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joe paterno dies at the age of 85.


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It sucks that all that crap came up months before he passed.

It sucks that he looked the other way when he had a chance to do something.


All the football wins in the world can't make up for inaction when something so horrible is happening right in your backyard.

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Didn't know the man. Barely knew of his accomplishments in sport which apparently were vast. As a human, much like us all he probably made a few mistakes and bad decisions. Now that he's passed and can't answer for any its not my place to pass judgement. R.I.P.

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It sucks that he looked the other way when he had a chance to do something.


All the football wins in the world can't make up for inaction when something so horrible is happening right in your backyard.



Sure he could of taken it farther (as he did admit), but he did report it to his superiors and they were the ones that squashed it. The lynch mob mentality from people wanted someone to hang and Joe Pa being the face of Penn st. was an easy target. people made a bigger fuss about an old man that received 2nd hand news of the incident then they did the perpetrator of the crime, a person that saw it happening but did nothing to stop it and those that lied about the incident. Football wins don't add up to anything, but the thousands of kids who he help receive a better education do, as well as the $ Millions I'm sure he has donated to charities and other causes. It's a shame that the mans legacy will be tarnished by a small chapter of his life. The crime itself is an horrendous act and should be punished to the utmost, but what Joe Pa did does not merit the hatred and disdain people have showed towards him.

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Everyone should chill. The facts are in dispute. Do not rush to judgement. Take a long hard look at the Duke lacrosse rape hoax. Duke scapegoated their lacrosse coach and later had to pay him off. They also paid off the indicted players. They are currently fighting a law suit from the unindicted players.

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Didn't know the man. Barely knew of his accomplishments in sport which apparently were vast. As a human, much like us all he probably made a few mistakes and bad decisions. Now that he's passed and can't answer for any its not my place to pass judgement. R.I.P.


Great post.

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Didn't know the man. Barely knew of his accomplishments in sport which apparently were vast. As a human, much like us all he probably made a few mistakes and bad decisions. Now that he's passed and can't answer for any its not my place to pass judgement. R.I.P.


good post

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A good man who lived his life well and was always willing to help when asked. Nothing changes that ..


Everyone should chill. The facts are in dispute. Do not rush to judgement. Take a long hard look at the Duke lacrosse rape hoax. Duke scapegoated their lacrosse coach and later had to pay him off. They also paid off the indicted players. They are currently fighting a law suit from the unindicted players.


You are absolutely correct wingnutt. It is obvious that someone spent a great deal of time making sure you were properly reared. , It is unfortunate that even morons are conferred the right of free speech under our constitution. A mistake in my opinion, but a right none the less. Do not let their hypocrisy get under your skin.

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