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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. We need a steady diet of Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver it seems.
  2. Eichel had 3 pts that period, the Girgs goal and 2nd ROR goal he had secondary assists on and a goal. 4 pts on the night thus far.
  3. Discouraged sure but I’m not really interested in trading ROR, I’m not giving Reinhart away and Okposo won’t have a huge market
  4. against a 2 on 1? Another game that sums up the season rather well, we always seem to fall short. Even when they play a great game they still come up short either through bone head plays, Lehner giving up a softie or some questionable penalty or non-call. Risto played well, Eichel looked good, ROR and Reino played well along with Okposo. Nelson was a literal trainwreck.
  5. I flat out am not interested at this time at trading ROR. He's far to important at the moment to make any moves involving him and I still feel he's a good player.
  6. Wouldn’t trade ROR this year; maybe if Middlestadt makes him expendable
  7. Wouldn't trust Harrington's take on anything to be honest. Kane is worth more than a Bot 6 forward and 4th rounder....
  8. I’d say trading him, Drouin actually has fewer points than Sergachev. GMTM had technically less information than what Bergevin had a year later. Plus Nylander is still a WIP
  9. Here's my ideas :flirt: https://www.capfriendly.com/armchair-gm/team/550217
  10. Not fond of Rudolph, I see too much EJ and Tyrod in him
  11. That Risto hit was not worthy of a game misconduct by any stretch of the imagination. He did not target the head, I do not see him aiming for anything but the shoulder. But as Buffalo, we will always get ###### by the refs and the league so likely a suspension for a borderline interference call.
  12. Kane(50%) for a 1st, then varying on the team a A or B level prospect and potentially a 3rd or 4th.
  13. Still I would doubt it, 7 teams may need QBs but likely only 3 will take them that early. There's a certain point where GMs will take the top DT over the 5th QB
  14. Good game, disappointing result but they actually played pretty well after the 1st. I'm guessing 71 & 10 were meant to be a speedy line meant to kill the remaining 20 secs. Eichel seemed slightly out of sorts, nothing concerning, likely just the outdoor game difference. Reinhart had his best game of the season. Lehner played very well, his biggest problem is he isn't Miller or Hasek and his inability to stop things in SOs. And he's kinda insane
  15. I loved the end of the game, Eichel seemed to decide enough was enough and carried the team. Risto with a OT winner! Eichel gave his stick to a Sabres kid behind the bench
  16. How are you down on Botts? Because he didn’t knee jerk trade someone?
  17. Merry Christmas Sabrespace! May this half of the season bring joy and hope to our hearts.
  18. Not really, its his job to lead and carry the team from time to time in tough games. It's not his job to single-handedly be the entire Sabres offense game in and game out.
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