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[OT] What would PETA have done with respect to Jim Lorentz?


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It's funny, I read all of this and I have no problem with it at all, but I still want to find your limits (slow day I guess). What would you do if some bees or wasps got into your house? I'm asking this assuming you don't have any alergies to stings. Sure, you could easily chase them out of the house, but what if there's some nesting?


I would gladly share my home with these beautiful creatures that play such an important and integral role in our ecosystem.


That beard of bees has no power over me.



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I would gladly share my home with these beautiful creatures that play such an important and integral role in our ecosystem.


That beard of bees has no power over me.




If you try really hard, I bet you could do that without actually killing those schedule makers. :thumbsup:

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I have a problem with these people who rant and rave about people who shouldn't be allowed back in the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, etc for hurting animals, whether they did so accidentally or intentionally and then paid their debt... but then these same people don't put up the same fight for people who kill humans and are then allowed to keep playing. Like Leonard Little, Dany Heatley, Ray Lewis (involved in some way), and the list goes on.


Now, I'm not saying all or none of these players should be allowed to play their sports again, that is not the discussion I'm upset about... I'm annoyed that people only come out and freak out when an animal is harmed but when Leonard Little kills an old lady with his car because he's drunk and then gets another DUI a few years later and is still allowed to play in the NFL (while never spending a minute in jail) and these people don't say a word but freak out because Michael Vick actually did prison time (paid his debt) for killing dogs and is allowed to play.


let me state again that I am not interested to get into the argument over who should and shouldn't be allowed to play, I want to know why killing animals is WAY worse to these people (PETA) than killing humans?

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I like bats, they are cute, that said I could care less what happened. The person who should really be getting in trouble is the jerk who let it go in the building. I find it way to much of a coincidence that a bat made its way into the arena on halloween and decided to run amok during a game. Even if it did get in there by itself it probably wouldn't have been going insane court level unless it had been released and was confused.


Someone also mentioned pig/boar hunting, its gamey as someone else pointed out. They've been known to carry diseases so you really have to make sure you've cooked it good. Half the time they aren't even pure "wild boar" it depends on the region but someplaces its a hybrid Boar/pot belly. In any case the wild boar is NOT NATIVE to the United States in some area's of the country they have begun to overrun territory's and are a major pest and problem. Not mention dangerous. Some people use Dogs to help them find and kill them, though they are so aggressive and have such sharp tusks that sometimes its the dogs that end up injured or dying. They have also been known to attack livestock and cause a lot of damage.




This guy seems to know what he's talking about and has some nasty pictures of them up there

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All life is precious. The taking of life without justification is wrong. You can say that's extreme, but maybe I believe in moral absolutes. Killing that bat is no more defensible than killing a cute little puppy dog that ran onto the court. And you know everyone would (justifiably) be up in arms over that.

In theory I'd agree, but if that cute little puppy were to s**t on my lawn, I'd crush its head and bury it in the back yard. As far as PETA is concerned, their priorities are upside down. Let's take care of human problems first -- whether its poverty, global terrorism, genocide, sex abuse, child abuse, Republicans, China, N. Korea, Iran, bin Laden. Then we can worry about whether some rodents get chemicals squirted into their eyes.

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Huh, I thought Manu made a nice kill.


Would it have made things better had he thrown the little critter between two slices of Rye w/Mustard??


I bet had the bat bit someone, these animal rights activists would be nowhere to be found. I kind of understand their intent, but their execution is offensive, sloppy, and poorly thought out.

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In theory I'd agree, but if that cute little puppy were to s**t on my lawn, I'd crush its head and bury it in the back yard. As far as PETA is concerned, their priorities are upside down. Let's take care of human problems first -- whether its poverty, global terrorism, genocide, sex abuse, child abuse, Republicans and Democrats, China, N. Korea, Iran, bin Laden. Then we can worry about whether some rodents get chemicals squirted into their eyes.


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In theory I'd agree, but if that cute little puppy were to s**t on my lawn, I'd crush its head and bury it in the back yard. As far as PETA is concerned, their priorities are upside down. Let's take care of human problems first -- whether its poverty, global terrorism, genocide, sex abuse, child abuse, Republicans, China, N. Korea, Iran, bin Laden. Then we can worry about whether some rodents get chemicals squirted into their eyes.



