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[OT] Weekend excitements?

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Perhaps many of you folks won't find this exciting, but I plan to watch near non-stop Olympics all weekend. I love the Olympics, Summer and Winter. I don't have a "home" team to root for most times track and field, swimming, gymnastics, etc except during the Olympics. I find them very fulfilling.


On that note, did anyone else watch the phenominal opening ceremonies last night? It was truly the most amazing opening ceremony I have ever seen. I just know alot of people in London watched that and are wondering how on Earth they can come close to matching it.

They have four years to figure that out. I'm sure they'll come up with something to top the ChiComs.

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:w00t: :lol:


Yeah, that's about right.


Here's what President Bush didn't see.


Inky, take this as a compliment. No matter whether we agree or disagree, it seems that I can always count on you to come up with some kind of curve-ball quip that will catch me off guard and make me laugh with you.

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:w00t: :lol:


Yeah, that's about right.


Here's what President Bush didn't see.


Yeah, a lot of people think all citizens in China live in a 1st world country like we do. Unfortunately, they do not. A large portion, if not the majority, of the population live in the "hills" in 3rd world like conditions. These are not typical cities. So many people in China don't have access to the technology/medicine most of us take for granted. What were seeing on TV is not the real China.

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That's fake. Look at the pics of the wires in front of the sreen. Color distortion, no shadows, English.


A great opening ceremony, but really, does anyone in the world think that China is all about caring for their people? We put mentally challenged people in the spotlight and China says "thanks for the nice voice, but you're too ugly for the public". It's like the Blair Witch Project.


<<stepping down from soapbox>>>

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That's fake. Look at the pics of the wires in front of the sreen. Color distortion, no shadows, English.


A great opening ceremony, but really, does anyone in the world think that China is all about caring for their people? We put mentally challenged people in the spotlight and China says "thanks for the nice voice, but you're too ugly for the public". It's like the Blair Witch Project.


<<stepping down from soapbox>>>


I dunno, the angles all line up and there's a good chance the color is distorted based on how cameras can be confused by taking pictures of projected images. Someone else on that website also confirmed it by rewinding his DVR of the ceremony and found it (supposedly).


Either way, funny stuff.


original photo. looks to have been taken on film and scanned.



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That's fake. Look at the pics of the wires in front of the sreen. Color distortion, no shadows, English.


A great opening ceremony, but really, does anyone in the world think that China is all about caring for their people? We put mentally challenged people in the spotlight and China says "thanks for the nice voice, but you're too ugly for the public". It's like the Blair Witch Project.


<<stepping down from soapbox>>>


Shades of Nazism and the Perfect Race, but it was a great show!

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Whether it was live or memorex doesn't matter a wit. It was an awesome "production". The fact that they went to the animation and computer extents they did to make it seamless makes it even better in my eyes. Should we be surprised? It was choreographed by their most famous and honored movie producer. It was awesome theatre, no matter how they pulled it off.

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Whether it was live or memorex doesn't matter a wit. It was an awesome "production". The fact that they went to the animation and computer extents they did to make it seamless makes it even better in my eyes. Should we be surprised? It was choreographed by their most famous and honored movie producer. It was awesome theatre, no matter how they pulled it off.

I don't have any problems with using computers to improve the choreography or using voiceovers in this instance as the whole thing was basically a very large scale theatrical production.


I do, however, take a SLIGHT issue with the broadcast showing the "enhanced" version of the fireworks. I'm not fully certain what it was about that that bothers me. I guess it's something about seeing a "live" (albeit tape delayed) event expecting that I'm seeing what is actually happening and then finding out later on that what I saw was actually what the directors WANTED the show to be, not what it actually was. Even though the announcers supposedly stated that what the viewers were seeing was computer enhanced, it still comes across to me like Whitney Houston lip syncing the National Anthem or Jessica Simpson's sister getting caught lip syncing on SNL. Part of the enjoyment of going to a concert or play is knowing that there will be minor screwups and seeing how the performers do so well at moving on past them that when it's all done you haven't noticed the screwups. If they are going to fake it why not just "shut up and play the record"?


As I mentioned, it's not a real big deal, but I don't really see the point of enhancing what was done. Why not turn it into a true motion picture extravaganza and broadcast that, this time with sharks with friggin' lasers on their heads rather than ill-tempered sea bass? I'm not a big fan of the opening/closing ceremonies and definitely don't give a rat's butt about the human interest stories that NBC seems to love (I'd rather watch boxing on CNBC rather than hear about some athlete's mother's 3 legged cat), but these opening ceremonies WERE very impressive; and now knowing that the organizers didn't think them impressive enough, I guess I'm not as impressed w/ them either.


Sorry for the rambling.

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