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Phoenix gone? (Judge rules Balsillie back in play)



32 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Hamilton get a team?

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It seems chz started the thread of the summer, last fall.


I'm not picking Silly or Bett's side here. One thing I would worry about in this whole situation is the NHL Constitution and the ability of setting a precedent that an owner can just pick up and move their franchise to any location without the owners/governors say so.


You just can't have every owner wanting to move their team to 51 miles from Montreal to make money. West turns East, cats and dogs sleeping together. Silly thinks he's the big man on campus and can do whatever he wants with his team. While Bettman doesn't do a great job, he's trying to keep control of the situation. Again, I don't like the little pipsqueak, but sometimes better devil you know, than one you don't.

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If you attack me I will attack back. If the culture of the board is for you to freely rip people and distort their positions to fit your argument than sorry if I decline the offer to join. I actually am much lighter and more fun in my posts most of the time, but since the beginning I've been slammed by you and Freeman on every comment. I will be happy to reciprocate with a more civil discussion moving forward, so if that's what you are offering I certainly will accept.


No one freely ripped people, and I haven't seen anyone distort one of your positions yet. But here's a sample of unprovoked insults and general snottiness from this thread alone:


"I am quite amused by your avatar...it couldn't be more fitting for you."


"I realize you are sensitive and feel squirmy when terms like 'collusion' and 'racketeering' are used, so I will try to not offend your delicate sensibilities moving forward"


"you will remain nothing more than a willful chump"


"How droll..."


"I have higher standards than this nonsense you're shoveling. Either improve upon the rationale for your viewpoint of just blather away in peace moving forward. Force of will is not a worthy substitute for facts and reasoning my friend. … Just trying to help - I'm sensitive that way. I just can't stand seeing you flail about helplessly like this."


"Boring and juvenile."


"Now, make sure you remember to zip Gary up when you're done; it's only polite!"


You were not slammed by me on every comment from the beginning. I first stated very simply that Bettman has not committed a crime, at least with respect to the Coyotes bankruptcy, to date. That is not a personal attack. I then attempted to defuse the situation with all the humor that an insomniac has early on a Sunday morning. That didn't work. A couple of people found it funny; if you found it offensive, I apologize. This morning, I objected to your general tone and pattern of insults. While that is a personal criticism, it is not a mean or incorrect one, and I stand by it.


If the last sentence of your post at 11:18 this morning means that you want a fresh start, you've got one as far as I'm concerned. Welcome to the board.

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I think my sarcastic humor sometimes takes awhile to be appreciated, and on a few of your examples (i.e. "how droll") I was only going for a laugh (didn't you catch my "wink" avatar?). Anyway, I think I could cut and paste plenty of venom from you and others towards me if I wanted to take the time to do so, which I don't. Regardless, I am happy to accept the offer of a fresh start, and sorry if I "came on too strong" on our "first date". ;)

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I think my sarcastic humor sometimes takes awhile to be appreciated, and on a few of your examples (i.e. "how droll") I was only going for a laugh (didn't you catch my "wink" avatar?). Anyway, I think I could cut and paste plenty of venom from you and others towards me if I wanted to take the time to do so, which I don't. Regardless, I am happy to accept the offer of a fresh start, and sorry if I "came on too strong" on our "first date". ;)

You could have at least gave him the benefit of a reach around. ;)

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Live blog from the courtroom on TSN right now


Poll there shows voters are evenly divided as to which way the judge will rule. I think that's probably about right, because this is one complex case and which direction the judge twists and turns is anyone's guess. Both sides are rich and powerful, both sides have high powered attorneys, and both sides feel they are on the side of precedence.

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Poll there shows voters are evenly divided as to which way the judge will rule. I think that's probably about right, because this is one complex case and which direction the judge twists and turns is anyone's guess. Both sides are rich and powerful, both sides have high powered attorneys, and both sides feel they are on the side of precedence.

I have a hard time taking that poll seriously. I'd guess the percentage of voters who are Canadian hockey fans -- and thus want a "favourable" ruling, as the poll itself describes it -- is at least 80%. Having said that, I certainly agree that the ruling is very difficult to predict.

