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Everything posted by Scottysabres

  1. Good points. I wonder if Moulson's last year would hinder UFA scenario's for them given the AAV. That's why I went Ennis. You may very well be correct.
  2. I concur, and I believe Ennis will be the one they select given length and cost of contract combined with skill set and the flexibility Ennis had shown to play either wing.
  3. Eegads Batman. While I'm a proponent of moving Kane for the "right" deal, by no means am I under the illusion he's a "Staffordesque" type player. Do yourself a favor, don't run in to Kane out and about while voicing that comparison. It would end badly lol.
  4. Yes, but they will be looking for immediate scoring help. That leaves Kane and ? as the starting point. Then there is the cap issue to deal with on there end. I posted an example deal awhile back. A lot of moving parts, but it can be done. Hanifen, ah yes. The problem here is he may be another season off from full time duty. More importantly, he would cost this years 1st, unprotected in my opinion. Not so sure. But not writing it off.......yet. Yes Don't we wish. They'll want immediate scoring help, not future potential. They are in their cup run window. Anaheim isn't dealing unless cap situation works. I can however see an expanded package deal to make it work. If they want to play ball. Like the Murray offer, most likely a bit more. Probably the unprotected 1st for Hanifin and knowing Carolina, a B prospect. All considered. Anaheim is the most intriguing. But there are, alternatives.
  5. Dick Irvin (Toronto Maple Leafs 1932, Montreal Canadians 1944,1946,1953) and Tommy Gorman (1934 Chicago Black Hawks, 1935 Montreal Maroons) :) In the interest of full disclosure I looked it up :P
  6. More than possible. I agree. I really like Julien. I believe it was a mistake to hire Bylsma.
  7. Not surprising really. Toronto has young talent further along in their maturity process at the pro level. Half of Buffalo's roster is filled with under achievers, allowing opponents to effectively shut down Eichel's skill sets while he is hamstrung by coach Bylsma's conservative offensive strategy. Just my opinion.
  8. This may be a thread to revisit towards Jan./Feb. Next season depending on team performance. For now I firmly believe coach Bylsma is completely safe.
  9. Unpopular hockey opinion: hiring Tim Murray Reasoning: While I am not a Tim Murray fan, I don't dislike him either. I would have liked to have seen the Sabres organization approach the GM position with experienced success in mind. Thought Process: A new to the job GM at such a critical juncture in a tear down and rebuild moment requires some steady patience, some in depth knowledge on up coming talent, some forward thinking on short and long term overall roster planning and an end goal that targets a credible outcome based on those decisions. I think Murray is failing in his short term strategy due to his inexperience.
  10. It is odd that there appears to be a shortage of those top 4 slotted existing talents in the 22 to 27 age range. But then, I see the hoarding by teams like Carolina and Anaheim up and down their organizational pipelines as well as teams mostly locking up that talent long term and 2 things immediately come to mind: 1. Defenseman are almost all 2 way now. You don't see nearly as many defensive stay at home types and it's becoming the clear the 2 way defenders are contributing in some cases are on par with offensive defenseman. Personally I think the league is at a crossroads on this and 2 way defenders are the new league model. 2. As we Sabres fans are painfully aware given the Hurricanes ECF SERIES against us 10 years ago, you can never have enough defensive depth. And that to me in any event, is where I see teams like Anaheim hoarding. Of course, this conversation would not be complete for Buffalo if it didn't include the why of the situation. And this falls squarely on the desk of GM Tim Murray. This may not be the right venue thread to broach this subject, but BPA in drafts and targeting in 2nd and 3rd round picks of forward heavy strategies has left a gaping hole in back end depth. Trading for a Kulikov to try and plug a hole short term and move up to further grab future forward depth only leads to tough decisions as the can he kicked down the road fast approaches his feet again. It's just my personal view, but there is a reckoning coming on Tim's strategy, and it's coming like an out of control freight train. Something must be done, Kane may, and I stress may, be a factor in gaining control of the situation.
