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F*** Tiger Woods


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I used to like him, but he is dead to me now:



Woods was asked if he was rooting for Detroit or Pittsburgh.


Woods started to laugh, then landed a zinger.


"I don't really care. Let's talk about the Dodgers," the California native said. "I don't think anybody really watches hockey any more."



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You guys are going to flame me... But, what the heck! :nana:


It is kinda true... IMO, hockey is an "elitist" sport (much like golf... But hear me out).


Takes a ton of dough and ICE to play the game... Especially starting out young... Both golf and hockey IMO are sports of "kings"...


Now, I know it is Canada's game... One big thing... Water freezes better up there, so the whole notion that is harder to find is bunk.


What is easier right now? Finding rink time or time on a municipal golf course? Can children go into a local gym and start playing the game in the purest form?


There is a reason why soccer is the number one sport in the world... There are too many restrictions on the sport of ice hockey... Really noboby cares outside of the nitch...


On another note... Safety has made the game a heck of a lot safer (for lack of a better word)... :lol: ...That also puts one hell of a cost restraint on playing the game... Especially for growing bodies... Now don't get me wrong, a family can do it and do it cheap... Yet, you have to get creative and devote the time (much like I like to take my children alpine skiing). This in the end will push children to the basketball courts, baseball fields, and yes to a certain extent the golf course.


I am not saying this is right, just a fact. Argue you on...




The Pot Stirrer in Illinois



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You guys are going to flame me... But, what the heck! :nana:


It is kinda true... IMO, hockey is an "elitist" sport (much like golf... But hear me out).


Takes a ton of dough and ICE to play the game... Especially starting out young... Both golf and hockey IMO are sports of "kings"...


Now, I know it is Canada's game... One big thing... Water freezes better up there, so the whole notion that is harder to find is bunk.


What is easier right now? Finding rink time or time on a municipal golf course? Can children go into a local gym and start playing the game in the purest form?


There is a reason why soccer is the number one sport in the world... There are too many restrictions on the sport of ice hockey... Really noboby cares outside of the nitch...


On another note... Safety has made the game a heck of a lot safer (for lack of a better word)... :lol: ...That also puts one hell of a cost restraint on playing the game... Especially for growing bodies... Now don't get me wrong, a family can do it and do it cheap... Yet, you have to get creative and devote the time (much like I like to take my children alpine skiing). This in the end will push children to the basketball courts, baseball fields, and yes to a certain extent the golf course.


I am not saying this is right, just a fact. Argue you on...




The Pot Stirrer in Illinois



A couple of five dollar sticks and a ball is all it took for me to develop a love for the game. we cut a couch cushion in half for goalie pads and playing street hockey on the dead end of my street. the nets were made of 2x4's and chicken wire. the difference between golf and hockey being elitist isn't even close. and these days it's even better. all it takes is a pair of rollerblades and a stick and there are municipal rinks everywhere.


Oh yeah...Eff Tiger Woods. Hockey rules and golf SUCKS.

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A couple of five dollar sticks and a ball is all it took for me to develop a love for the game. we cut a couch cushion in half for goalie pads and playing street hockey on the dead end of my street. the nets were made of 2x4's and chicken wire. the difference between golf and hockey being elitist isn't even close. and these days it's even better. all it takes is a pair of rollerblades and a stick and there are munisiple rinks everywhere.


Oh yeah...Eff Tiger Woods. Hockey rules and golf SUCKS.



I agree with you... You took a more than "creative" approach to finding the game... Many people are way too lazy...


Promoting the game is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole... Peg and hole of unvarying sizes... It can be done, but not that easily.


People just don't care about hockey because it is a skill sport and you have to learn to skate... Many don't watch because they can't relate, IMO.


Then there is the fluky element to the game and the arguments you hear about it being a "Chinese firedrill"... Which I have heard from some.


It will never be big outside of Canada and the certain nitch markets in the US... I don't know why they just don't go back to their core base and build from there... Interest would grow... IMO, right now they are venturing down the square peg and round hole route.

