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Sabre fan

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Everything posted by Sabre fan

  1. so what the heck is lehner worth? goalies getting nice contracts seems to say he should be around 4mil a year too
  2. I think Lerner is still young by goalie standards and has shown big steps forward. Seems silly to go after someone else's castoffs when Lerner is exactly what we wish the team to be...competitive and combatative
  3. Apparently new GMJBotto has already hinted he may seek another goalie other then lerner. We may try to trade Lerner or of course could just let him walk. Then, of course, it becomes a question of who we go after. How about... Marc-Andre Fluery -Pittsburgh Penguins Brian Elliott- Calgary Flames Jaroslav Halak- New York Islanders Jimmy Howard- Detroit Red Wings Steve Mason- Philadelphia Flyers Mike Condon -Ottawa Senators These are thought to be readily available through either free agency or trades. Interesting to note that the general thought is that just maybe GMJBotto does not think as highly of Lerner as old GMTM did. any thoughts or any other names to throw into the hat?
  4. I have no doubt that new GMJBotto looked at our lineup and thought there's way more talent then we saw last year. The key is to get each player to play to their strengths. Last year, just about everyone underacheived while just about everyone on, say the leafs, overacheived (or met their expectations). I really do think that we have far more talent on this lineup and that many of these guys just need the proper coaching and motivation. Zegmus is a good example of someone who has far more talent then we've seen.
  5. of course if we ever get back into the playoffs and it was us doing what Ottawa is doing (like winning basically) trust me none of us would complain!
  6. clearly there is something amiss in Rochester because it's not like they don't have some pretty darn good players there. Just seems that (surprise) the wrong system is being implemented and the players seem uninspired as if they don't really care. Probably the biggest problem was that Blysma didn;t seem to like playing younger guys and the young players in Rochester did not think they were getting a fair chance with the big team. When they'd bring up Bailey or whoever they'd throw him out and expect big things right away. If they did not score like 2 goals every game, they were sent right back down. Not hard to see that the young guys were getting frustrated with how things were and how they were being treated and the system being implemented in Rochester. Sure look forward to GMJBotto getting that team straightened out
  7. those stats are indeed quit good and certainly seem to be better then Zaitsev's, who just signed a monster contract in TO
  8. I think new GMJBotto will obviously have to take some time and try to approach each issue, and there are many, with patience and an open mind. As we know, Rochester is, and has been, a mess for many years and that in itself will take some real hard work to get it straightened out and lets face it, one of the absolute must haves in the new NHL with the cap being such a issue is a efficient AHL team that consistently sends good young players to the big team (like Pittsburg;s does year after year). 4 GMBotto has to hire a new coach, prepare for the draft, meet the players at some point, along with a ton of other things. I think it is safe to say this will all take time, so I guess we will need to be patient ourselves. I so think however that the team is already in much better, and certainly more capable hands.
  9. Still think he has it in him to be a very good 3-4 guy. remember, he was rated extremely high in the 2008 draft and was taken 3rd overall. He was thought to be a perfect combination of size, skill, speed and both offense and defense capabilities. With a new coach and a shot of much neeed confidence (which most of the roster needs) I think he'll be a good defenseman. Looking at that 2008 draft is crazy...defensemen were the big thing that year, with a ton of great (or thought to be ) players on defense up for grabs. Drew Dought went 2nd (Stamkos was one), then Bogo 3rd. after that, we had Pietrangelo 4th, Luke Schenn (don't laugh) 5th, we took Tyler Myers at 12, LA picked some defenseman named Colten Teubert at 13, Ottawa got some guy name Karlsson at 15 (what a steal),Anaheim took jake gardiner at 17, Luca Sbisa was taken at 19, Del Zoot at 20, someone named Tyler Cuma by Minnesota at 23, John Carlson at 27 finished the defensemen picked in the 1stround in 2008. Of note Rmoan Josi went to Nashville in the 2nd round. Great year for defensemen
  10. Certainly a very strange thing all the way around. Being a I find it strange all the secrecy. Having said that, moving forward Kyle O is a big big part of the team and kinda forgotten in the shuffle and with everything going on.New GMJBoto sure has some major issues to handle right away, like signing or making a decision on Lerner, Kane and how to add defensive help. Sure hope he signs Antinpin...