  11. I'm in your line of thought as well on net value of Kane alone, hence why I mentioned the over abundance of RW B+ prospects in the organization. And thanks, I just enjoy reading about and talking hockey, especially the sabres.
  12. Agreed on scoring is an issue. But looking at the teams record indicates Kane's scoring hasn't developed significant upward mobility in the standings, and really, here's the rub on this: "because he doesn't add a significant impact with regards to consistency in the line up, it hinders chemistry as opposed to promoting it among the other line configurations". And that, to me in any event, is really what I see with top tier teams, consistency in chemistry with their go to lines. While I realize all teams adjust lines either for a certain opponent or in game due to circumstances, more often than not their top lines have set chemistry. And I'm not blaming Kane for the D zone breakout failures or O zone puck give-aways issues this team has. I'm merely pointing out that the lack of addressed D that could offset some of those issues currently supersedes the LW hole that would be created in his absence. Of course, I openly admit as you rightly point out, scoring and that LW situation would then have to be addressed. But given the current premium on D league wide right now and for the foreseeable short term future, I personally feel it would be much less difficult to address that LW depth as opposed to that defensive depth situation moving forward.
  13. Playoffs. Kane's position this season will all come down to the playoff picture. But if a deal presents itself that achieves fulfilling a defensive need, which is a very real possibility, you pull the trigger. LW depth is an issue and losing Kane further deepens that depth issue. The problem with Kane is he hasn't been a consistent fit with top 2 lines, and at 5.25 aav that is a serious concern you just don't turn a blind eye to because he scored a couple of goals in a game. There are 82 games in a season, there is definitely 2 very good centers here in Buffalo. We are flush with RW'er depth, someone is going to be ass out of a roster spot here with the big club. Reinhart, Okposo, Bailey, Baptiste, Fasching one these guys isn't going to like drawing the short straw. Tim Murray has the ammo to offer Kane and a B+ RW near NHL ready prospect in a deal. There are teams flush with defensive young talent that slots at a #2 LHD OR #3 RHD that are looking to address winger issues that add immediate impact for a playoff window. We have Jack and Sam's deals to consider as well. The iron is hot........
  14. I don't see Kane getting moved unless the deal directly addresses either a #2 or a #3/4 defensive player. If it's a #2 consider it a gift from the hockey gods. If its a 3/4 guy (I consider McCabe a solid #3) there will most likely be depth in some form coming with it. If re-signing is actually considered, and I believe it should be, price and length of term are concerns. Kane is a solid 2nd line LW'er, of which we don't have any depth for that position.......yet. But if he is re-signed, his deal kicks in when he'll be 27 years old. The way he plays a longterm deal of 6 years or more is unthinkable, and he is almost certainly going to want to get paid. I'd look at 3 years, 5.5 million max. But I think Murray moves him.
  15. Score, just score. I don't care who.......come on boys, WIN!
  16. Just got home from work. Listened on the radio......GO SABRES!!!!!
  17. How much more time and money are on Bylsma's contract? Something tells me CJ isn't coming to Buffalo when that answer is posted.
  18. Great game. Leaving the arena now. Eichel is just.......when he's on, he's on.
  19. Shea Theodore, LHD The issue would be cap. Your taking Stoner and most likely an in-season cap dump to make it work.
  20. Absolutely. If his uncle can help, even better.
  21. Fasching, Bailey and Baptist are RW'ers and Carrier, while fast looks suited for line 3/4 duties. Nylander I've seen and commented on. I still see the LD and LW as a weakness in the organization.
  22. Are there any power forward or sniper LW'ers, 19, 20, 21 years 9ld with speed that could mesh with Eichel?
  23. My youngest son is stationed inboard the USS Antietam out of Japan. 2 days ago he called me, the ship had run aground. He manned his post in the bowels of the ship in engineering trying to restore propulsion. While no one was hurt, the damage I'm told is catastrophic. He followed in dads footsteps and early on at least, is acquitting himself quite nicely. Signed, A proud dad.
  24. And Pegula will give him the time to try and complete the product. Going after Murray is minutes in your life you won't get back........... For now.
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