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Everything posted by thewookie1

  1. Maybe, but Niemi has been swiss cheese behind a rather competent Penguins team. He has under a .800 save percentage and has given up more goals (16) than the Canadiens have scored this year. (13) He's only played 3 games total.....
  2. Great win, glad you're ok Flagg. Could we somehow get the team to believe they are down by 3 at the start of the game? They turn into a different team in a blink of an eye.
  3. The problem we never do, we never get that proverbial rabbit. We get weak rabbits, injury prone rabbits, head case rabbits, but almost never a reason to trust that we'd have escaped the hell that is 9th/10th. The problem is we only traded that for 15th/16th. Either way we are ######.
  4. Hmm, are we the Colts of hockey? Franchise guy with little help around him, and unlike football one player can't really win you games often.
  5. For once I kinda agree with you. Eichel has the puck on the powerplay and everyone just stands around waiting for him to do something. No one moves or tries to get in a position to help. We have Eichel and a bunch of guys. Not a team. We need someone to go in there and kick their ##### raw. I still believe we have some solid skill in our lineup, just it needs something. I'm unsure what it is but they seem to lack an ingredient that gets them all to play hard at least 75% of the game. Eichel seems to be learning, but aside from Pommers can anyone cash his gift wrapped goals?
  6. I honestly wonder if Eichel will end up killing himself through sheer anger. The guy was one of three who played rather well tonight. Bailey and Johnson deserve awards for their performance based on the rest. ROR wasn't awful, Reinhart showed up back on the wing but still did very little. The rest played slow as a snail in both mind and body. Pommers gets a pass, he at least plays well for his age. Risto needs to be given less time on the ice, we can't be much worse if he got to play 24min instead of 28min. Throw Baloo over the Falls
  7. In theory Antipin might be trying to learn English more, unlike forwards the D need to be able to speak to one another a lot Welcome back MODO! Sorry about your loss; I lost my one grandma who lived with us to cancer about 5 years ago, its a terrible disease.
  8. I'm starting to wonder if Bogosian will end up our LTIR guy by next year some time.
  9. Eichel puts up more points tonight, that's all I feel confident in
  10. I'd see if Eichel can jump-start ROR, call up Bailey and Fasching and waive Pouliot and Griffith ROR-Eichel-Pommer Kane-Reinhart-Bailey Girgs-Larsson-Okposo Nolan-Josefson-Fasching Moulson Scandella - Risto McCabe-Antipin Baloo-Gorges Tennyson Lehner Johnson
  11. Thank you Eichel, for at least keeping us in the game. He almost had 2 other assists had we been a bit lucky with Scandella's post or Griffith could of got some air under the puck. The rest of you, the PK was a swiss cheese, the PP looked good briefly then sucked again, and the other lines were ok at times, but usually somewhere between bodies on ice and a tire fire.
  12. Eichel and the team are merely trying to prove that it is possible for a player to put up a ppg+ and still have their team lose over and over again.
  13. I'm speechless, I'm utterly depressed and have 0 hope in life. Why can't we ever..... ever just get to be happy. No our teams are jokes and the Leafs get to be good... The Patriots get to win, I hope they all just burn in hell
  14. Actually it's Columbus Day except in 3 or so states...... Must win! Must win!.......Must Win! End of story
  15. Ugh, just ugh on the anthem take. Being patriotic is rarely a bad thing. While American players are not in the majority, most of the teams are American based, the money paid is based in US Dollars, and its a tradition to play the anthem/s based on the team's location. When we were in Germany six years ago we played their anthem. Lastly I don't think the NYI chant was a shot at the NFL kneeling as much as it was uniting the country after a tragedy. She's 94 and a veteran from WWII, if she feels what they are doing is questionable, she has the right to say so. Her take is worth far more than any multi-millionaire players or billionaire owners in my opinion. The same goes for veterans that are okay with the protesting, I'll listen to them far more than random people on a soapbox. The Sabres were bad most of the game, and left me feeling rather depressed. However some of you guys need to calm the hell down, its been two games..... Callaway we know you hate Reinhart vehemently for some reason, did he steal your girlfriend or something. It would be hard to say Eichel has been bad, 3 pts in 2 games isn't bad. But I'd still like a bit more out of him in terms of shift to shift. I think Lehner is doing his damnedest to kick me off his supporters list, I love his personality but his goaltending has yet to really improve over the last few years. To those who thought Risto was bad or quiet, I think that had to do with his partner's screw ups more than anything. Are you honestly going to pinch regardless of the strategy if your D partner seems completely inept at everything defense. Not his best night for sure, but I think he had a chain at his ankle. 2 SHG in one game is absurd. Our PP needs a good bag skate or two, that was plain embarrassing. Hell had we scored even one PP goal we may have been in the game. What was Beaulieu thinking, he dropped the puck between Eichel and O'Reilly and closer to Tavares. On to NJ, we better damn win that game!
  16. Sort of, same presence just not as fun to watch.
  17. I'd say we dominated parts of the 2nd, problem was we failed to score the 5-3 chance we had. Lehner is truly an enigma to me, how can he play so well then give up that SHG? The shootouts with him are a lost cause. We can't score either in shootouts, are they like in a competition to see who fails more? Team looked night and day better than last year, Jack looked great at times. Although I think he got a little overzealous trying to get Pommers the hatty. ROR had a rough first two periods, but seemed at least ok in the 3rd. Okposo carried that line for most of the game. Jack to Pommer looks awesome. Kane is such a pain in the ###, he's everything I want in a power forward but seems incapable of using his brain in any non-shooting scenario. Reinhart started slow but their line seemed to gel as time went on. Girgs looked good, like Nolan Girgs. Larsson is more of a pest on the wing, but I think he's more valuable as a center. The other two were fine as well. Starting with an OTL stings but I guess its still a point in the bank.
  18. I like the Jack stat, sort of carries from McDavid's 3 goals to Matthews 1g + 2a 4-1 win would be certainly great. 1-0 Eichel from Pominville & Risto 2-0 O'Reilly from Eichel & Risto (PP) 3-0 Eichel from Kane & Antipin 3-1 Galchenyuk from Drouin & Alzner 4-1 Griffith from Reinhart & McCabe
  19. The opening is from the Berlin Orchestra with the Scorpions take on Rock you like a Hurricane. https://youtu.be/_A8DYYZGq5k
  20. Awe ####, I really liked him as an announcer. #### cancer! May he rest in peace, I guess the heavenly hockey league was looking for another play by play guy.
  21. Here's a question, who's going to take that extra forward position? We have 12 F, 9D, a 2G. The D makes sense seeing as we may have as many as three D out for the opener, but is Botts intending to poach another player of waivers? sign someone? Recall another forward? Is ERod to be ready by the opener? *Edit: Missed Griffith who's not listed on CapFriendly for some reason
  22. The NHL Top 50 thing is a bloody joke Here's 11-20 https://www.nhl.com/news/nhl-top-players-11-to-20/c-291252456 Eichel was #37 Laine was #29 Matthews is going to be in the Top 10, that is positively absurd. He's supposedly better than Tarasenko, Stamkos, Tavares, Hedman, Backstrom among many others....... I really hope to God Matthews trainwrecks this season, just to see the NHL stop riding him like a golden goose.
  23. I think it's more of a calm down sort of thing, we want more slashing calls but not every time a stick touches the players body
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