  11. Gotta think that new GMJB and TP have had chats about a coach too...maybe they'll announce who that is at the news conference. I think they may also announce a trade of Cindy Crosby coming to Buffalo (just as someone who posts on here all the time predicted) in return for Matt Moulson, Tyler Ennis, Bogo, a bag of pucks, the rights to have Rick Jenerette announce one game for Pittsburg and future considerations (which will be like a 5th round draft pick if we win the cup next year, and a 6th if we lose in the cup finals)
  12. I think it is safe to say that we will see a big difference in how the everyday operation of both Buffalo and Rochester is run. You certainly never hear of any stupid crap going on in Pittsburg and even with Cindy, Malkin, Letang and Fleury/Murray in the fold. There exist a definite possiibility of a power struggle between these stars and yet you never hear of any sort of stuff going on. That is a great-running operation and we can only hope that GMJB brings that sort of thing to Buffalo for many years to come
  13. totally agreed...we have wanting a power-forward for many years and he is about as good as hey get. Hope we re-sign him
  14. just worried about not signing him now. as I said thing scan go wrong which may drop his value and it would seem now is the time to do something with him. he is such a monster talent and it hurts to know we will be paying a few guys (named Moulson and Ennis) more then enough to re-sign Kane for 5 years.
  15. No doubt the new GM will have to make some big, and quick decisions as things will be coming at him pretty quickly. The Vegas expansion draft, the amateur draft, of course finding a new head coach and additional coaching staff, signing Antinpin (if it isn;t already done) and a host of other big things must be addressed. The re-signing of Jack is a gimme, but it is the Evander kane contract situation that stands out as by far the most important at this point.Kane is a amazing power forward who would no doubt be crazy-good in the playoffs with say Anaheim. he is about to enter his last year of the exisiting contract, and headed for UFA. His value will be off the chart come next summer. he easily led the team in goals and most come at even strength. he is simply put, an awesome power forward. The bottom line is Evander kane is far too good to not do something with. I will absolutely scream if we are to hang on to him for this season then do what we did with briere and Drury, which was to not re-sign them and just let him walk and get nothing for him. He is a huge asset, and needs to be a) re-signed or (b) traded. What do you think? It is either re-sign or trade him NOW. Waiting til the trade deadline is dangerous as he may get hurt, have a off year and not be producing as well as he did this past season (28 goals while missing a pile of games), or he may pull another one of his now-famous stunts and scare everybody away. The time is now to decide one way or the other. If we trade him, who is going to score? The situation with Kane is by far the number one issue right now either way
  16. Clearly any new GM and coach will make it a priority to do whatever it takes to make Risto an elite defenceman who can compete on the same level as Karlsson, or any other top defenceman. Every team needs at least one of these type of defencemen to really be any good in the NHL. Over playing him is not the answer...pairing him with the right partner then fine-tuning his game is all it will take to put him in the elite company. I feel sorry for Pittsburg losing Letang right before the playoffs. If they lose, one can certainly look at his lose as a major factor
  17. Being someone who grew up in Toronto and live just north now, everyone asks me how I became a sabre fan. I had a brother who passed away far too young, but who was a great goalie and came up through the Leaf system. If you remember the old days, there was no draft...you came up through each team's system, and they coached you and tutored you and molded you into the player they wanted for the future Randy was their main man, and played for the Marlies while being tutored by none other then Johnny Bower (he even had some of Johnny's equipment). he was on the fast track to the Leafs but then expansion hit in 1967 and from all indications Washington were looking at him. Randy did not wish to play for anyone but the Leafs and retired. At the same time, the Leafs fired Punch who I go to meet at the old Maple Leaf Gardens and when he shuffled off to Buffalo both my brother and I followed and became Day One Sabre fans. I have hated the Leafs and the way they operated for many years though I got to admit they sure have their act together now. Anyways, becoming a Sabre fan sure has had it's ups and downs. Hopefully this year will be a "up" year...
