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Everything posted by Scottysabres

  1. Don't puss off the giant swede...lol We need a video snippet of the swede from heartbreak ridge :)
  2. So......shut the thread down then? What if I stand in defiance of this, this obstruction of free trade speech...... #NOTMYKANE! :P
  3. Yea, I caught that aviut Maatta. Here is the only D in LA's system that looks feasible? I guess? ALEX LINTUNIEMI Another Finn (maybe Risto misses home, hard to say). He's a big frame that's for sure but the scouting report I read on him didn't stand out. It may he a year old for all I know though. In any case, nothing outside of Fowler really stands out at me for Kane.
  4. LOL Well to be fair, talking trade Kane in the Trade Kane thread has become polarizing for this board. Some want to keep the scoring, can't blame them. Some want to asset exchange to address more pressing area's, can't blame them either. There was an interesting debate elsewhere on a deal with the Ducks, but if Pittsburg is to be our dance partner as it appears they are trying to be, I don't trade them Kane for anything they are willing to give up. In short, Kane is worth more than just Maatta, Risto and the Finnish connection or not. I'd want Sprong in the deal as well. And he's another RW'er. Fowler, that is my ideal target. Or conversely Montour or Theodore along with Ritchie for Kane and Kulikov. But, cap makes it impossible. The only one that has me scratching my chin is LA. Lombardi and company came and had a look. We were looking at there AHL team. I've looked over their rosters, thoughts?
  5. Some teams are top 4 D heavy but lack in scoring Some teams are heavy scoring but lack top 4 D Some teams lack both A select few have just the right balance Where do you believe the Sabres fall in these categories?
  6. How old is he now? 38? 39? He should be close to hanging them up, no?
  7. I know. I was reading the boards for a bit before joining. I don't believe my response to eleven was alluding to that however. The thread title is "keep or trade Evander Kane". I'm in the trade him only if it returns the "right" asset(s) corner.
  8. Are we? Working on cold fusion that is. And so if Kane wasn't the leading goal scorer then we could broach the trade subject? Appears to be a definitive line in the sand by that standard. What if Okposo gets a hat trick tomorrow, would that be the threshold that opens the proverbial flood hates to a "possibly trading kane to upgrade the D" conversation?
  9. I'm looking at the defensive weakness from the stats posted, the current team record, how they ended up with some pivotal losses on that record and the seasonal individual performances/play of defensemen during the totality of the current record.
  10. Agree. Except wasn't it recently reported Gio is staying......
  11. How? You have to give to get. What other ammo do you see in the ammo locker that achieves the desired goal? Trade the RW pipeline? Meaning Bailey, Baptiste or Fasching? Cause were empty on the left.
  12. Kid showed promise early on, wonder what happened. In any event, another right winger that shoots righty. Murray should pick him up just to be an AHL filler?
  13. Players go through stretches of good and bad. I do agree with in that defense is frustrating this team. But as others have pointed out, 0 depth is all bad, and as I have pointed out (along with many others), not addressing the issue and letting it try to play out for self or internal improvement is most certainly taking its toll on Risto, the stud defenseman. While Kane scores, and yes scoring was a prime issue early season, he also brings the value necessary to address this.
  14. No one is advocating that Kane be used in such a manner. The truth is right there, for all to see. And you have seen it. Risto needs help, it's been stated repeatedly and it is correct.
  15. People need to start looking at the Kane situation rationally. Put aside the trade scenarios (including my fun time) that are pipe dreams. Start thinking about the team. Risto needs help, desperately. Forget the RHD for McCabe and the second pairing for a moment. Risto needs real help, and you all know it. You all watch the games, we have all watched as he gets burned out. Kane is a real opportunity to address that. I don't know who or what that type of deal would look like, but each of you know he's the value that could seal a deal. If a partner for Risto can be had by moving Kane, you do it and don't think twice about it. You all know, even the die hard keep Kane fans, that I speak the truth.
  16. How's Baptiste look? And is Fasching playing?
  17. Understand, I am not advocating keeping Fluery, and as I pointed out earlier, those of you expecting to ride a goalie strategy for success, it's been tried here in Buffalo, more than once, unsuccessfully. I'm just looking at defense and an asset allocation.
  18. These are valid questions. I would surmise based only on what I am hearing from some penguins fans they aren't sold on Murray. They did express great interest in Lehner though. And Fluery does not need to he protected, its a modified NTC / NMC. Under the ED rules you don't have to protect modified contracts.
  19. Fluery has a modified NTC/ NMC where he will list 18 teams to be traded to.
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