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Everything posted by klos1963

  1. are you saying Robertson is better and worth more in a trade because he didn't have a player like Kane?
  2. Debrincat with 2 40 goal and 1 30 goal season already, thought that was steal for the Sens. Would definitely not mind getting a goal scorer like that for 3 picks. Both Debrincat and Robertson were 39 pick overall. Kinda interesting fun fact.
  3. I wouldn't think Olofsson, only because of his contract. Too much for Dallas to add.
  4. We won't have room for all the prospects on the big league roster eventually. Something has to give. Not necessarily a bad idea to package a few for a proven elite player.
  5. No, Hulu and Hulu + are different. I have espn+ here is AZ and it's great. It has almost every game for every team, college BB(I'm a Bona fan, watched most of their games), college FB... it's a great deal, plus Disney is great too. Either channel is worth the price, getting both is a real bargain.
  6. Money grab has a negative connotation to it. Sorry if I misinterpreted your view.
  7. It's sports entertainment, it's supposed to make money. That's ok.
  8. This mentoring drives me nuts. Is every veteran a good mentor? Is it really needed? Is Stastny a good mentor?
  9. Kadri would never sign a short term deal in Buffalo instead of a long term deal on a top team.
  10. Is Anderson the only goalie that would also be a good locker room guy? I get he's a good guy with a great story, but at some point, we want to win games. If he plays 30 a year and is subpar, we don't have a chance to make the playoffs, no matter how fun he is in the locker room. I would hope so. Doesn't sound like a smart strategy.
  11. you left out quality goaltender... that should be part of the equation, right?
  12. He's a below average goalie, that doesn't make him a respectable backup. Insanely awesome....really?
  13. Why should he get a front office or coaching position? Does he know how to coach? What are his skills that would help in the front office? I like Okposo, but he's been mostly a non factor here while earning millions. Does the team really owe him future employment? I wonder if other teams have so much fan base discussion about naming a team captain. It really seems over the top.
  14. He joins the team in January? coming off major neck surgery and he's the team leader?
  15. Mentally is people are usually victims of crimes, not perps. I feel that those throwing out mental illness as a cause for these types of tragedies is just a way to attempt to distract from easy access to guns. Other countries have mental issues, social media, illegal drugs, but they don't have near the level of senseless gun violence that we have.
  16. Are you allowed to smoke weed in public places? You can't here in AZ, just in your home, or hopefully in my car before the concert i'm going to next week.
  17. I think that there's always been a concern about fixing games or spreads. I think legalized gambling increases the likelihood of this occurring more often. I do enjoy light betting on some games, but it's not a big deal for me.
  18. so basically we get Kane, who just came off one of his top scoring seasons, for almost nothing. If you're going to do all this work, could you at least get us a starting goalie?
  19. fair enough, but I honestly didn't really ever read any negative comments about Eichel until this whole situation took place. It's amazing how many people quietly hated him before.
  20. So it's 2 things. You're feelings were hurt. I get it, but jesus, get over it. I'm glad we get a better draft pick, but people need to grow up.
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