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Everything posted by 7+6=13

  1. After watching tonights performance - Kane is the very low on the pecking order to be worried about or wanting gone.
  2. As pure goal scorers McDavid and Matthews are more talented than Eichel.
  3. This is a bummer for sure but there's most definitely worse scenarios.
  4. There's an obvious downside to 8 years so I just don't think GMTM would get involved in that. I think it's likely he didn't even want to go 6 but compromised.
  5. I know, it's much easier on the eyes to have a dignified politician very politely lie to us. Are you not disgusted with how politicians talk to us? It's obviously our fault because that's what a great portion of us want. We want to believe what they say vs the much harder route of educating ourselves on what they do. This woman let Americans get slain and she profits off the same American system she pretends to despise. But she'll practice (openly says it) to say what is needed to fool us - then just smile and act as if Trump's actions are ugly and despicable - she'll have great posture and pick out her clothes to look the part. Aren't you sick of the show? I thought you meant her. She just said last night she believes Russia is hacking our emails - AND SHE WENT OFF THE GOVERNMENT SERVER TO A PRIVATE ONE. Our intelligence and the ability to keep it secret is what's helped us sustain ourselves as a nation. Oh my God - these politicians double talk is infuriating.
  6. The way this country has acted the last 15-20 years, it's exactly what we deserve.
  7. I'm not sure what training a goalie can do to prevent a concussion from happening again. I liked the way Lehner was moving last night and I like a goaltender with attitude - he's got that in spades. He seems dedicated and when coupled with natural size that's a nice combination.
  8. I used to watch ESPN every day at some point. Now I view less than once per Month.
  9. Excellent work. Got my sons and I excited for the season.
  10. I guess his take is - they trade presuming he can stay clean based on extensive and exhaustive research - therefore it shouldn't be on them for what Kane is doing but on Kane alone for what he's done? That's how I took it.
  11. I already thought he showed pretty good movement - so if he got faster it should be fun to watch. Obviously he's saying all the right things like life changes, being here with his guys, etc but what struck me as the most interesting is the headaches lasting Months and getting into bad habits. I remember back in the day when I was wrestling and playing baseball - that working out blood would rush to my head and if I had a headache it was the last thing I wanted to do. I'm imagining that he could have been going through a tough time and not feeling like training.
  12. Seeing Jack Eichel hopefully grow into our superstar is #1 - becoming a playoff team would be fantastic but anything other than Eichel IMO is just trying to think of something different to say. The greatest thing is there's so many other things to be excited about or at least that spark anticipation. One of the things I'm looking forward to is how Bylsma performs. Whether he's the right leader for this team on the rise - is something that should start to show this year. Last year he had major injuries to deal with, young players where expectations weren't defined, line mates had to be maneuvered due to not knowing who should play with each other. This year I believe he should know who to pair with each other and his style of how he wants this team to play should be easier to understand. I'm looking forward to him being the right guy to move these young talented players forward.
  13. To be fair - he performed well against our cuts.
  14. It would have been his pleasure to play with us.
  15. Yeah I'm not overly concerned but I think it's contributing to Murray not doing much else. Not sure if you do but I consider Kane a core player so I hope he turns it around as well.
  16. I guess it all depends on how Murray feels about exempting Kane. If he's willing to leave Kane unprotected then he'd have to consider that he'd most likely want to protect the player in the trade. If he's not willing to expose Kane then he's not being traded. I think Murray would have made another move or two this off season had the expansion not been in play. It's most likely why he didn't do more with another goaltender.
  17. I think it's an important topic because it has to play into how you think about making roster moves this off season.
  18. Based on this lineup who do you think gets protected for the expansion draft?
  19. For the purposes of saying we didn't get him or that none of the teams did?
  20. The point you're missing is that it's possible to pay ROR and Okposo to good contracts AND we were a place they wanted to be. They don't have to be mutually exclusive. Top players get their money and go to the place they want to. Otherwise every playoff team would be signing top free agents for millions less than what they could get in the market. You said you're not knocking Okposo - but if your theory was true Okposo would have taken the offer from NYI - after all it's the better destination, right? Or are you knocking Okposo saying he wasn't worth the money we gave him? Can't have it both ways.
  21. So he wasn't the biggest fish after Stamkos returned to T.B.? C'mon - that was a good get by the Sabres and the money less than what most thought he'd get. He came because of the money and the situation. It can be both you know.
  22. Okposo signed - so we're not exactly in hell. I'd imagine Stamkos gave us a serious look. This kid isn't worth having pity on ourselves. He's not a star.
  23. Sorry if this has already been posted - but I thought this was an interesting read. https://www.nhl.com/news/jimmy-vesey-nhl-path-behind-the-numbers/c-281367470?tid=278387726
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