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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Nice game, boys. Tuch's the man. Happy for KO. A nice goal from VO, finally and then an empty netter as a reward. And Joker hitting it top shelf from 3-point land was fun. Good win.
  2. Danny got spanked by daddy and sent to the corner real quick, there. And the whole time Danny boy was screaming internally "you stupid old bastard! If the league screws me out of inheriting this team because you can't control yourself, I'm going to strangle you!" Meanwhile the other fine folks on stage were trying to disappear into their $3,000 suits like Obi-Wan in Star Wars.
  3. They use those little square yellow reflectors 'round these parts.
  4. You can see the lines clearly in PA because the roads have only been plowed once per day per major storm. PENNDOT is literally the worst at snow maintenance in the north east and it isn't even close. They sit in the turnouts until the snow stops, rather than making multiple passes on the highway.
  5. I'll be at work with nothing better to do. Sure, I'll watch it in my office. Maybe I'll put it on all the TV's in the Sports Book. That'd be fun.
  6. Bottom line is that Bud Selig is in the hall of fame on the backs of a league that was juiced out of their minds. He knew and didn't care in the least. "Get me some ratings Big Mac and Sammy! Keep hitting balls to other planets, Barry!" Chicks dig the long ball was a marketing campaign. The fact that Jeff Bagwell, Mike Piazza and David Ortiz are all in the Hall while the MLB career leaders in Hits, the MLB career leader in HR and the American League all time K's leader aren't is completely ridiculous. Oh, and Bonds and Clemens never actually tested positive for banned substances. PS: The Hall is still my favorite museum.
  7. Ortiz was also roided up. Sports writers are nerds who were stuffed into lockers who wield their power like petty *****. T.O. didn't get into the football Hall of Fame on the first ballot because the writers didn't like him... they're ***** dweebs.
  8. The Baseball Writers Association can ***** right off!
  9. Georgia is up 4 games in the all-time matchup with Vanderbilt. 121-117... ...in baseball
  10. Probably 3 more titles... *****, I hate the *****in SEC
  11. It's is funny to me that some of you think the sabres should be scoring on these breakaways. Why would anyone ever think that? They never score on breakaways. Thomas Vanek was the last sabre to score on a breakaway. That was 14 years ago.
  12. You mean like the Patriots losing to the dolphins...again!
  13. Oh look, the bills covered a 16.5 point spread when they had already clinched the playoffs. Everyone who spent all game complaining sucks.
  14. This dude is going to murder his entire family.
  15. It's finally snowing. I'm off to play in it.
  16. Man, if UPL didn't play sub-D League level goalie in the first period, we'd have actually won this one.
  17. Carrier dome is "the loud house" for a reason. It absolutely rocks when the (basketball) team is halfway decent. In 03 that dome was magic. From 06 to about 2010 it was positively deafening. People had gotten a taste of a Nation Championship and they thought Gerry could deliver another one. Then they thought Jonny Flynn and the boys could bring one home... Now, I haven't heard the dome loud for a football game since I was a young teenager and we had Donovan. Regarding SkyDome: it's a morgue. Unless Cecil Fielder is at the plate for batting practice. I swear to God, it sounded like gun shots. Oh and the dome is always hot. But on the bright side, the roof no longer deflates when the doors are open for too long. Sucks you outside like the air lock in Aliens.
  18. I use this leash because it's got a locking carabiner and can't accidentally be unclipped by you well-intentioned neighbor with shaky hands. https://ruffwear.com/products/knot-a-leash And this harness https://ruffwear.com/products/web-master-harness The handle on the harness is great for hucking the dogs up into the truck when they are too stubborn to jump. And I'm aware this stuff is a fortune. My dogs make me poor. But the products do last forever. Mine are all just about 10 years old and going strong.
  19. Did she slip the collar? My boys are both genuine escape artists. They will do anything they can to go live free in the woods and eat woodland animals. They bolt at open doors and they back out of secure harnesses. I even caught them trying to climb the chain link fence once. It was incredibly stressful when they were younger. Now I've at least got a harness that works and I've completely escape proofed my backyard. Doors are still an issue. Maybe it's me...
  20. Don't worry dude, I've got two guys with acetylene torches working on my boiler right now. It only gets worse! 😛 I still don't want to rent anymore.
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