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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Either Jack was getting 3rd and 4th line wingers, or ROR was getting 3rd and 4th line wingers. We don't have 3 top 6 wingers in the organization. Jack should be the center more likely to raise the play of the guys on his line. That's what elite players do, don't they? They don't when they've mailed in the last month of the season I guess. For the 2nd season in a row.
  2. If he is somewhere in our lineup with enough exposure that he may get 20/25 goals, we are not "making a run".
  3. He doesn't pass my eye test. He's a Derek Plante to me. Or Jason Dawe. Succeeding only because we have noone else to put in that spot, but put him on a good team and he's getting scratched. Are sent down. I think he's a AAAA player. Let's not forget that Girgensons looked like he had a promising future when we were forced to showcase him in a prominent role too. Make no mistake. I don't think much of Josefson, Larsson, Nolan, or Girgs anymore. Lumping him with our bottom 6ers is damning praise. I'll say this. One thing about Josefson or Wilson that you can't say about Bailey is, they haven't needed to be sat because they stopped playing the way they need to in order to stay in the league. Bailey seems to need to have that message delivered on a regular schedule.
  4. I still cringe every time I see Erod on a roster projection for next year. And Bailey still isn't doing anything to convince me he belongs her over any of our current bottom 6.
  5. I think a blockbuster deal that moves several high profile players for different several high profile players is truly needed. Not picks and prospects. Veterans. A good old fashioned reshape the team hockey trade.
  6. Can you place a tariff on their other transactions? That will get them to meet your price.
  7. And the other 3 lines and 6 defensemen?
  8. Loss of hope does that to a people. Next season, rioting in the streets.
  9. I think you are taking the things people say way too literally (maybe better stated to say you take the things you've read about what was said). IMO the vast majority of the population does not have sufficient grasp of the language to be taken literally. It was a one short sentence quote.
  10. This team was putting in good efforts until Jack was put back in the lineup. What if Jack is the locker room problem and it wasn't Evander? We've commented before about the team not playing in front of certain goalies and speculated about personality clashes. We could be seeing some similar correlation here.
  11. I don't think anyone is arguing that. It's still a significant level below generational, which was the label he was given during the tank.
  12. I don't think so. We didn't get the generational player that causes those fan reactions. Those that do go just to see him..... I think the standards for what makes a Sabre worth going to the arena to see, regardless of the team, has dropped if Eichel is that guy. He certainly doesn't excite the way 11 did. And I don't think he excites the way 16 did either.
  13. If Lindros can get traded and the return be greater than the sum of what moved out, then the same is possible with Jack. There are very, very few scenarios whete that would work to our benefit, but I’m not making Jack untouchable because the possibility is there. The kind of trade that would need to happen is a trade that fundamentally changes the makeup of the team, in n multiple portions of the lineup. There hasn’t been a blockbustet trade in many seasons, so does that mean there is no likelihood of a monster deal out there, or does it mean the league is due? Jack ain’t a god. I don’t need him on ththe roster if the right mega deal is out there.
  14. too much morning radio for you.
  15. My kid just texted me to inform me that he got us tickets in the pit for Godsmack and Shinedown. I may be too old for this. Should be interesting. At least it wasn’t pit tickets for Slayer and Lamb of God. I KNOW I am too old for that.
  16. I think the rules for college players are different. If he was a CHL player you'd be correct.
  17. Is he still only getting secondary assists, or is he actually contributing to scoring plays now?
  18. Unless we go outside the organization for additional middle 6 wingers, I want to see Mittlestadt at wing next season. At least to start. And I really don't need to see Erod starting the season in the opening lineup. Let's hope we've upgraded the lineup enough by then that we can push him into the AAAA role he should have.
  19. I'm not that unattached to eggplant. /thread
  20. Why on earth would someone substitute eggplant into a dish that is obviously superior with chicken or veal?
  21. I do agree with the bolded. Linking it to an obscene number of D men used seemed odd though.
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