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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I gotta be honest, if I were to have written this thread title it most assuredly would have read WKBW. Even though I still live within daytime broadcast range WWKB never sank in.
  2. Yup. Reduce expenses. Reduce long term financial commitments. Reduce outward cash flow. Make the balance sheet look as appealing as possible. Selling a minority stake seems likely.
  3. How about 9 yrs. It’ll be a decade this draft.
  4. He'll look alot better with a better cast around him. Much like the rest of this roster.
  5. It looked like someone was *****. The details, had no idea. I'm sure there are "after" pictures like these for every treatment. Good luck Jack. And hope it doesn't come down to luck. Enjoy Vegas, you enemy.
  6. Except Miller saw regular ice time with two good playoff teams.
  7. I agree he has the skills to represent well. He should shine in that format.
  8. Drury, Briere, Roy, Connolly, Hecht
  9. I mean, it could be worse. We could be sending Drake Batherson to the all star game. I got nuthin. This sucks. I used to enjoy these announcements.
  10. I can't imagine he''d have gone without the everyone gets an award requirement. Jack's break out season might be the only one where we'd have had a representative in the last decade.
  11. There are stupid, senseless rules (unless you are the owner of a CHL team) against it.
  12. Holy crap, I didn’t realize the win % trend was consistently downward still. Ugh.
  13. Totally agree with that last sentence. He should be getting the same treatment Reinhart got with that breakaway display. He had no wheels at all.
  14. Without NHL goaltending, the rest of this season is lost to even player development. This team (or any team, really) will rapidly lose hope. And then they are done.
  15. Would it be full if the team were good? I would be ALOT fuller, no doubt in my mind. COVID kept me from contacting Taro about his tix last night, but if the team were good there would have been alot more than me in line for those tix, and all the other available tix. COVID is reducing the size of the market right now, but not nearly as much as the lousy team is reducing it.
  16. I thought I read that he left after taking a puck in the mask but I see today that Falloon collided with him.
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