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What is our goal

tom webster

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I would loved to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation. It might not have meant much or it might have been "what is the goal, because if it's to win the cup, then you need to take off my leash."



I keep hearing that it might have been nothing, but I can't envision a likely scenario where that question comes where it doesn't mean anything.

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During the press conference, Larry Quinn revealed that Darcy asked him just this week what the goal is.

I think this is a huge revelation. Why would the General Manager ask the Managing Partner what the goal is this far into the process.

All I can do is laugh as I read this. I have a hunch that Ruff & Regier can't stand Quinn.

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Why wouldn't the GM ask the owner or in this case the managing partner what the goal is?


Does ownership want to keep building from the inside? Do they want to win now and do whatever it takes? Do they want to be a farm team for the rest of the league?


Is the goal for this next year to keep on the same path? Is their goal to do whatever it takes to atleast break even?


Its not like he asked what players he should bring in, or who should be kept, or let walk.


You all make it sound like NHL GM's have final say on everything and don't consult ownership on things, or that Owners just sit their in their boxes counting money and don't have a say on what the teams direction is.


Larry Quinn is the managing Partner and TG's right hand man, pretty much here to act on the owners behalf because he was not familiar with hockey when he bought the team and wanted someone who had experience with the team. So basically, DR was asking the owner what the goals are for the team

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Why wouldn't the GM ask the owner or in this case the managing partner what the goal is?


Does ownership want to keep building from the inside? Do they want to win now and do whatever it takes? Do they want to be a farm team for the rest of the league?


Is the goal for this next year to keep on the same path? Is their goal to do whatever it takes to atleast break even?


Its not like he asked what players he should bring in, or who should be kept, or let walk.


You all make it sound like NHL GM's have final say on everything and don't consult ownership on things, or that Owners just sit their in their boxes counting money and don't have a say on what the teams direction is.


Larry Quinn is the managing Partner and TG's right hand man, pretty much here to act on the owners behalf because he was not familiar with hockey when he bought the team and wanted someone who had experience with the team. So basically, DR was asking the owner what the goals are for the team



Companies have mission statements that don't change year to year. A Hockey team's goal should always be to win the Cup. Its not like these guys aren't in constant conversations. The question shouldn't need to be asked.

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Perhaps the best way to ask the question is, "How do we achieve our goal?" Get vets, sign young players, make trades... I just listened to the WGR wrap up online and DR/LQ said, "We are going to use our assets to get better." They were presuming based on the line of questions that a trade or two are coming.

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So basically, DR was asking the owner what the goals are for the team
The question shouldn't need to be asked.

Exactly. This is very telling. Didn't they #%^$#!ing outline this #%^$#! a long time ago. If Darcy is asking this question it tells me a couple of things:


1) Darcy has little to no confidence in Larry/Tom to provide the tools to build a hockey club.


2) Darcy has little to no respect for the man.

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Companies have mission statements that don't change year to year. A Hockey team's goal should always be to win the Cup. Its not like these guys aren't in constant conversations. The question shouldn't need to be asked.

Mission statements and corporate goals are two separate things, and both are different than corporate strategies.


The mission statement for the team is to provide the best product they can in a fiscally viable franchise for the long-run. That will not change and, in their minds, likely has not. You may argue about what is the best product and what it means to be fiscally viable, but these affect the strategic level of decision making, not the broad mission statement. This mission statement will be the same for every sports franchise that isn't owned by an eccentric owner who is willing to just feed money into the franchise.


One goal should be to win the Cup each year. However, no team has won the cup every year, nor even come close (at least since the days where there were six teams), so proper management has to be more than just blindly focusing on that. Another, more legitimate goal is to make the playoffs with a legitimate chance of winning. Even with that goal, many teams have thought they had done what they needed to make this happen and come up short. Another goal is to provide an exciting experience for fans. This can come from the personality of the players, the style of play (run-and-gun is more fun than the trap), competitiveness (winning is more fun than losing), facilities, give-aways, etc..


Again, the arguments that you have with the team are at a strategic level. Signing your own FAs vs. bringing in outside FAs vs. developing players from within; video scouting vs. a full scouting staff; negotiating during the season vs. focusing on hockey during the season. They have made plenty of good and bad decisions at this level. I agree with not over-paying for FAs either within or from outside. I disagree with not negotiating during the season, which they acknowledged didn't work and have said that they are changing strategies there.


It sounds like DR may disagree with some of these strategies.

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It sounds like DR may disagree with some of these strategies.

Why isn't it being handled behind closed doors instead airing out the dirty laundry? That is near insubordination on Darcy's part, and while justified, that is a major slap in the face to Larry. I'm glad he did it but it scares the hell out of me that it has come to this.

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Didn't larry bring in the slug too????


LQ is really starting to look more like the problem than the solution. Im scared for the next few seasons if there is an issue between LQ and DR. OR maybe its just DR covering his butt for not making moves only time will tell.

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Didn't larry bring in the slug too????