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and he's right about hockey.

maybe so, but his comment, to me, arguably says much about his personality.


he can't be bothered to weigh in on the stanley cup because "no one watches hockey". so, he didn't say something to the effect of, "well, i don't really follow hockey" (at least then he'd own it) or even add that "my hometown team is [the kings?], so i'm not sure who to pull for" -- no, he said "no one watches", so he can't be bothered.


i trust that if hockey became "cool" again, tiger'd be all over it. that attitude reveals the same puddle-dive quality that prevents tiger from making a nicklaus charge in a major -- he can front-run like no one else, but he doesn't have the soul and the grit needed to do something that defines a transcendent performance in his sport.


and i get it, tiger -- you're the coolest feckin' kid in school, okay? you have the most money, you drive the nicest car(s), you have the hottest wife, and the popularity of your entire sport hinges on your success. it's your world, and those toothless maroons from canada, michigan, minnesota and points well east of here are an irrelevant laughingstock.



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maybe so, but his comment, to me, arguably says much about his personality.


he can't be bothered to weigh in on the stanley cup because "no one watches hockey". so, he didn't say something to the effect of, "well, i don't really follow hockey" (at least then he'd own it) or even add that "my hometown team is [the kings?], so i'm not sure who to pull for" -- no, he said "no one watches", so he can't be bothered.


i trust that if hockey became "cool" again, tiger'd be all over it. that attitude reveals the same puddle-dive quality that prevents tiger from making a nicklaus charge in a major -- he can front-run like no one else, but he doesn't have the soul and the grit needed to do something that defines a transcendent performance in his sport.

and i get it, tiger -- you're the coolest feckin' kid in school, okay? you have the most money, you drive the nicest car(s), you have the hottest wife, and the popularity of your entire sport hinges on your success. it's your world, and those toothless maroons from canada, michigan, minnesota and points well east of here are an irrelevant laughingstock.



Dude that is a serious leap ... I really can't believe one has anything to do with the other ... he's a billionaire golfer and he can be an arrogant jerk ... shocker. Most of the guys he is competing against are arrogant jerks who think the world revolves around them ... it's the nature of an individual sport. Most of them would have said the same thing, if it's not part of their little world, they can't be bothered ...

Yet other arrogant jerks DO make charges and come from behind and show soul and grit ... not defending Tiger's career or suggesting he is or will be better than Nicklaus, just saying I don't think you can psycho-analyze the guy based on THIS quote and say it proves why he rarely comes from behind to win.


In general though, I really don't see the uproar ... who cares what he thinks about hockey?

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maybe so, but his comment, to me, arguably says much about his personality.


he can't be bothered to weigh in on the stanley cup because "no one watches hockey". so, he didn't say something to the effect of, "well, i don't really follow hockey" (at least then he'd own it) or even add that "my hometown team is [the kings?], so i'm not sure who to pull for" -- no, he said "no one watches", so he can't be bothered.


i trust that if hockey became "cool" again, tiger'd be all over it. that attitude reveals the same puddle-dive quality that prevents tiger from making a nicklaus charge in a major -- he can front-run like no one else, but he doesn't have the soul and the grit needed to do something that defines a transcendent performance in his sport.


and i get it, tiger -- you're the coolest feckin' kid in school, okay? you have the most money, you drive the nicest car(s), you have the hottest wife, and the popularity of your entire sport hinges on your success. it's your world, and those toothless maroons from canada, michigan, minnesota and points well east of here are an irrelevant laughingstock.



Bingo. I'm a huge golfer and I've loved watching what Tiger has done for the game, but this comment disturbs me.


Aud hits the nail on the head about Tiger being all over anything that's cool...and I'll add that you rarely see him playing at an event these days unless it's a major or a big money tournament (TPC, Memorial, etc.). I know he just had knee surgery, but in recent years, he usually seems to take time off so he can "prepare for the [uS Open, British Open, PGA Champ]". It's his life & his decision, but being the biggest face and ambassador for the sport, he really needs to be more visible.