I don't know man...because a miniscule number of people are advocating for the ethical treatment of animals, that's why none of these other problems are getting solved? Riiiiight.

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Huh, I thought Manu made a nice kill.


Would it have made things better had he thrown the little critter between two slices of Rye w/Mustard??


I bet had the bat bit someone, these animal rights activists would be nowhere to be found. I kind of understand their intent, but their execution is offensive, sloppy, and poorly thought out.


This is pretty much my opinion of groups like PETA and Greenpeace, etc. You end up with these results because these groups consist largely of college students and people with no desire to actually make a difference. Protesting and being radical can bring attention to a problem, if people choose to care. But for the most part, no one gives a crap about a bunch of college kids with signs yelling about something. It's not the way change happens.


But these groups don't want to play the game; to get involved in the political process or to bother doing any sort of scientific research on the issues they raise. I always get directed to websites complaining about the newest problems, but no one ever has any scientific data to back their claims up. If you want to impress me, show me some empirical proof that Y is caused by X. Screaming and yelling is not an adequate correlation.

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If it weren't for animal testing of drugs (I work in cancer research), there would be a lot fewer cancer (and other disease) survivors walking around today. If any member of PETA would like to volunteer to have cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs tested on them instead of mice/dogs/rabbits, I can give them a phone number....

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If it weren't for animal testing of drugs (I work in cancer research), there would be a lot fewer cancer (and other disease) survivors walking around today. If any member of PETA would like to volunteer to have cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs tested on them instead of mice/dogs/rabbits, I can give them a phone number....


And all the fun genetic research where they can actually turn a gene on and off in a rat? Yeah, genetic research would be damn near non-existant.

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If it weren't for animal testing of drugs (I work in cancer research), there would be a lot fewer cancer (and other disease) survivors walking around today. If any member of PETA would like to volunteer to have cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs tested on them instead of mice/dogs/rabbits, I can give them a phone number....

Plus, all of us can enjoy non-frizzy melons thanks to them.

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Oh and not sure if this was mentioned... the arena says the bat survived and flew away. It's no where to be found. Manu got some rabies shots just to be safe but they can't even test the bat because it disappeared. Even if the thing survived though the bones that constitute their wings are fairly delicate, i'd imagine something would have to be messed up and it wouldn't just fly away. I bet the guy that he handed it to has it tied up in his basement right now and he's just torturing the hell out it just to show PETA up.

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I don't know man...because a miniscule number of people are advocating for the ethical treatment of animals, that's why none of these other problems are getting solved? Riiiiight.

Noooooooooooooo, man. It's not about the size or even the passion of the movement. It's about worrying about issues that matter to people, not some rodents in a lab somewhere. If we don't figure out global warming, whether people wear fur coats really doesn't matter, does it?

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A dog running loose should always be shot dead, right? Might have rabies, and might bite someone.


Anyone know what happened to this poor bat? Were its remains disposed of in a respectful and appropriate way?


LOL....the bat lived.


This world is gone way to politically correct!! ugh

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1.) Noooooooooooooo, man. It's not about the size or even the passion of the movement. It's about worrying about issues that matter to people, not some rodents in a lab somewhere. 2.) If we don't figure out global warming, whether people wear fur coats really doesn't matter, does it?



1.) We as a country of 300 million people are capable of addressing more than one issue at a time. I guess by your logic we shouldn't spend time watching and following the Sabres, since we should be spending that time solving global warming and finding Bin Laden.


2.) I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. However, the huge irony in your statement is that by far the absolute best thing we could do to curb global warming is to become vegetarians, which is PETA's primary agenda.


Look, I'm not even a vegetarian and I probably never will be, I still eat poultry and fish and the occasional beef, so I fully admit that I'm a hypocrite in this regard. But I do respect PETA's fundamental mission which is the Ethical Treatment Of Animals (although I am not a member because I disagree with them on many specific issues and in general I think their tactics are flawed). I just hate the argument that their efforts somehow make other "more important" groups less effective.


Anyways, it's a good topic, I love talking hockey but I like threads like this even more :thumbsup:

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