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Everything posted by Kruppstahl

  1. Anyone still think Edmonton is about to take Eichel and not McDavid? Not a chance.
  2. Don't want to give up Compher though. Zads will be painful too.
  3. We're on the brink of having arguably the best C corps in the league. *EDIT* I should say what is expected to become arguably the best C corps in the league. It's kind of crazy.
  4. Bob McKenzie just flat out said on NBCSN that the Sabres are working with Colorado to get O'Reilly. It sounds like this is going to happen; look for Grigorenko and Zadorov to go to Colorado.
  5. Tonight is a good night to just generally appreciate beer.
  6. The Bruins are in overdrive today and they are not done yet. I expect Rask to go next. And yet so little of it makes sense :blink:
  7. A certain contingent in Ottawa is speaking fondly of him right now, and that's always a good sign. Then again, the fan base in Philly was really upset when they lost Leino to us in free agency! :w00t:
  8. One upside here: Lehner is a bit of a crazy hot head with a lot of Patrick Roy in him! He's been involved in several edgy incidents in his young career so far. Check this first class entertainment out!
  9. I knew we wouldn't use 21 as a pick at that spot, but I didn't think it would be this! First clearly defined misstep by Murray during his tenure as GM in my opinion. I just found out about this by visiting WGR550.com. Saw the "BREAKING NEWS" banner and genuinely thought it was the guys playing a "April Fools" type goofy joke for a moment...they have been goofy and giddy for a few days now with the draft, the Eichel mania, etc. Hmmm. Watching the draft tonight just became less necessary. May go out with friends. We know who we will take #2 anyway. The lower picks don't excite me.
  10. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Good luck to him! I hope your housing situation in Baltimore opens up. I have found Craig's list to be largely unreliable in the past; can you target a neighborhood you like and just wander around looking for "for rent" signs or have you considered a commercial rental situation with a rental office and the like? Not sure what your situation or budget is exactly. Regarding the cheese! I am a food snob, so be forewarned. But...that stuff you are complaining about (rightly so) is chemical goo and you really shouldn't be eating that. Save your pennies and buy some real cheese, and then don't eat any cheese when you can't afford your next batch. That would be my advice. Good cheese is quite expensive, as is good, healthy eating, generally speaking, in this county. It's a shame. My information is now 15 years out of date at least, but at that time, the Pierce Arrow facility was definitely not limited to film studies. It was mostly filled with guys like my buddy, slinging paint at canvas and hoping for the best. I do the same myself in my free time so I can relate. Are you an architecture student? Do you have an architecture degree? I'm sorry if I need to go 3 pages back and get the full story, I'm kind of jumping in at the end I guess.
  11. I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but you are an artist looking for cheap work space somewhere in Buffalo? Is that right? My buddy (like 15 years ago) rented space in the old Pierce Arrow factory on Elmwood. It was totally converted over to art rental spaces. Is that still going on? Did you look into this?
  12. Indeed we will. There are arguments to be made for using a draft selection on a goalie (definitely not the 21 pick, it would be lower than that) and there are arguments for NOT doing that. A draft pick might also be used not to draft a player, but to trade for a slightly more advanced young net minder. I have no idea what Tim has up his sleeve with this! We all know we need some sort of decent goalie rolling forward. I have no doubt Tim Murray will find one, somehow, some way. I'm not particularly concerned about this at all.
  13. In all fairness, Grigs was never thought of in that regard. He's not going to be on this team a lot longer anyway, so it doesn't matter. At least that's my opinion. He may not be a Sabre as of midnight tomorrow. Patton is a compared to Timmy boy. I'd prefer to compare Tim to Rommel leading the 7th Panzer Division through France in 1940. Now there's a cat with some gigantic attachments.
  14. As far as wild risk taking and high-stakes gambling go, Tim Murray makes Hitler look like George McClellan...or Darcy Regier. This cowboy is ready to wheel and deal and I can't wait. I'll be shocked if we use pick #21 as a draft pick in that slot. It's going to be packaged off to move up IMO. Can't wait to see how this plays out tomorrow, popcorn bowl in lap. I assume we will have a game day thread for it, yes!?
  15. Good post. The highlighted is all that really needs to be said on this topic...but I guess people need to talk about something. Friday night can't get here soon enough and we are all anxious.
  16. In total, he will utter 4 words. He will first approach the podium and remove the mike from the holder so it's in his hand. He will then point to Eichel and utter one word: "Him." He will then say: "Konnichi wa, bitzsches," drop the microphone to the floor, and walk off the stage.
  17. I don't remember commissioners being booed like Bettman, but maybe my memory is just bad. I find Bettman to be a particularly bad commissioner, so I can see why people boo him. As a general rule, maybe fans do boo all commissioners b/c they represent the dark side of the game.
  18. This problem could be solved if Bettman was replaced with a good commissioner who wasn't booed by every NHL hockey fan in every NHL city at any and all NHL events at which the commissioner appears. Simple.
  19. 7 core players have won all three cups: Hjalmarsson, Hossa, Kane, Keith, Seabrook, Sharp, and Toews. Cups 1 and 2 were won by Bolland as well. Cups 2 and 3 were won by Bickell, Crawford, Oduya, Kruger, Rozsival, Shaw, and Saad. Of course Versteeg won the first, left, came back, and won the third. If you have the right key pieces (7 is enough) the rest can be plug and play guys and you can enjoy a lot of success You still have to plug in and play the right supporting cast though, and for the last 2 Cups, Chicago has enjoyed some nice continuity with the same 15 guys if you include Versteeg who was part of the first win.
  20. Nice touch to give it to Timonen first.
  21. Busting out the Fanfare For the Common Man I see. LOL.
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