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The poll number is now closer to 60/40 in Balsillie's favor. This could very well be do to anti-Bettman sentiments in Canada and beyond, but also may have to do with the updates which seem to hint that Baum is not too keen on throwing out any bids. Interesting that Balsillie's attorney is trying very hard to get both Bettman and Balsillie to both take the stand and testify. Desperation, or do they just feel certain that forcing testimony from B&B will harm the NHL's case and help their own?


The plot thickens...

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What does any of that have to do with the bankruptcy hearing?


The point is Toronto is going to have a big say in a team moving to Hamilton. Any team. Regardless of Balsillie. They've done it before and will continue to, do it.


Toronto fans looking to boycott games? Like that'll work. Corporate business' fills that arena not LeafsTV.


Burke mentioned today that he can't comment, but you can read between the lines to what his thoughts are. I think that is echoed in the majority of owners heads too. The owners and GM's want to focus on the product on the ice not some judge handing out teams and allowing them to move around the country as they please.


IMHO, If, Hamilton is to get a team, it's going to be by the book, the Constituion of the NHL, agreed upon by all parties, and done the right way.


And for Christ's sake, let's play some hockey!

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The point is Toronto is going to have a big say in a team moving to Hamilton. Any team. Regardless of Balsillie. They've done it before and will continue to, do it.


Toronto fans looking to boycott games? Like that'll work. Corporate business' fills that arena not LeafsTV.


Burke mentioned today that he can't comment, but you can read between the lines to what his thoughts are. I think that is echoed in the majority of owners heads too. The owners and GM's want to focus on the product on the ice not some judge handing out teams and allowing them to move around the country as they please.


IMHO, If, Hamilton is to get a team, it's going to be by the book, the Constituion of the NHL, agreed upon by all parties, and done the right way.


And for Christ's sake, let's play some hockey!

Very interesting article... I did a Google Earth measurement from Buffalo to Hamilton (not precise, but close enough). It measured 55+ miles as the crow flies. I'm sure a lawyer could argue with my measurement for both sides.

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Very interesting article... I did a Google Earth measurement from Buffalo to Hamilton (not precise, but close enough). It measured 55+ miles as the crow flies. I'm sure a lawyer could argue with my measurement for both sides.

That's 88.51392 Kilometers. Just sayin'

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Very interesting article... I did a Google Earth measurement from Buffalo to Hamilton (not precise, but close enough). It measured 55+ miles as the crow flies. I'm sure a lawyer could argue with my measurement for both sides.



According to this story, the league puts the distance at 41 miles (not that its calculation is necessarily any more meritorious than is yours). I also think that Bob Swados addressed the "nearness issue" in his book, Counsel in the Crease, and if I can find the passage tonight (I will have to dig through the self-congratulations that clog the text), I'll post a quote. Others on the Internet have used the distance from the northern edge of Black Rock to the southern edge of Hamilton.


You're right, there's plenty of room for argument all over the place here. I suppose that Balsille could put a new arena just outside both 50-mile zones if he really wanted to, though. I still see him as a Jerry Jones type who won't be great for the league.

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The point is Toronto is going to have a big say in a team moving to Hamilton. Any team. Regardless of Balsillie. They've done it before and will continue to, do it.


Toronto fans looking to boycott games? Like that'll work. Corporate business' fills that arena not LeafsTV.


Burke mentioned today that he can't comment, but you can read between the lines to what his thoughts are. I think that is echoed in the majority of owners heads too. The owners and GM's want to focus on the product on the ice not some judge handing out teams and allowing them to move around the country as they please.


IMHO, If, Hamilton is to get a team, it's going to be by the book, the Constituion of the NHL, agreed upon by all parties, and done the right way.


And for Christ's sake, let's play some hockey!


The part that got me was the end where he said he'd sign an affidavit for Baum if needed. I can't see how anything he said has anything to do with the bankruptcy hearing. Now if they want to push some sort of anti-trust thing like ETC keeps mentioning, ok, but that has nothing to do with what Baum is involved with.

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