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[OT] What would PETA have done with respect to Jim Lorentz?


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F#&K Peta!...


they can have their opinions but if he apologizes or gets in ANY kind of "trouble" for this I will again be even more annoyed with the idiots in this country.


Lorentz would have been sued and/or something totally insane like that... and would have been forced into communtiy service or something...

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All life is precious. The taking of life without justification is wrong. You can say that's extreme, but maybe I believe in moral absolutes. Killing that bat is no more defensible than killing a cute little puppy dog that ran onto the court. And you know everyone would (justifiably) be up in arms over that.

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All life is precious. The taking of life without justification is wrong. You can say that's extreme, but maybe I believe in moral absolutes. Killing that bat is no more defensible than killing a cute little puppy dog that ran onto the court. And you know everyone would (justifiably) be up in arms over that.


But doesn't a bat present a potential health risk, be it rabies or some other diseases?


So humans are animals, right? Maybe PITA can take up the contact to the head issue I'm always going off about.

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But doesn't a bat present a potential health risk, be it rabies or some other diseases?


So humans are animals, right? Maybe PITA can take up the contact to the head issue I'm always going off about.


A dog running loose should always be shot dead, right? Might have rabies, and might bite someone.


Anyone know what happened to this poor bat? Were its remains disposed of in a respectful and appropriate way?

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A dog running loose should always be shot dead, right? Might have rabies, and might bite someone.


Anyone know what happened to this poor bat? Were its remains disposed of in a respectful and appropriate way?


But isn't that generally the case with a bat flying around at a strange time like that? But anyway, there's definitely a reason for this and it's not just a kill for the sake of killing. But hey, whatever gets PITA's name in the news.

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All life is precious. The taking of life without justification is wrong.



This is a very interesting philosophical discussion (or at least it has the potential to be). Having stated the above, do you ever kill mosquitos? Do you use weed killer on your lawn? If a big annoying ant hill sprouts up in your backyard, do you light it on fire or pour poison onto it?


I don't ask these questions of you specifically, but semi-rhetorically. It seems that there is a spectrum, with germs and bacteria on one end and humans on the other end, and we all draw a line at some point on that spectrum where we feel it is morally acceptable to kill.


For me personally, I try to catch spiders or bugs in my house and release them outside rather than killing them. On the other hand, I'll swat a fly because they are virtually impossible to catch. I don't think it's amoral to kill a spider, it just makes me feel better to remove it from the house without killing it as opposed to killing it.


I did feel bad for the bat when I saw the clip. Doesn't mean I think the guy should be prosecuted or anything crazy like that.


As far as eating meat, the intelligence of the animal coupled with the living conditions are the two big factors for me. Several years ago I made a decision give up eating pork. I did this when I learned that current research shows that pigs are probably just as smart if not smarter than dogs. Additionally, the conditions they endure in factory farms are horrible. I'm not sure either of these two things alone would have been enough to make me give it up. Together, however, I could no longer support that industry in good conscience. Pigs, just like dogs, are (probably) intelligent enough to suffer pretty severe mental anguish for virtually their entire lives in a factory-farming setting. I don't want to contribute to that if I don't have to, and I don't.


I believe other animals that I eat endure very bad living conditions as well, but I'm not sure they possess the intelligence to suffer in the same way, but rather they are fairly oblivious to their surroundings. At least I hope that is the case. I fully realize that I may be deluding myself into believing this because I lack the willpower to give up all meat from my diet. Perhaps I am rationalizing. I don't claim to be perfect, or to possess a perfect moral code.


In any case, I am definitely rambling at this point, but I do enjoy having this discussion, as long at doesn't devolve into ridiculous namecalling and everybody can at least try to respect each other's opinions.

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This is a very interesting philosophical discussion (or at least it has the potential to be). Having stated the above, do you ever kill mosquitos? Do you use weed killer on your lawn? If a big annoying ant hill sprouts up in your backyard, do you light it on fire or pour poison onto it?


I don't ask these questions of you specifically, but semi-rhetorically. It seems that there is a spectrum, with germs and bacteria on one end and humans on the other end, and we all draw a line at some point on that spectrum where we feel it is morally acceptable to kill.


For me personally, I try to catch spiders or bugs in my house and release them outside rather than killing them. On the other hand, I'll swat a fly because they are virtually impossible to catch. I don't think it's amoral to kill a spider, it just makes me feel better to remove it from the house without killing it as opposed to killing it.


I did feel bad for the bat when I saw the clip. Doesn't mean I think the guy should be prosecuted or anything crazy like that.


As far as eating meat, the intelligence of the animal coupled with the living conditions are the two big factors for me. Several years ago I made a decision give up eating pork. I did this when I learned that current research shows that pigs are probably just as smart if not smarter than dogs. Additionally, the conditions they endure in factory farms are horrible. I'm not sure either of these two things alone would have been enough to make me give it up. Together, however, I could no longer support that industry in good conscience. Pigs, just like dogs, are (probably) intelligent enough to suffer pretty severe mental anguish for virtually their entire lives in a factory-farming setting. I don't want to contribute to that if I don't have to, and I don't.


