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From what I can tell, about the only org to truly make hay from Facebook was Obama who turned it into the world's biggest Spam list.


A little upset the old guy and crazy lady didn't win eh?


I used to be like you where I thought facebook was a joke but it does come in handy finding old friends, keeping the family up to date with where I am at for work. I can also find out when my buddies have open ice for hockey. Yeah at first it is scary, and I do hate people trying to friend me who are NOT my friends, but you have to take the bad with the good.


Also SDS I do have an iPhone and is addicted to the damn thing. To have a mobile facebook, free sat. radio (Pandora Radio) and where I can listen to WGR and local news (Flycast), also with the internet in your hand who needs the yellow pages anymore?

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Okay fair enough. Enlighten me.. I'm being sincere.. How does Facebook make your life better? What intrinsic value does it provide to you that you can't get from somewhere else? I honestly don't see it. A network of real-people contacts I get. I don't think I need Facebook to get that.


From what I can tell, about the only org to truly make hay from Facebook was Obama who turned it into the world's biggest Spam list.


I've seen a random class reunion thrown together in a couple days time. Things like that are pretty cool. Yeah, that could be done somewhere else, but the speed it was done was pretty impressive. It is completely possible for me to get home to Buffalo next week on foot, but I'd much rather take a plane.

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Enlighten me.

two quick hits for you:


1. notwithstanding the fact that we're scattered hither and yon, i get to exchange (in relative real time) the same sort of banal, beloved banter with my college roommates that i did back in the early 90s -- it's just dumb sh!t, mind you -- but it was always the kind of stuff that we used to affirm our friendships.


2. some guys i know started a t-shirt company on a whim and a prayer (www.borninbuffalo.net). it was through the magic of their facebook group that their little venture has gone from a potential money pit that they started out of love for the queen city to something that can not only pay for itself, but, quite possibly, some sabres season tickets as well.

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Okay fair enough. Enlighten me.. I'm being sincere.. How does Facebook make your life better? What intrinsic value does it provide to you that you can't get from somewhere else? I honestly don't see it. A network of real-people contacts I get. I don't think I need Facebook to get that.


From what I can tell, about the only org to truly make hay from Facebook was Obama who turned it into the world's biggest Spam list.


How would you know about Obama and FB? Do you have an account?


I'll give a lengthy response, as opposed to some of the other shorter ones.


1st, you have to accept the underlying concept of FB. It started as a means of collage students to efficiently keep each other up to date. Sure, they could text, call or email to accomplish the same thing, but consider this. 30 friends like keep tabs on each other's activities every day. Do each of 30 friends send 29 separate texts? Emails? Make 29 phone calls each for a total of almost 900 communications every day? Each friend is telling the other 29 friends the same exact thing.


Why not post once - read many? Now, a person can let 30, 50, 100, 500 people know what they are up to with a single post and vice versa. The efficiency of communication is tremendous. Need some friends to go to the movies? Sure, make a post and see who is available, instead of calling each and every person and forcing them to stop what they are doing, answer the phone, and actively say yes or no to you. I can share my vacation photos with everyone and not worry about spamming their inbox constantly with updates.


Those benefits there are just on the active relationship side.


The biggest benefit to me is reaching out to people whom used to be a big part of of life, but went another way. There are tons of people who I would like to hear from, but where do they live? What are they like? Do they want to hear from me?


Facebook, due to what it is - a social-networking site, a priori tells me these people are probably open to being contacted in an appropriate, non-threatening setting. Do you want to be called at dinner time out of the blue from your pee-wee football center from 30 years ago? That would be weird. Yet, on FB it is perfectly natural and more often than not - welcomed. FB is the perfect setting to stay in touch with current and past people in your life in one, easy to access central location.


