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Maybe it's just me, but every time Roy handles the puck for a few seconds or so to survey the play, it always gives the opposing D time to reset if theyre out of position, and it drives me nuts. He cradles the puck usually 3 to 4 times, and most of the time passes to the point and expects a return pass. Slowing the puck down is just counter intuitive to the whole point of the powerplay.

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On that Rivet call for slashing, since when is lifting a stick a slash? I didn't see Kotalik's slash either, but there was only one replay.


Lalime looked pretty good tonight except for on the PK. Those two goals against were not great. Otherwise, better than his recent efforts.


I was really hoping for the equalizer there, but the Ducks did a great job of slowing our guys down and clogging up the neutral zone. Plus, our guys looked tired. Was it me or did the clock seem to fly during that final PP? I know it was only 1:40 or so, but it just seemed so quick.

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Dribblers let in by Lalime, but he had solid game - given the circumstances.

No excuse for the offensive dysfunction tonight.

They are better than this.

Too many forwards invisible tonight.


I actually think they missed the General tonight.

Peters did his job though...and got two SOG!



Huge lapses without shots.

Too many penalties.

Last Sylvester PBP. (he's not horrible)



Strong start/ physical play, that we initiated. Awesome.

Get first goal.

Strong finish.

Still only lose by one.

Not a bad end to the road trip.

They did not embarrass themselves.


Come home and beat the Leafs and Canadiens in our barn.

Re-establish a strong home-ice presence throughout the rest of the year and solidify the playoff spot.

A heathy Sekera makes his return this week.

Paetsch gets some press box time, again, to again re-evaluate his play.

2009-2010 defense of Captain Craig, Lydman, Sekera, Butler, Weber & MAG get their preview reps in this year for a few games while Hank and Teppo get healthy.

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Dribblers let in by Lalime, but he had solid game - given the circumstances.

No excuse for the offensive dysfunction tonight.

They are better than this.

Too many forwards invisible tonight.


I actually think they missed the General tonight.

Peters did his job though...and got two SOG!



Huge lapses without shots.

Too many penalties.

Last Sylvester PBP. (he's not horrible)



Strong start/ physical play, that we initiated. Awesome.

Get first goal.

Strong finish.

Still only lose by one.

Not a bad end to the road trip.

They did not embarrass themselves.


Come home and beat the Leafs and Canadiens in our barn.

Re-establish a strong home-ice presence throughout the rest of the year and solidify the playoff spot.

A heathy Sekera makes his return this week.

Paetsch gets some press box time, again, to again re-evaluate his play.

2009-2010 defense of Captain Craig, Lydman, Sekera, Butler, Weber & MAG get their preview reps in this year for a few games while Hank and Teppo get healthy.

He played his typical game. Made some stops and let goals in that he needed to stop. Why is he falling face first on a shot from the point? The two points, or at least one, were there to steal.

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He played his typical game. Made some stops and let goals in that he needed to stop. Why is he falling face first on a shot from the point? The two points, or at least one, were there to steal.


Actually I didn't see any drop-off from what I would expect from Miller. He stopped 34 of 37 shots, with 3 unbelievable green d-men logging. That is a .919 save %, which is slightly better than Miller's .917.


It was a fun game to watch, and while we didn't win, we weren't intimidated either. I really didn't expect to stay up for it all, but had a hard time turning it off.


I'd really like to see them adopt the attitude they had last night. Physically, it seemed like it was the Ducks getting out hit.


It was funny listening to the Duck PBP... I think just about every hit Kaleta delivered they said was completely legal, and that he was having a great game. I didn't hate any of the WC productions at all.

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It was funny listening to the Duck PBP...

I thought it was a little humorous as they were taking exception to the chippiness after the whistles near the Sabres net. The Sabres are notorious for never doing anything in these situations and letting other teams run roughshod all over our forwards in front of the opposing teams net.

