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Sabre fan

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Everything posted by Sabre fan

  1. I must add to my post here that I do not envy new GMJB (assuming it's Botterill) or whoever because obviously there will be tons of pressure to fix everything overnight and make the team a playoff bound outfit this coming season. As has been said, anything less will be deemed a complete disaster so where does that leave new GMJB and the team next summer if things don;t pan out right away, and Botterill finds it not as easy as we assume to add help on the defence and turn this ship around. hell, what happens to the new coach when things don;t improve 100% overnight and they remain, heaven help us, the same as last year's team??
  2. hey Eleven...you actually from Bobcaygeon? I live in coboconk and my son's best friend lives in Bobcaygeon. Brayd Austin is from there as well I am sure you know...small world!
  3. sorry kinda forgot about Ottawa but the Rangers still look good and seem to every year. Is there somewhere were we fit in? Is a playoff spot even realistic?
  4. Okay, we got rid of Disco Danny (and surprisingly EXGMTM) and there is hope anew for next season. Botterill (or whoever but pretty sure he's the man) will no doubt try to put his stamp on this team, and no doubt try to improve the defence best as he can. Who knows what that means? It is not like there giving away stud top-2 defencemen and everybody wants those, so getting that will not be easy. Meanwhile, it is surprising to see so many Flyers at the worlds, and you gotta think they are really itching to get back into the playoffs. Carolina has quietly amassed a real good young team who are certainly looking to move up too. New jersey always seems to be in the thick of things (have no idea how half the time but they'll probably get Kovochuk back and have added some good young players too). All-in-all, next season will see the Leafs hoping to be even better, while Boston is always in the hunt for a playoff spot. Tampa Bay is a playoff team and only injuries kept them from being so this past season. Montreal will again ride on price's back into the playoffs where they'll be gone early again cause they got no one else). So, I am wondering what we can expect for this team, and where they may be able to sneak into the playoffs. It seems there are too many teams for the available spots. I am afraid that even with new blood at the top, and maybe even some new players, we will not be good enough and at the end of next season we will be, yet again, lamenting this team and blaming the new brass. I still think our forwards are darn good, and the defence should be better under a new coach. Are we good enough???
  5. yeah, white at home and dark away jerseys and goaltender interference (if it ever existed properly, which is debatable)
  6. my thoughts too...they are exactly (along with the leafs who everybody hates too) what we hope and long to be...a young fast team that puts it all out and never mails in a game. there is no doubt that goaltender interference just isn't called anymore, and of course we know first hand that of all people, Lucic should not be complaining when he got away with running Ryan years ago
  7. yeah and we thought our defence was (is) bad...a 3 goal lead with 3 minutes left and you lose???
  8. if the Sabres are to be any good they need to be, well, like the leafs or the Oilers so in effect we should actually like their team and how they play. In today's NHL they are the forerunners and the obvious "new" kids on the block, just as we aspire and dream to be...young and fast
  9. true but Crosby has had like how many?
  10. instead of a trade I think I prefer top hold on to our assets (and re-sign kane) and maybe sign Antipin and then a free agent. There are some interesting names who will be available, such as Alzner, DelZotto and Stone who is big but skates well.I hate the thought of even thinking of giving up Sam or Evander, who was a BIG part of our offense, for help on the blueline. I am not sure any of us are ready for a big trade that sees us give up Sam or Evander
  11. somehow, someway he has been able to bounce back rather quickly and returned to form right away, unlike Tyler Ennis who, well...
  12. don't think he may be the next Brian Campbell or Phil Housley but he still should be a big improvement over Gorges, Franson or Kulikov
  13. Holy crap...I thought it was the Beiber at first! anyways this goal by one of my all time favorite Sabres, Jason Pomminstein, was so sweet...
  14. Did I not read or hear somewhere that the league did away with teams having toi give like a 3rd round pick or whatever
  15. hell even Kassian was lookin like a real monster out there until...
