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Everything posted by Radar

  1. I sincerely hope so. Trading ROR for anything less than overpayment would be upsetting to me. Extremely hard player to replace. Don't want to hear about his being slow look at his play. His end of season comments while good ammo for talk shows I am not overly concerned about but if he's a problem I'll trust our GM to evaluate those things. Gossip amoung men is past off as discussion amount women it would be gossip. Great post.
  2. Choking on that one. The previous post exchanging the 2nd for their 3rd overall has me more than excited but I'm sure Montreal is far less excited about that. I'm not for trading ROR unless it's for something I'm not expecting to be offered
  3. Why do you follow a team owned by people you seem to have no use for and a team supposedly patterned after a team you think no more of.
  4. If the consensus agrees with you then I'm way out of the loop. Would not want him near our young players.
  5. This problem of knowing a legitimate news source is very worrisome to me.
  6. I think if our defense improves nd we find a decent and consistent answer in goal we will compete for playoffs. Goaltending major question mark. We also need to find help on wing unless someone in the organization surprises.
  7. But you can't move something no one else wants.
  8. Well at least phoney patriotism. Sounds logical except in a money hungry,capitalistic society. Make money off those with less money. We with less money buy into it. Frankly I've all but lost interest in professional sports. It's a product for sale that I ain't buying.
  9. I certainly agree on Orr,Gretzky and Lemieux. Crosby has to be in that discussion and I tend to include him.
  10. Rick on his worst day is light years better than Dunleavy. Nationally speaking? I am not familiar with all the play by play guys. All I know is Dunleavy is terrible in my opinion.
  11. Sorry meant expansion draftof course. Why do I think you knew that? Thanks for your expertise in pointing out the error.
  12. Again, ROR is the second best player on our team. My opinion. Whether he is traded or not depends on the return. Personally I doubt if there is a return that makes me want to trade him. I believe the problem with our team,is depth not the "core" and as the "team"is developed around our core then we'll see results. Don't know about locker room issues anymore than the rest of us so I'll trust coach and management to sort that out.
  13. Will the league look into the entry draft or is this an aberration? Here's a team constructed by choosing players available by league rules of protection by existing teams that ends up with a possible Stanley cup team. Credit due to the Vegas management for using the draft very well but,again, is this aided by the league rules or is Vegas just an aberration?
  14. I disagree with most of your posts regarding Kim but the extension of Dunleavy is mind boggling. He's terrible.
  15. Well this really is disappointing. Guess I'm not listening to too many games. Worst in the business and our team has signed him to new contract? Must be he'll work real cheap or the team wants the last place standing on the ice and in the booth. Couldn't disagree more. He's terrible!!
  16. No questions,speculation,discussion it's Dalin period. Next discussion?
  17. I root against any team with Marchand playing for them.
  18. Good post. Agree totally with this assessment. Unless one of these guys is cancer in our locker room I don't see why we move any of this core.
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