LQ is really starting to look more like the problem than the solution. Im scared for the next few seasons if there is an issue between LQ and DR. OR maybe its just DR covering his butt for not making moves only time will tell.


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Companies have mission statements that don't change year to year. A Hockey team's goal should always be to win the Cup. Its not like these guys aren't in constant conversations. The question shouldn't need to be asked.

Of course the "goal" or "mission statement" of every NHL team is to win the cup, but it might not be the only one.


Did they go into detail on what else Darcy asked? Maybe when he asked what the goal was, he wanted to know if they want to win it now, and that he should go out and do whatever is need to achieve it, or if their goal is to continue on their path and build the team through the draft and from within and not make it a priority to win now. Those are things a GM will have to ask the owner every off season. Another goal could be to win the cup as cheap as possible. This is all info that DR needs to know before he can start planning for the offseason


This does not sound like DR is not happy with LQ, or that anything is any different with the FO this year. This seems more like fans either blowing something small out of proportion, or wishful thinking from the fans.


And saying they are going to use their assets could mean anything from trading players away and use them to get better players in trades, use their players to go on recruiting missions to attract FA's, to continuing to "build from within, using their assests in the minors to continue to build the team, or for Darcy and LQ to "use their assests" on the corner by the arena to bring TG in a couple more $$ this offseason.


i don't see how a comment like that can lead people to a conclusion that Darcy isn't on board with the rest of the FO strategies. All I see is a GM trying to get a clue on the direction ownership wants him to go in this offseason, they did go from frugal budget, to top of the cap, back down to reasonable budget in the 3 years since the lockout

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Didn't larry bring in the slug too????


LQ is really starting to look more like the problem than the solution. Im scared for the next few seasons if there is an issue between LQ and DR. OR maybe its just DR covering his butt for not making moves only time will tell.



This is LQ's 2nd go around here. He wasnt liked then and appears to not be liked now. Kudos to DR!!!!!!!!!! slap that a$$wipe in the face.

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Did they go into detail on what else Darcy asked? Maybe when he asked what the goal was, he wanted to know if they want to win it now, and that he should go out and do whatever is need to achieve it, or if their goal is to continue on their path and build the team through the draft and from within and not make it a priority to win now. Those are things a GM will have to ask the owner every off season. Another goal could be to win the cup as cheap as possible. This is all info that DR needs to know before he can start planning for the offseason


I hate to harp on semantics but isn't this more about methodology rather than the actual goal. So are you saying Darcy wants to know how the Sabres are to go about achieving their goals? This is completely different than defining the goal.

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Why isn't it being handled behind closed doors instead airing out the dirty laundry? That is near insubordination on Darcy's part, and while justified, that is a major slap in the face to Larry. I'm glad he did it but it scares the hell out of me that it has come to this.


I agree completely with this premise and Blues commentary.


Maybe he felt compelled to handle it this way because LQ stepped in his area publically with his Ryan Miller, Pominville comments..... Hey if your going to talk to the media about player strategy before me I'm going to question the goal with media too...


Bottom line does not bode well for harmonious and cohesive strategy for handling this teams issues....

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Why isn't it being handled behind closed doors instead airing out the dirty laundry? That is near insubordination on Darcy's part, and while justified, that is a major slap in the face to Larry. I'm glad he did it but it scares the hell out of me that it has come to this.

Seems to me that a blanket statement like "what the goal is" is a way to feed the media something but still not disclose what they discuss behind closed doors.


The sky isn't falling. If it only took losing two players to keep us from the playoffs(I don't count Cambell), then we're only two players away from being a cup contender again.

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Companies have mission statements that don't change year to year. A Hockey team's goal should always be to win the Cup. Its not like these guys aren't in constant conversations. The question shouldn't need to be asked.



Goal meetings happen every year...This quote could be taken out of context. Without having the entire conversation to draw from, I think it would be a mistake to assume. So many different ways it could have gone.

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I hate to harp on semantics but isn't this more about methodology rather than the actual goal. So are you saying Darcy wants to know how the Sabres are to go about achieving their goals? This is completely different than defining the goal.

not really, it depends on what they meant by "goal"


The basic "goal" of every hockey club is/should be to win the Cup


But the "goal" can also be to win the cup as cheaply as possible. Or to win the cup in the next 5 years using players already in the system. Or to win the cup next season by any means necessary.


Its all up to interpretation on what they meant, and so far here, its all been conclusion jumping because of everyones disgust for LQ, and love of DR. Everyone wants to believe that that comment was DR lashing out at LQ and that he does not agree with him. We would probably see the same reaction if LQ came out and said during the PC that Darcy said goodmorning to him on his way into the office today.

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I dont like the team the way it is and I think Lindy must feel the same way..His last comment of the paragraph will be ringing thru my ears all summer..


"I?ve always been a guy that if leadership isn?t everywhere, it just can?t come from one person. The co-captaincy seemed to work good for us, with Danny and Dru. In an ideal world, I would like one captain. I just felt that as young as were, to see how guys would react to leadership? we saw a lot of good things. At the end, we were still a very young team."


Can you spell HELP

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