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Everything posted by pi2000

  1. Housley was pretty bad too. The underlying numbers behind RK's team's were much better than Coach Phil.
  2. Sabres website stream is working here in California 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. no captain this season Dahlin or Cozens at some point down the road, maybe even a darkhorse like Samuelsson or Power eventually
  4. Your lack of a substantive response is telling. Look at this way... the only way KA gets anything close to his desired return for him is if he's healthy. If Jack goes rogue and gets the ADR and it's successful, it benefits the Sabres if their doctors examine him and declare him healthy. What does Buffalo gain by voiding his contract at that point? If the surgery is a success, they have everything to gain if he passes a physical, and nothing if he fails it.
  5. Yes. They will. Because if they don't, then it would be a tacit admission that they don't feel he's healthy enough to play again. If Jack gets the ADR surgery, his contract will be terminated only if the team doctors determine the procedure was a failure.
  6. 3rd line C, 1st PK unit, 12-15min/gm, 10g, 15a, +5, +25 TRpm...
  7. If he passes his physical post-ADR they'll let him play a few games to show he's healthy, then scratch him until a trade happens. One thing is for sure... during the next round of CBA negotiations, this conundrum will be addressed in some manner. If I'm the player I would give it at least a year to heal on it's own before opting for potentially career ending surgery. I suspect that's where we end up.
  8. disagree. If the ADR is a success and he passes a physical, I believe they would clear him to play. That said, they would healthy scratch until a trade can be worked out.
  9. It's quite simple, if he passes a physical (post ADR) and team doctors clear him to play, then the risk shifts back to the Sabres.
  10. IMO the longer this drags on the more likely it is that Jack decides on his own to get the ADR surgery, taking on the risk himself. BUF could void his contract, but if the procedure is successful they have no reason to. Jack is putting the remainder of his contract at risk, but if he truly believes in ADR I think he'd be willing to take on that risk.
  11. Wrong. UPL is currently better than Portillo.
  12. I predict he will struggle in the AHL this season. He's big, but his reaction time isn't NHL level and he just isn't athletic enough to make up for it.
  13. Looks like an AHL scrimmage, gonna be a long season boys.
  14. Gee thanks for reminding me he's still on the team, smh.
  15. It's nothing like a divorce. Eichel is under contract. He can't get an annulment or file for divorce. His fate rest entirely in the hands of KA. He agreed to that when he signed his deal. Is it tiring? Perhaps. However, that doesn't mean you just pull the plug and trade him for nothing just to end the saga. The wise move is to wait it out.
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