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My Least Favorite Sabres

Taro T

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My all time least favorite Sabres:


Richard Smehlik - 'clears it, ... not out.' ('nuff said)


Phil Housley - Puppa must still to this day have nightmares about all the times Wimpley set up Richer back in '90.


Brad May - never saw a Sabre throw more punches after his opponent was on the ice; broke his hand suckerpunching Ulfie (Ulfie deserved to be beaten; be a man and square up w/ the turd); the instigator in the Bertuzzi-Moore affair; a few other suspension-worthy cheap shots.


Jason Dawe - yeah, on rare occasion he was 'Dawesome;' far more often he was simply 'Daweful.'


John van Boxmeer - thought about not including him on the list as RJ's call of his goals was pretty cool (Jooooooohhhhhhhnnnnn vaaaaaannnnnn Booxxmeeeeeeeeer!); but couldn't stand his play in the Sabres' end and never really got over him getting drummed out of Moe-ray-all for getting KO'd on one punch nor him being the FC's Yoko Ono.



The 1st 2 were the only 2 that immediately spring to mind as being mind-numbingly annoying. And that's even w/ Smehlik having 1 good year post knee injury. The rest were more of a simmering annoyance.


I could continue w/ a litany of players that everybody disliked (Mike Wilson sorts), but where's the fun in piling on? ;)

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Satan- Always thought he was the quintessential example of the aloof Euro with a lot of skill


Slava Kozlov- Was the return for my favorite player. If he would have been a better player, he wouldn't be on my list.


Tim Connolly- Enough said


Brian Campbell- Always thought he was extremely overrated. Then when he was asked about being booed on his return, and he basically cried about it, that solidified his spot.


Jason Pominville- Another over rated player who just rubs me the wrong way.


Eric Boulton


Patrick Lalime


Varada- Loved when GR did the spoof of him and Chara when he went to Ottawa


Peca- Was on fence until the whole contract debacle


Tim Kennedy and Nathan Gerbe- 2 of Darcy's young guys who I could see right through. Both should enjoy long wonderful AHL careers

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Why did you dislike these guys?


Pyatt - Hated how soft he was.

Paetsch - Hated how everyone thought he was the next good offensive d-men but i never saw anything in him. Hated when he played.

Fitz - He'd actually be somewhat decent but when he turned bad, he was terrible. No toughness, no speed, terrible passer.

Hamel - Eh, no real reason actually, thought he was ok before he was murdered by Chara, but i just didn't think he had any potential in the NHL yet he kept on playing game after game, which bugged me.

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I could have sworn that this topic has been brought up in the past.


I known I haven't seen as many games as some of the other posters here, but I'll just throw in my two cents


Tim Connolly (do we really have to ask "why"?)

Jason Dawe (something about him rubbed me the wrong way. seemed like he didn't have the right attitude)

Slava Kozlov (how about if some of us come to your hometown and trash-talk it? This can go both ways, Slava)

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Actually went to hs with Tony Mckegney's son. I got the feeling he didn't like him either.


That may have been the only serious one on my list. In my few encounters with him, he doesn't seem to be a ball of charm.


Most players I have dealt with are down to earth guys, and many go above and beyond to work in the community. Hockey is cool like that.

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1) Smell Lick - Slow, terrible in his own end, worse in opponent's end yet still in the top pair for so many years

2) Fuhr

3) Kozlov - Would have left him off if somebody hadn't mentioned him but talk about tanking intentionally. What an ass.

4) Gilmour

5) Connolly - Don't like the player, really don't like the blind commmitment to him by the team

6) Zhitnik - Other half of one of my least favorite defensive pairings. So much talent but hit the damn net with a shot occasionally!

7) Mike Wilson

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