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It's funny, we had that Stafford for Bobby Ryan trade rumor the other day and going into this game, people were naming him the leading candidate for the Calder Memorial Trophy (rookie of the year) now that Mason is out with Mono. The Sabres gave him a very rough night, starting with Kaleta leaning him into the ice (and then scoring) and finishing with a big hit by Mair. He ended up pointless with just 13 minutes of ice time.



He played his typical game. Made some stops and let goals in that he needed to stop. Why is he falling face first on a shot from the point? The two points, or at least one, were there to steal.

I believe that Moen (or whoever that was in front of him) bumped his skates backwards just enough to throw him off balance. I do agree that those two goals should have been saved and, if Miller was on his game, he probably would have, but we needed some offense, too. Those points could easily been stolen by either of our two scoring lines doing anything. With a $1 million backup, you have to expect a goal that your starter could have stopped, otherwise your backup would be making $4+ million, too. However, he made some tough saves that could have made it 4-2 or even 5-2. He actually gave them a chance (sure, one more save could have given them a better one), but the offense failed to take advantage of that.

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It's funny, we had that Stafford for Bobby Ryan trade rumor the other day and going into this game, people were naming him the leading candidate for the Calder Memorial Trophy (rookie of the year) now that Mason is out with Mono. The Sabres gave him a very rough night, starting with Kaleta leaning him into the ice (and then scoring) and finishing with a big hit by Mair. He ended up pointless with just 13 minutes of ice time.

I believe that Moen (or whoever that was in front of him) bumped his skates backwards just enough to throw him off balance. I do agree that those two goals should have been saved and, if Miller was on his game, he probably would have, but we needed some offense, too. Those points could easily been stolen by either of our two scoring lines doing anything. With a $1 million backup, you have to expect a goal that your starter could have stopped, otherwise your backup would be making $4+ million, too. However, he made some tough saves that could have made it 4-2 or even 5-2. He actually gave them a chance (sure, one more save could have given them a better one), but the offense failed to take advantage of that.

I thought the Sabres did a pretty good job early on keep the shots to the outside. For most of the night I thought Lalime kept himself in good position. Lalime did last night what he has done his entire career. He made good saves and let goals in that left you shaking your head.


At this point it doesn't matter. Nothing I post is going to get the two points back. Miller should be rested for the Leafs and the Sabres should get a couple of D back in the lineup. They can not afford anything less than the two points against the Leafs.

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My thoughts after shelling out a bunch of bucks to go see that last night I'll have to say I was sorely disappointed. I was happy with the strong start and a pretty decent finish. However, I was not happy with after the first goal they let off the gas peddle, let the Ducks totally dominate them, and then not wake up to start putting a better effort in until like 7 minutes left in the game after 3 goals. However, being that close, I was happy at yelling at them when they started getting lazy. Mostly disappointed in the forwards not helping in the D-zone with the pounding forecheck, and then trying to diddle the puck into their zone when they have a picket line of redwoods set-up. Totally ignored that part of the game plan for like 40 minutes.


On a side note that I'm not sure that anyboy noticed was that was almost tragic is that a little boy got hit in the head by a shoot-in that cleared the glass. Fortunately the little boy was okay and that there was a doctor sitting a couple of seats away. But, it could have turned out worse.

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My thoughts after shelling out a bunch of bucks to go see that last night I'll have to say I was sorely disappointed. I was happy with the strong start and a pretty decent finish. However, I was not happy with after the first goal they let off the gas peddle, let the Ducks totally dominate them, and then not wake up to start putting a better effort in until like 7 minutes left in the game after 3 goals. However, being that close, I was happy at yelling at them when they started getting lazy. Mostly disappointed in the forwards not helping in the D-zone with the pounding forecheck, and then trying to diddle the puck into their zone when they have a picket line of redwoods set-up. Totally ignored that part of the game plan for like 40 minutes.