  16. Absolutely no way he lost the OReiily trade. That was in fact a major heist and just may have screwed him in the future as other GM's saw how he stole OReiily and were cautious with him in any trade talks. And kane when he's on, like he was for much of this past season, is a major talent and nobody Winnpeg got are even close to him and there's a old saying that the team that get s the bets player wins the trade. Kane was by far the best player out of all of the players who exchanged uniforms. Myers is still struggling (when he's not hurt) and Drew was a great guy and a good player in his day but we were never going to re-sign him. Bogo has frustrated but then again so would have Myers if he was still here. The prospects may or may not pan out, who knows? The Jets tried to play Armia on he top line and he got lots of ice time but still didn;t show much. Whatever, I think EXGMTM made good trades that will without a doubt benefit the Sabres for many years to come and will no doubt help the new GM look good. Whether we keep Kane or trade him for a defenceman, he is a major talent that was the centerpeice of that trade and of course OReilly was a steal. Even the Kulikov deal wasn;t that bad and actually may have been quite good (getting Asplund with the pick we got in the deal who looks to be a major talent and would have been gone when we drafted next) and Kulikov showed at the end that he is actually a pretty good mobile defenceman who unfortunantly suffered a freak injury that ruined his season. Still think he'll sign somewhere and look great.
  17. Further to my point here, obviously a new GM (which EXGMTM was ) should not have come on with a cocky, rather obnoxious attitude but that was him. I enjoyed his outspoken ways and his rather funny but sarcastic remarks but he truth is when dealing with other GM's around the NHL and trying to make deals, that would have no doubt just not worked in his favor.I have no doubt he may have even pulled a attitude on TG which was not a very smart thing to do. In the end, his legacy will live on here as the OReilly deal was a major boost for the team and a steal of a trade, and obviously other players he traded for or drafted will have a positive effect on the club for years to come, his attitude just may have been his single biggest downfall
  18. I do think that while EXGMTM clearly had his heart in the right place, and some of his moves were excellent (and will benefit this team for many years to come and make a new GM probably look good), I feel his attitude more then anything was a big problem. I get the impression other teams grew tired of his cocky attitude and did not wish to have any dealings with him which made any further trades almost impossible Hopefully NGMJB (that's new-general-manage-jason-botterill) will come in and make the moves needed (like defence obiovusly).
  19. somehow it would not surprise me...and what's up with 7 years? Money seems not too bad but the term??? I thought the Leafs were trying to stop being the laughs and handing out big long contracts they are stuck with for too many years. I can see mathews or their other young guys but this one seem sa little overboard
  20. wasn't it Phiily who wore those friggin' things???
  21. totally agree...you gotta identify your weak area and address it and yes i will take a lot, like our 8th and maybe something else but it will be worth it if they can find someone to trade with. remember every team, in the NHL pretty well looks for the same defenceman we are in need of
  22. First goal clearly goaltender interference...2nd offside and the third should have been an icing. Don't worry about McDavid & his Oilers winning, the NHL obviously has decided they want Anaheim through
  23. nice to dream but realistically I doubt anything big will happen...more likely we move forward with the status quo other then Antinpin taking Fransons spot...we have both Bogo and Gorges under contract and they will play this year, ao there really isn;t room for a blockbuster trade unless we somehow lose both their salaries first which isn;t going to happen. I can see Guhle maybe getting some ice time or maybe Casey nelson though
  24. The signing of Zaitsev is very interesting...obviously the leafs are also having to face the same reality as we will, having to pay young guys big bucks and fit other players into the cap-driven structure. They have 2 other defencemen making big money in Reilly and Gardiner while at forward they have JVR, Bozak & Kardi at big bucks and all their young guys will have to be paid too. If we can clear some cap space by losing big contracts in Bogo, Gorges, Ennis & Moulson we should be in possibly better shape to meet the future salary demands including Antinpin, if he works out as good as we are all hoping. The big question is...do we re-sign Evander kane who will no doubt command big bucks after a great season?
  25. unfortunately I think it will take a lot more then the 8th overall pick to get a stud defenceman.
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