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Everything posted by sabills

  1. GMTM awkwardly leaning in and just saying "The Buffalo Sabres select Sam Reinhart" was my favorite thing. Next year, first overall: walks up to the mic, then just points at McDavid.
  2. Ok, only calling him by a nickname, especially 'the black guy', is not cool. That being said, Mr. Hair is a little funny.
  3. So I'm not a big whiskey/scotch drinker (you'll find me in the beer thread more often then not), but I have a lot of friends who are. I keep some generic stuff on hand, like CC and jack, but if I was to keep a couple decent bottles of something in stock for the whiskey crowd, what would you suggest? I'm thinking a bourbon and a scotch that would appeal to most people. They could be a little higher end as I wouldn't be going through them very fast, but I don't want to break the bank, either.
  4. He'll get more interesting. At least what happens with him is interesting; he's one area I hope the showrunners do a better job storytelling than GRRM did.
  5. This is true, but Larkinville is a great example of a private business doing well for the public. http://vibrantbayarea.org/2014/05/great-public-spaces-neednt-be-owned-by-the-public/ You can't depend on it, but it does occur of its own accord. This all plays into the same thing though. Create a nice public place, through public or private funding, and then, theoretically, the private sector will see the incentive in building up around it. When it comes to gentrification, take a look at this article: http://www.npr.org/2014/01/22/264528139/long-a-dirty-word-gentrification-may-be-losing-its-stigma
  6. Not the best picture but it serves the purpose. I love it.
  7. Yeah. Weren't a couple of the sled hockey guys from the Olympics this year from the Buffalo area?
  8. Plus, like, you CAN fly into Buffalo. Closest airport to Lake placid is probably Albany or Montreal, which are both a 2-3 hour drive. 5 hours from NYC or Buffalo Nothing smells better than the Adirondacks to me.
  9. Uh-oh, /r/asoiaf is leaking...
  10. Brian Elliot Signed to 3 year extension by Blues. So long second first rounder, we hardly knew thee.
  11. I've never been sure if any of these people know what the hell they're talking about. I can tell you floral vs. citrusy smells, but once you get into the crazy stuff I think most are just talking out their ass. Its as bad as wine tasting.
  12. Yup, Oskar Blues and Magic Hat already have a bunch, Saranac is supposedly putting some out this year, too. Lighter, smaller, last longer on shelves; plus they're perfect for floating around on a boat and drinking.
  13. Somethin' about drinking from a can in the summer, too.
  14. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=I%20less%20than%20three%20you%20%3C3 someone here was too old for AIM...
  15. I just had Sierra-Nevada Summerfest, its a light pils. I haven't found many pilseners that don't make me just think of Blue Light; this one was very nice and crisp.
  16. *Looks at Claude's location* I am disappoint.
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