I believe other animals that I eat endure very bad living conditions as well, but I'm not sure they possess the intelligence to suffer in the same way, but rather they are fairly oblivious to their surroundings. At least I hope that is the case. I fully realize that I may be deluding myself into believing this because I lack the willpower to give up all meat from my diet. Perhaps I am rationalizing. I don't claim to be perfect, or to possess a perfect moral code.


In any case, I am definitely rambling at this point, but I do enjoy having this discussion, as long at doesn't devolve into ridiculous namecalling and everybody can at least try to respect each other's opinions.



I decided yesterday that I will go on a wild pig hunt in the future. Not sure how the meat will taste. Anyone ever had wild pig meat?

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I believe other animals that I eat endure very bad living conditions as well, but I'm not sure they possess the intelligence to suffer in the same way, but rather they are fairly oblivious to their surroundings. At least I hope that is the case. I fully realize that I may be deluding myself into believing this because I lack the willpower to give up all meat from my diet. Perhaps I am rationalizing. I don't claim to be perfect, or to possess a perfect moral code.




If this is the test, there are a lot of people out there who could stand to be eaten.

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I decided yesterday that I will go on a wild pig hunt in the future. Not sure how the meat will taste. Anyone ever had wild pig meat?



No idea, but I bet it would taste alot different than the pigs we're used to eating, because they have such a different diet.

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This is a very interesting philosophical discussion (or at least it has the potential to be). Having stated the above, do you ever kill mosquitos? Do you use weed killer on your lawn? If a big annoying ant hill sprouts up in your backyard, do you light it on fire or pour poison onto it?


I don't ask these questions of you specifically, but semi-rhetorically. It seems that there is a spectrum, with germs and bacteria on one end and humans on the other end, and we all draw a line at some point on that spectrum where we feel it is morally acceptable to kill.


For me personally, I try to catch spiders or bugs in my house and release them outside rather than killing them. On the other hand, I'll swat a fly because they are virtually impossible to catch. I don't think it's amoral to kill a spider, it just makes me feel better to remove it from the house without killing it as opposed to killing it.


I did feel bad for the bat when I saw the clip. Doesn't mean I think the guy should be prosecuted or anything crazy like that.


As far as eating meat, the intelligence of the animal coupled with the living conditions are the two big factors for me. Several years ago I made a decision give up eating pork. I did this when I learned that current research shows that pigs are probably just as smart if not smarter than dogs. Additionally, the conditions they endure in factory farms are horrible. I'm not sure either of these two things alone would have been enough to make me give it up. Together, however, I could no longer support that industry in good conscience. Pigs, just like dogs, are (probably) intelligent enough to suffer pretty severe mental anguish for virtually their entire lives in a factory-farming setting. I don't want to contribute to that if I don't have to, and I don't.


I believe other animals that I eat endure very bad living conditions as well, but I'm not sure they possess the intelligence to suffer in the same way, but rather they are fairly oblivious to their surroundings. At least I hope that is the case. I fully realize that I may be deluding myself into believing this because I lack the willpower to give up all meat from my diet. Perhaps I am rationalizing. I don't claim to be perfect, or to possess a perfect moral code.


In any case, I am definitely rambling at this point, but I do enjoy having this discussion, as long at doesn't devolve into ridiculous namecalling and everybody can at least try to respect each other's opinions.


I don't do any of those things. I think we are kindred souls. I wouldn't even kill a fly. They can be shooed out of the house with a little patience.


I'm a real hypocrite when it comes to eating meat. That's why I added the qualifier "without justification" to my statement about it being wrong to take life. Killing to eat and survive appears to be a justification, but we don't need meat to survive.


Our position does seem extreme, but I just try to be consistent. People say cheating at golf isn't a big deal, but if you cheat at golf, you'll cheat on your taxes, and if you cheat on your taxes, you'll cheat on your wife, and so on.

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Interesting story! Didn't know there were wild boar in the area. And make no mistake about it, that is a wild boar, not a domestic pig that was released or escaped. Though the boars may have escaped from one of several game farms in that area.


To answer another poster's question, they are generally a little gamier and MUCH tougher than domestic pork. Quite tasty, though!

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I don't do any of those things. I think we are kindred souls. I wouldn't even kill a fly. They can be shooed out of the house with a little patience.


I'm a real hypocrite when it comes to eating meat. That's why I added the qualifier "without justification" to my statement about it being wrong to take life. Killing to eat and survive appears to be a justification, but we don't need meat to survive.


Our position does seem extreme, but I just try to be consistent. People say cheating at golf isn't a big deal, but if you cheat at golf, you'll cheat on your taxes, and if you cheat on your taxes, you'll cheat on your wife, and so on.


It's funny, I read all of this and I have no problem with it at all, but I still want to find your limits (slow day I guess). What would you do if some bees or wasps got into your house? I'm asking this assuming you don't have any alergies to stings. Sure, you could easily chase them out of the house, but what if there's some nesting?

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It's funny, I read all of this and I have no problem with it at all, but I still want to find your limits (slow day I guess). What would you do if some bees or wasps got into your house? I'm asking this assuming you don't have any alergies to stings. Sure, you could easily chase them out of the house, but what if there's some nesting?



I'm curious about it too. I sprayed a nest of wasps that had taken up residence inside my patio umbrella this summer. To me they represented a threat, to myself and more importantly to my wife and my dog. I didn't feel happy about having to poison them, but they died within seconds and I felt it was justified.

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