  18. I guess we should look at Ottawa's success as a good thing as they really do not have a lot of talent but they sure work hard and have, of course, that guy on defence. Having said that, I think our forwards stack up well and are probably better top 9 then the senators. If we can just get a coach to get the same work ethic and commitment to winning and giving their all, we should be fine moving forward. Risto can become a beast (he's close now) with proper coaching and our young guys should only get better. I still cannot believe that Booby Ryan is signed for another $7,250,000 five friggin' years! That is is just crazy. and we think we got guys with bad contracts! In the end, Ottawa should be the team we look at and say, hey we can do that too...sure gives me hope for next season
  19. I got to reading about Matt Moulson and his contract status and can't help but wonder if buying him out is a good option, or how do we proceed with him and Gorges? Moulson apparently thinks he should be used MORE then he was under Bylsma. He finished with 14 goals and 32 points in 81 games. He stayed consistent, especially compared to the 44-game goal drought that marred his eight-goal output in 2015-16. Moulson was fourth on the Sabres in goals per 60 minutes (.89), trailing only Nick Baptiste (1.39), Evander Kane (1.25) and Jack Eichel (1.23). That works out to $357,143 per goal and $277,778 per assist. The left winger has a salary cap hit of $5 million per year, but he has just $5 million in salary remaining with an additional $3 million to be paid in signing bonuses, according to the buyout calculator at CapFriendly.com. If the Sabres bought out Moulson in June, he would count $2.83 million against the cap next season, $3.83 million in 2018-19 and $833,333 for each of the following two seasons. It wouldn’t be huge savings, especially in 2018-19, but it would nonetheless be savings. Since Buffalo already needs to budget at least $61.3 million toward 19 players next year, savings could be needed for a cap estimated to be in the $73 million to $76 million range. That big $3.83 in 2018-19 hurts BIG TIME. Somehow the leafs found takers for many big lousey contracts and I wonder if we need to seek the same help and get both Moulson and Gorges off the books. Gorges has a final year left at 3.9 mil. That does go away next year either way, so I wonder if it's best to use him this year and save the buyout for Moulson. Or do we try to use Matt more and see if it pays off? This is a very important and real big decision facing whoever guides the ship next season. It is a ton of money tied up in two players that we could be put to far better use. I am assuming that a new GM and Coach will not mind Bogo, and in fact I hope and expect him to excel under new leadership and I think he has top-4 potential without a doubt. he is much better then we've seen. His contract is big too of course ($5,142,857 per season for the next three years...OUCH). Maybe we should try to unload that contract too. In the end, McCabe, Falk and Fedun, at a combined $2,850,000.00 for all three) were the best bang for the buck. We have Falk for anopther year at $650,000.00 (A steal) while jake is signed for another two years at 1.6mil (another steal) and Fedun is a free agent. Anyways, I am curious what we think would be the best answer to these big contract questions moving forward. We have serious money that needs to be given (Jack, Sam.,Lerner etc) and think we need to do whatever we can to get out of these contracts ASAP...I also forgot Tyler Ennis at 4.6 mil for another 2 years. That sure adds up in just four contracts
  20. I kinda thought maybe the trade to St. Louis would help but obviously I was wrong. he is pretty much done...sad really
  21. I have a feeling that new GMJB will think higher of Bogo then we are assuming...not too sure about anybody else though (Gorges looks tired and Franson is gone-gone-gone)
  22. who the heck is gonna take Eberle at 6 mil for another 2 years? he ain't worth half that even on the Oilers his numbers are not exactly awe inspiring. and I would never trade Evander kane to Montreal for Galchenyuck. Defence should be are one and only priority as I still say our forwards are very good and match up with most teams. Young studs like Jack and Sam will only get better and we have lots of good young guys just starting their careers.
  23. pretty sad about Nail Y...such a supposed talent and he's absolutely terrible. Just shows that one can never count on any prospect being a star, or even a good player in the NHL based on his ranking or what he's done at the junior level. Which kinda means EXGMTM's trades of "prospects" for OReiily, Kane etc were actually good trades as we got proven NHL players. while who knows about any of the prospects he gave up (the Colorado pair sure are a bust)
  24. obviously the guy has talent but needs a year or two in Rochester (hopefully with new leadership Rochester will become a good teaching foundation for our young players as most other team's AHL teams are such as Pittsubrg). I do think Antinpin will be far more NHL ready and has already faced the pressure of playoff hockey with his team in the KHL.
  25. really this post says it all...absolutely correct when you look at how Pittsburg and Nashville have put together their teams.Pittsburg drafted high after tanking and got crosby, Malkin, and Fleury which sure helped. meanwhile, nashville has quietly gone about their business putting together a great team built around the whole team and their structure, not a few players while the rest are inter-changable (like Pittsburg). If Fenton could do for us what he has helped do in Nashville I think we'd all be pleased for sure
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