Since I became active in my account 6 months ago I have:


- discovered a sister who I knew existed, but never spoken to in 40 years. We were kept apart growing up. Now I exchange communication with her or one of her kids - every single day. They came to my son's 1st communion. I have flown her kids in to meet the family. My niece is coming again this week. Another one is watching the kids in August for a week before school. I went to my 1st ever NHL playoff game with my nephew (who is a Sabres season ticket holder). I got to hold a grandniece that I never knew I had... Get the picture?


- had a mini-class reunion (we missed our 20th because no one had the energy to plan it and find 120 people scattered to the 4 winds). Every month we get new alumni joining. Hopefully, we can plan a cruise for our 25th and this will make it all VERY easy..


- Caught up with my 1st serious high school girlfriend (from the 80's). Got to see pictures of her new baby and hear her voice in a video she posted. How exactly do you do that in a non-creepy way w/o FB?


- Caught up with college roommates, old wrestling/football teammates.


- Caught up with many other friends whom I lost contact with, but really just can't pick up the phone to call them either.


My hockey teammate is in Korea right now because his wife was contacted via facebook by her sister she never knew she had because they were separated at birth... Stories like this are never-ending.


So, all of this COULD have happened w/o FB. Yet, it never did - did it?


Like shrader said - you can walk from Boston to Buffalo, but it is easier to fly. You can make 100 phone calls per day/week, but it is easy to just type in facebook.com and get the high level stuff.


If you can't see the value now, you aren't listening or you're just being obtuse. It doesn't mean it is for you, but don't deny the value to others. Meanwhile, I'm taking my new niece to DC this weekend to ride on Segways and see Mt. Vernon....


Facebook, the most underrated website on the internet.

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Facebook is so 2008. Twitter is where it's at now. ;)


Twitter is so different from Facebook that I'm not sure why people always compare the two.


Myspace really has fallen fast and hard. History tells us that Facebook probably will too, when the next generation of social networking arrives (Google Wave possibly?).

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Twitter is so different from Facebook that I'm not sure why people always compare the two.


Myspace really has fallen fast and hard. History tells us that Facebook probably will too, when the next generation of social networking arrives (Google Wave possibly?).


myspace tanked because of facebook. FB addressed the majority of issues that myspace had, mainly which was interface. myspace is where bad website designs went to die. However, as long as FB doesn't get overly complacent, then I don't see how they get beaten. Sure, maybe the kids will find something new, but the older crowd will stick with what works as long as it works (and the kids will at least stay too because they will get older and want to stay in touch with the people already there).


I think monetization is FB's biggest issue.

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FaceBook Struggling to Profit Compared to MySpace


"...why is FaceBook struggling to keep up with MySpace's advertising revenues? MySpace has claimed over One billion dollars in advertising sales, while FaceBook is hitting the 300 million dollar thresh-hold."



I feel so bad for facebook! Only 300 mil in advertising sales. How will they ever survive?



From Wikipedia:

In 2008, Forbes ranked Zuckerberg as the 321st richest person in the United States, with a net worth of $1.5 billion. He is the youngest person ever to appear on the Forbes 400. In 2009 it was reported that Zuckerberg's fortune had dropped below $1 billion.



Microsoft investment in Facebook

On October 24, 2007, Facebook Inc. sold a 1.6% stake to Microsoft Corp. for $240 million, spurning a competing offer from online search leader Google Inc. This would indicate that Facebook had a market value of $15 billion at the time of the sale. However, most analysts believe the actual valuation of the company to be far less. The $240 million paid by Microsoft include premiums for both preferred shares and global ad placements

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A little upset the old guy and crazy lady didn't win eh?

Nah, I voted for Obama. Life long Republican mind you...


How would you know about Obama and FB? Do you have an account?


Certainly. MySpace too.. Can't say I use it, but I reserved my place in cyberspace. I just wasn't dumb enough to give them my email so I could be spammed for the next eight years.


Facebook, the most underrated website on the internet.

Okay.. I can see how it works for you. Fair enough. I use a cell phone and email and I'm quite connected and happy.

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