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Dude that is a serious leap ...

i always did admire the career of lanny poffo.


I really can't believe one has anything to do with the other ... he's a billionaire golfer and he can be an arrogant jerk ... shocker. Most of the guys he is competing against are arrogant jerks who think the world revolves around them ... it's the nature of an individual sport. Most of them would have said the same thing, if it's not part of their little world, they can't be bothered ...

Yet other arrogant jerks DO make charges and come from behind and show soul and grit ... not defending Tiger's career or suggesting he is or will be better than Nicklaus, just saying I don't think you can psycho-analyze the guy based on THIS quote and say it proves why he rarely comes from behind to win.

i'm not sure you got my point. my point wasn't that he's an arrogant jerk who thinks the world revolves around him (guys like that can certainly possess the soul/grit that it takes to transcend a game) -- my point was that the comment points up how woods is, on some important level, a soft follower (albeit a phenomenally gifted one), rather than an irrepressible, inspiring winner.


i've heard people who follow golf pigeon-hole this as woods' "a-rod issue". it's not a neat fit, but i tend to agree.


In general though, I really don't see the uproar ... who cares what he thinks about hockey?

sorry for the tempest in a tea cup - but i always get my dander up when i perceive someone wanting to play schoolyard bully.

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i'm not sure you got my point. my point wasn't that he's an arrogant jerk who thinks the world revolves around him (guys like that can certainly possess the soul/grit that it takes to transcend a game) -- my point was that the comment points up how woods is, on some important level, a soft follower (albeit a phenomenally gifted one), rather than an irrepressible, inspiring winner.


i've heard people who follow golf pigeon-hole this as woods' "a-rod issue". it's not a neat fit, but i tend to agree.

OK I guess ... I mean, I can't really prove you wrong ... I guess it could mean all that stuff ... or it could mean that no one he knows actually watches hockey anymore ... if someone asked me about the Triple Crown, I would probably say "Does anyone watch horse racing anymore?" or "Who cares?!?" ... not because it is the cool thing to say but ... frankly, who cares?!?! It's horse racing, not a single person I know gives a crap ... I'm not trying to be cool, I'm just being honest.

And I, my friend, am a freaking irrepressible, inspiring winner. ;)

(I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!)


Seriously, you might be right about Woods, I just don't see it in this statement.

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OK I guess ... I mean, I can't really prove you wrong

nor i you - my take certainly can't be proven - just my take.


And I, my friend, am a freaking irrepressible, inspiring winner. ;)

(I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!)

i have no doubt.


and with that, i will commence pining for the days that al franken was a modest comedic genius on snl, and not the left's laughable answer to limbaugh.

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maybe so, but his comment, to me, arguably says much about his personality.


he can't be bothered to weigh in on the stanley cup because "no one watches hockey". so, he didn't say something to the effect of, "well, i don't really follow hockey" (at least then he'd own it) or even add that "my hometown team is [the kings?], so i'm not sure who to pull for" -- no, he said "no one watches", so he can't be bothered.


i trust that if hockey became "cool" again, tiger'd be all over it. that attitude reveals the same puddle-dive quality that prevents tiger from making a nicklaus charge in a major -- he can front-run like no one else, but he doesn't have the soul and the grit needed to do something that defines a transcendent performance in his sport.


and i get it, tiger -- you're the coolest feckin' kid in school, okay? you have the most money, you drive the nicest car(s), you have the hottest wife, and the popularity of your entire sport hinges on your success. it's your world, and those toothless maroons from canada, michigan, minnesota and points well east of here are an irrelevant laughingstock.



