL record but it very might well be...it really is hard to not go above .500 if even for a game at the beginning of the season for that long

Edited by matter2003
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I read that here, but I honestly don't know if I 100% believe it to be true, I also don't think it will last long if it is.


I never doubt what chz posts on such things and I think that the wait list people said shove it and removed themselves from the list.  


There is likely to be no shortage of ST available as many have posted here that they are going to give them up and some have said that they, or parts of their group, already have given them up.

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I never doubt what chz posts on such things and I think that the wait list people said shove it and removed themselves from the list.  


There is likely to be no shortage of ST available as many have posted here that they are going to give them up and some have said that they, or parts of their group, already have given them up.

I think the Sabres can pull this out of the fire if they 1. Finish really strong 2. Issue a heartfelt apology through owners or at least Brandon. 3. Don't raise ticket prices (they are not obligated to in order to maintain revenue sharing). They should be able to make a case that things are about to turn (Eichel entering his prime, Reinhart's season, Mittlestadt, new blood in Guhle/Ullmark etc., Phil's system is kicking into gear yada yada yada).

I guess I'd better learn how to spell the kid's name.



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If you mean non-deLuca .500, ie, where 40-39-3 is above .500, we were 4-3-2 and 5-4-2 last season.

From my perspective a loss is a loss, doesnt matter if you lose in regulation or OT or a shootout. Pretty sure no team in the league is even close to where the Sabres are in terms of being below .500 based on that definition.


Personally I think it should be 3 points for a win in regulation, 2 for a win in OT or shootout and 1 point for a loss in the shootout with 0 points if you lose in OT

Edited by matter2003
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Not sure where to put this, but I guess here is as good as anywhere.  San Antonio, not a major sports town, has 1 team in the 4 major sports leagues, compared to Buffalo having 2 for example.  This year is the first season since 1999 that the Spurs won't win 50 games.  Not a losing season, mind you.  Not missing the playoffs. Just not winning at least 50 out of 82 games.  Their last losing season was 1997.


This got me to thinking.


Why do some of the other "minor" sports towns, similar in circumstance to Buffalo as far as number of major sports teams, become successful or stay successful for so long?  I think the key is good, responsible, motivated ownership.  I get the feeling that Buffalo fans are "just happy to be there" most of the time, therefore too content and not inclined to make waves.  Teams still sell out and we're still die hard fans when many other fan bases would have given up long ago.  There's little to no incentive for ownership to improve the product, either on the field/ice or atmosphere wise.  Fans have a say in sports, there's just often an unwillingness to call ownership's bluff and show the appropriate displeasure with an inferior product and/or ownership effort.

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