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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. Go watch the Sunshine thread’s videos for three hours then come back. You’re so negative that you are making pi go nuts. Nylander is not a bust not close to one yet, he’s barely 20
  2. Well I'm not literally just going to dump half the roster for scraps. I would like to be good next year not wait another five......
  3. Here's what I have so far with fowards ??? - Eichel - Okposo Nylander? - ROR - Reinhart ERod - Middelstadt - Pommers ??? - Girgensons - Baptiste I liked the two middle lines these past couple games and Pommers would be training wheels for Casey where as ROR and Reinhart would be the same for Nylander. I would guess Okposo will do better after a full off season without any life threatening injuries to deal with but we are in dire need of a fleet of foot, legit, LWer for Eichel who isn't dependent on him. I'd like in the following year for Okposo to take Pommers spot on the 3rd line. I'm ridding us of Larsson and Nolan, Josefson wasn't bad but was too injury prone. Defensively I'm rather at a loss still, I can't even fathom the pairings. Scandella - Risto Guhle - Nelson ??? - ??? First I'm buying out Bogo, dumping Baloo on a curb, and maybe trading Antipin's rights to Winnipeg if he's soured on Buffalo. McCabe is the sticky one as he is so confusing. Trade him or 3rd pairing? I'd bring Falk back as a 7th D if he's cheap but not as a bottom pair guy. Gorges please retire and ship Tennyson to the sun Goalies........ Ullmark!! Ullmark!! Ullmark!! Try to trade Lehner's rights and try to forget Lehner and Johnson's horrible 2nd Season. Let us just remember their rather good first run of it two years ago.
  4. I get the feeling Eichel wants other players to do stuff on the powerplay but they seem determined for him to do everything.
  5. Do you like us being screwed or something?
  6. I heard nothing..... Housley’s Flying Circus, it was the Red Baron’s before Monty Python.
  7. He is still coming off injury, and honestly he isn't amazingly consistent when the team decides to just snooze. He also seems to hate Toronto as much as we do so he plays like a man possessed against them.
  8. Do you guys notice how much standing around most the team does when Eichel has the puck? It's like when he gets the puck the vast majority either skate exactly to where they are supposed to go without any judgement calls on the opposing defense's location or they just kinda stand around or move within in a small circle. Its extremely noticeable on the powerplay or EN opportunities. Eichel gets the puck, does a loop-de-loop waiting for others to catch up or to try and shake a dman but rarely does anyone move to give him someone to pass to aside from sending it back to the point or occasionally Reinhart splits off into the corner. He draws people to him, and rarely does anyone take advantage of that instead opting to slowly reassess while the other team re-does their formation thus nullifying Eichel's work. Thus he resorts to forcing the puck places, especially when time is expiring since he has no real options besides force a pass to try to make a play or continue to cycle and waste time. I'd be dejected looking too if I felt like I was damned regardless of what I did. He's not great at deking due to his giant stick so he relies a bit more on having a teammates to use for give and goes or to set up yet either they fail to do so or muff the play altogether more often than not. Eichel isn't without fault for he stands a bit in the Dzone but it must be disheartening to him. Their PP works best when the players are moving a bit and Eichel can cross ice the puck to ROR for a one timer or vice versa. Awkwardly standing doesn't work.
  9. Which Buffalo team shows up? The one that beat Chicago or the one that slept through the Arizona game
  10. Then trade a farm And Geno Smith is god awful still
  11. I’d rather trade up for Mayfield or Rosen than settle for either Rudolph or Jackson at 12. Get a legit #1 QB or bust, no more settling and drafting other positions of need.
  12. Just to give an idea of how far ahead Eichel was in points, he still leads the team with 53 pts in 55 games O'Reilly just entered the 50 pts mark at 67 games. Kane left the team with 40 pts Reinhart and Okposo are at 38 which is a miracle seeing how bad their starts were.
  13. I'd certainly be interested in Stewart, Oduya (He's actually a plus on the Sens somehow), and Bouma Once we trade Kane and Pouliot, we'll need warm bodies and why not get a fast guy, a former cup winner, and a defensive C Especially if Gorges ends up dealt.
  14. Brassard will have part of his contract retained by VGK, but for them to do that the league requires Brassard to first be acquired by VGK. So Ottawa has to trade Brassard to VGK then VGK trades him to PIT
  15. Yup, but the fact my early days are still that infamous is kinda funny
  16. We should get a bit more seeing as Grabner is literally a one trick pony. He skates fast, Kane also has physicality
  17. Yup, he knew he f'd up so he made sure to get back. He'd been out there well over 2 min at that point too
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