He would be like that kid that was the captain of the chess team, who won tournaments all over the country for the school, and was loaded and had whatever he wanted, but still got beat up by the Jocks at school because he was part of the chess team


Sorry, Golf is not a sport with Athletes (Can John Daly really be considered an athlete? fun fact, go to google and type the words alcoho0lic and golfer and see what comes up first), its a game. Its no more of a sport with "Athletes" then Texas Hold'em Poker, or a spelling Bee

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So are we questioning Tiger as an athlete here? Mentioning other golfers who are out of shape is pointless. Have you seen Tiger? The guy is jacked. While it is possible to be a pro golfer and be in questionable shape, look what it has taken to be one of, if not the best that ever lived.

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So are we questioning Tiger as an athlete here? Mentioning other golfers who are out of shape is pointless. Have you seen Tiger? The guy is jacked. While it is possible to be a pro golfer and be in questionable shape, look what it has taken to be one of, if not the best that ever lived.

Yeah I have to agree with shrader here. He used to occasionally come into the YMCA I worked at (in Orlando) to swim/work out with his trainer, and he is in seriously good shape.

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Yeah I have to agree with shrader here. He used to occasionally come into the YMCA I worked at (in Orlando) to swim/work out with his trainer, and he is in seriously good shape.


Tiger went to the Y?!?! That is stunning ... I can't even picture that ... didn't he just buy an island or something?

No doubt he is a legit athlete ... take your shots at him but not in that way.

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Sorry, Golf is not a sport with Athletes (Can John Daly really be considered an athlete? fun fact, go to google and type the words alcoho0lic and golfer and see what comes up first), its a game. Its no more of a sport with "Athletes" then Texas Hold'em Poker, or a spelling Bee

Hmm, I can't take it that far. There's a continuum of "competitive" activities: Games like hockey, lax, basketball and soccer are on the furthest extreme of requiring complete athletes at every position, while competitive activities like poker and spelling bees are on the other end of the extreme as non-sport activities requiring no athletic ability. Then you have pasttimes like darts and bowling, which take some physical skills and mental accuity, but are not what we consider "sports." I don't lump golf in with bowling, let alone poker.


And if the debate centers around whether a star player can be out of shape, well, then, baseball's arguably not a sport. Two words: Babe Ruth. More recently, didn't David Wells win ~15 games in a season where he also came down with the gout?


So are we questioning Tiger as an athlete here?

Not me.


Have you seen Tiger? The guy is jacked.

No denying that.


While it is possible to be a pro golfer and be in questionable shape, look what it has taken to be one of, if not the best that ever lived.

not, imho.

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Tiger went to the Y?!?! That is stunning ... I can't even picture that ... didn't he just buy an island or something?

No doubt he is a legit athlete ... take your shots at him but not in that way.

Most of the Y's in the Orlando area are pretty impressive facilities - they really put a lot of money into the buildings and programs. The one I worked at was an aquatic center on International Drive - Olympic-size pool, Olympic-size diving pool/platform, training pool - and because of the location it was a pretty quiet building outside of the busy "after-school" times, so Tiger could come in, work out/swim and generally not be bothered.


Of course this was all before he moved out of Central Florida.

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I know that the dictionary doesn't make quite this distinction, but to me, a sport requires that players actively face each other (in a simultaneous way, not turn-by-turn), impacting each other's performance directly. Conversely, a game may involve some athletic ability and certainly some skill, but does not have that direct interaction. Hockey, soccer, football, basketball, tennis, etc. are all definitely sports. Baseball, while being slightly more lazy, is a sport. Golf, bowling, darts, etc. are skill games that may or may not require athletic ability. While in the end their scores are compared, a player cannot directly affect another's performance.


Again, this is just in my mind and not necessarily a true-to-the-dictionary-definition differentiation.


Tiger may be in great shape and being strong (the right type of strong, not necessarily body-building bulk strong) is advantageous for a golfer, one can be a great golfer without being a great athlete. One can't even be a mediocre hockey player without being a great athelete. There are plenty of guys in my pick-up league that are in pretty good shape, who are still sucking wind after going up and down the ice a couple of times.

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