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Sabre fan

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Everything posted by Sabre fan

  1. Well a hot wife is very important to be sure. In fact I think one should not trade for anybody who does not have a hot wife.On another thought, is Eberle trade any good? All these trades are crazy alright!
  2. No way to Shattenkirk (not with Moulson, Bogo, Gorges and Ennis still on the payroll) but I do think we will make a trade and Kane is the most likely to go.
  3. Is Is he that good? No too familiar with him...Columbus is like a new team!
  4. believe it or not... Artemi Panarin to Columbus for Brandon Saad!!!Also send d-man Niklas Hjalmarsson to Columbus! Also just in...Coyotes get Derek Stepan Antti Raanta from NYR for 7th overall pickand Anothny DeAngelo. Fun has started! Is Evander Kane next???
  5. had to think it would be Carrier all along. But, if there was no expansion draft we'd have never got Beaulieu as he was only available because of this same draft. so in effect we traded Carrier for a very good young defencemen. and we kept Ullmark too so all is not doom and gloom...
  6. Bobby Ryan's contract is pretty insane...like $7,250,000.00 for the next FIVE YEARS!!! heck we thought we had bad contracts! Mike Hoffman is at $5,187,500.00 per...Derrick Brassard at 5 mil for another 2 years...crazy
  7. but I do think it is right...no way we protect Ennis unless it is to expose someone vegas will take instead of Ullmark who we just signed and obviously do not wish to lose at this point...
  8. The Leafs were so darn lucky to find idiots to take their bad contracts and it left them in a good place. We are dreaming if we think McPhee will be so dumb as to take big clinkers like Matty has (or even Bogo) when there are much better players available with better contracts. JBotto may be seemingly a pretty good GM, but he ain't no magician. Finding anyone to take bad contracts of Moulson, Bogo and/or Gorges will take a miracle I suspect. I think McPhee may look at someone like Ullmark as trade value down the road if nothing else...
  9. I really think it would be too good to be true if vegas took Matty or even Bogo and their big contracts. Of course there is no way they'd take Gorges either and I have to think they'd be wise to take Carrier who is young, cheap and exciting...all things that are highly sought. We'll be stuck with Moulson and Bogo (although I do think he may improve significantly under new coaching). I still don't understand Ennis but whatever...
  10. pretty interesting, and it is not easy trying to meet the cap and all...
  11. TSN has this neat page where we get to pick the vegas team! too cool... http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/assemble-the-knights/draft-simulator have fun!Of course some of these players are not available and no doubt there is deals in place but nevertheless pick who you wish...
  12. sorry I did not realize he had a NMC oh well I was hoping it meant he'd be back cause we sure could use him. I think he is one of the most important parts of the team moving forward, whether he can return or not
  13. a 1st rounder for Dehaan...no way. Of course the islanders have a very bad GM too who somehow keeps his job (like Montreal and Vancouver)
  14. Vancouver's GM would give him a run for the money too though...
  15. The good news is that we protected KO so management must see him returning this year. Obviously if there were any questions about his long-term health I would be inclined to think we'd leave him unprotected...
  16. Yeah, Peg protecting Myers and TJ Oshie not protected and Ennis over Carrier are surprises. Can't see vegas doing us a favor and taking Matty or Bogo over Carrier. It sure would be nice though to lose one of those salaries and Gorges and have a defense with Antinin and Beaulieu added. nice...
  17. TJ Oshie is available...I do think hopefully we have a deal to see either Bogo or Matty go...please
  18. sure hope we lose Moulson and not Carrier...crazy NYI protect 5 d-men ans still leave Calvin DeHann open
  19. Great trade as JBotto's first move...still cannot figure out why Montreal gives us his guy who is young and just scratching the surface of his potential and protects Jordie benn who is older and , well, not all that great to begin with (Mind you I am not complaining and gladly accept Montreal's gift)
  20. Some surprises here for sure... http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/nhl-releases-list-players-protected-vegas-expansion-draft/ So after signing Ullmark we did not protect him. I would think Carrier is bye-bye and that's too bad I liked him
  21. in hindsight, what does everyone think of Montreal trading Subban? I am still kinda on the fence with that one but still they continue to give away good young d-men...
  22. Just cannot figure out Montreal...now a very good young d-man they drafted high and was almost a sure top 2 and now a good solid d-man that they also drafted in the first round? this from a team that needs defense? strange...
  23. problem also is here is no such thing as a "sure thing" with prospects, especially goalies, and either way they take years before being ready in most cases. Lehner is actually young by goalie standards and should not be pushed away so easily although if JBotto is shopping him (Lehner) Kane and /or reinhart I suppose he deems them to be problems in the dressing room
  24. yeah I think deals have been already quietly made between teams and Vegas whereby they (Vegas) does not touch players and they get draft picks in return. No way teams are going to lose good young players for nothing in a expansion draft.
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