On a side note that I'm not sure that anyboy noticed was that was almost tragic is that a little boy got hit in the head by a shoot-in that cleared the glass. Fortunately the little boy was okay and that there was a doctor sitting a couple of seats away. But, it could have turned out worse.

He's a hockey fan. Hand him a beer and tell him to shake it off.


Just kidding, doesn't The Pond have the protective nets?

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He's a hockey fan. Hand him a beer and tell him to shake it off.


Just kidding, doesn't The Pond have the protective nets?

The puck was shot from around center ice and went kinda behind or along side of the net, down the glass. They mentioned it on TV.

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My thoughts after shelling out a bunch of bucks to go see that last night I'll have to say I was sorely disappointed. I was happy with the strong start and a pretty decent finish. However, I was not happy with after the first goal they let off the gas peddle, let the Ducks totally dominate them, and then not wake up to start putting a better effort in until like 7 minutes left in the game after 3 goals. However, being that close, I was happy at yelling at them when they started getting lazy. Mostly disappointed in the forwards not helping in the D-zone with the pounding forecheck, and then trying to diddle the puck into their zone when they have a picket line of redwoods set-up. Totally ignored that part of the game plan for like 40 minutes.


On a side note that I'm not sure that anyboy noticed was that was almost tragic is that a little boy got hit in the head by a shoot-in that cleared the glass. Fortunately the little boy was okay and that there was a doctor sitting a couple of seats away. But, it could have turned out worse.


They talked about it on the Duck's broadcast. Was it Vanek that put it over the glass in the neutral zone? They said he was waving and looked OK...

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Game thoughts(I am amazed I remained awake for the entire game)...


-Lalime has to stop the 2nd and 3rd goals. Mr. Softee is rubbing off on him. :D


-Weber could not make a pass to another Sabre if his life depended on it. I don't know if it was nerves or something else, but it was like he was passing the puck with his eyes closed.


-Kaleta with some aggressive physical play and a goal to boot.


-The 2nd and 3rd periods were pitiful from an offensive perspective.


-Rivet seems to be playing better and has more jump in his skating. I've noticed that he is prone to being clueless in front of the net on occasion.



The January(and 1st game of February) gauntlet is over and the Sabres compiled a record of 9-5. Now if they can become dominant at home, they should be in good shape for at least the 8th spot and possibly as high as 5th or 6th.

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Was it Vanek that put it over the glass in the neutral zone?

It was the only time I even heard Vanek's name. Disappointing but he gets a pass with the year he's having.

-Weber could not make a pass to another Sabre if his life depended on it.

He really misses Sekera. Andrej really covered for a lot of his weaknesses. Just get him the puck and get out da way.

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The Sabres gave him a very rough night (Ryan), starting with Kaleta leaning him into the ice (and then scoring) and finishing with a big hit by Mair.


To be fair to Ryan, I thought it was a late hit / boarderline cheapshot by Mair. Very similar to that SOB Neil hit on Drury. I'm all for alot of physical play, but that was late. Puck was gone for at least 2-3 seconds off Ryan's stick.

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To be fair to Ryan, I thought it was a late hit / boarderline cheapshot by Mair. Very similar to that SOB Neil hit on Drury. I'm all for alot of physical play, but that was late. Puck was gone for at least 2-3 seconds off Ryan's stick.

I like Mair a lot, but I would definitely admit that it was closer to Neil's hit than Stafford's hit on Keith.

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I like Mair a lot, but I would definitely admit that it was closer to Neil's hit than Stafford's hit on Keith.

Definitely agree on both points. And I like Mair too.


Kaleta was a beast last night! His hits were clean. Need more of that type of play.

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WTF happened? I fell asleep just before the end of the 1st... I was following it online and I thought how clean the game was being played... Then I look at the stats and see all the penalties got called in the 2nd and 3rd!


WTF happened? Did BFLO get suckered into this type of physical game or did they start all the crap... First with Rivet's fight???



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