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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Here is to hoping it's more of a precautionary ICU stay for a "softer diagnosis" She's still quite young, Asian women are more predisposed to heart issues, hoping not the case. Get well soon The mafia is cheering you through it all.
  2. @Sabres Fan in NS I have survived! Also, London is 30000% better than Paris. To start, it doesn't smell like urine.
  3. Oh God yes, I can attest to this... Almost 40...no kids
  4. Top 1/3 percentile.... I'll take it πŸ˜‰
  5. Looking sharp as ever! Well then, mister man.... If I go off the radar starting on Sunday, then you know what happened to me....
  6. Come on NS, I know under that accountant attire you're sporting, there's a caped superhero that can fly through underwater tunnels! I was a Navy diver, I love being underwater, even if that means in a train 😊 Why wouldn't you do it? A 180mph train is one of my highlights lol
  7. I'd throw the book at that guy... Attempted murder or something ridiculous. Unacceptable Let's go Tampa
  8. I based myself in London but only staying there for a couple of days. Taking the train around mostly. Brighton, Hastings, rye, Bath and then 2 days in Paris taking the train under the English Channel. I rented a car for 2 day here to see the Cotswold area as it's the easiest way to do so. Renting from Bath allowed me to avoid driving in city traffic πŸ™‚
  9. Driving on the left is a challenge for the first day or so. Today I rented a manual for the first time and drove the Cotswolds. It's weird having to use your left hand to play with your stick 😜 The country lanes are very very narrow. But amazingly fun to drive on. This place is crazy beautiful, and I want to live here. I could live on Tunnocks caramel wafers, tea cakes and wine gums.
  10. That's the thing, I'm in the UK and I'm being good and following the rules on the left, but it's just chaos globally πŸ˜‚
  11. Is it so hard to stay on the correct side while walking on a sidewalk. Also if you're the size of the sidewalk, then you and your fat family don't need to walk side by side.
  12. Ran into some oilers fans from Edmonton today on the London eye. I told them they stole McDavid from us and they laughed and agreed and said they were happy they didn't get Eichel. Also said they hope Kane gets resigned to play with Connor. Cool dudes, still despise Kane πŸ˜‚
  13. I'm happy Kane was sidelined as his team was swept. F him
  14. On my way to London Cheers, I'll drink a pint for you all.
  15. Yes, game 4 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜› He shouldn't have been allowed back in the league in the first place, but that's neither here nor there this point. Do the avs sweep?
  16. Kane suspended for game 4 for the crosscheck on Kadri. He broke his thumb on the play and is out for a while. I'm surprised SS isn't talking as much about these series, weather too warm for playoff hockey gossip!!? Get it together boys... And girls
  17. Yeahhhh no The sport is awful. The crowds are amazing, I would go just to experience the atmosphere; but the game itself it not that entertaining to me.
  18. Isn't a 5 min major for boarding also a game misconduct? Did that rule change
  19. Tampa doesn't look good. I'm shocked a little.
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