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Everything posted by Rasmus_

  1. Yeah he's putting on a show; and this is a nice asset to have. Someone they could let marinate. The actual draft/development model is working.
  2. Not familiar with that name; personally.
  3. 13th is a decent area for a bunch of talent.
  4. We need a bit more two way. I agree with Crusader on Timashev and Willander.
  5. Toronto being swept would be a beautiful thing.
  6. It really depends on the term; I wouldn't give him more than a year. However; I'm not that interested.
  7. Congrats Owen, it's a nice accolade. You showed that you're here to stay! Regardless of the outcome, we're happy to have you.
  8. This is terrible, for anyone to go through. Sorry to the Pegula family. Prayers are with you. I was vocal about her as a detractor when she was the "Team President." But, nothing short of support for this tragic situation. I feel for Terry and their children.
  9. Sounds great, off to watch video on him. Is he a righty?
  10. Wilson has been a bit of a dud due to injuries the past few seasons. He's getting to that age, where he's going to slowly fall off a cliff.
  11. Atlanta doesn't deserve a third chance for a franchise. Sorry. I just don't understand this.
  12. So what are Sabrespacer’s thoughts on the team? What is overall grade for the season? B+ What grade would you give Adams and Granato (including his staff)? Adams - B- / Granato A- What grade would you give the Forwards, the Defense and the Goaltenders? A for the forwards / A- for the defensemen / C for the goaltending What grade would you give the Power Play and the Penalty Kill? Powerplay - B+ / PK - C Who is your MVP? Rasmus Dahlin Who is your ROY? Owen Power Who is your MIP (most improved player)? Casey Mittelstadt Who is your unsung hero? Alex Tuch
  13. After thinking about it, I think he could return something, and clear up a roster spot. So in terms of what we can get, we'll see.
  14. If there is a trade that makes sense, then make it, otherwise, he fills a role. I have no issue with him. He has his warts, but every team has hollow offensive players. I mean look at Zegras. He has no fundamental defensive upside, he's all high octane offense.
  15. The one thing about Casey, was always his health and staying on the ice. This year he provided that and towards the later fourth of the season, really found his game. he's showing tenacity and I really like him as a third line center. He plays up with better paired linemates too. So there's something here. Always loved his personality and engagement in pressers, but always wanted to see more. He's a Sabre.
  16. He's been better as of late, but I'm still underwhelmed.
  17. Dahlin was magnificent once again. Sorry Makar, you're second rate, mate.
  18. These are priceless. Wow! I love it every time.
  19. Totally agree with you. Considering this is the first time in almost 3 seasons that Erik looks like himself again. Doing that on a terrible team, where often most nights he's carrying them is so damn impressive. He's a world class athlete. He deserves the Norris and should get Ted Lindsay votes. That being said, I still prefer Dahlin's overall game. His tenacity, and his physicality have shown up this year. He's got snarl, and we need that in the worst way.
  20. He's been completely useless and underwhelming. It might take longer for him to adjust into this system, but to be completely honest to me it doesn't look good. Major overpay.
  21. He was an overpayment at the deadline, and he's done nothing thus far. I have no issues with the physicality, but I just don't see it. I'll just hold my cards for now.
  22. Was not really digging the lines. The Tuch and Samuelsson injuries were so detrimental to this team. I also don't really like what I've seen thus far out of Greenway, but it's early.
  23. Closer than the score showed. The Sabres were all over Edmonton in the second period. It sucks that you lose, however they will be hungry tomorrow.
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