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Everything posted by sabills

  1. They're wearing the Turdburgers tonight. How absolutely perfect.
  2. This should be Murray's motto. I don't care if everyone on the team is a flyweight if they win the damn cup. Also, sorry for the terrible gif, its the only one I could find.
  3. I was afraid we'd be caught up on the whole "blackmailed into being our lawyer" thing for the rest of the season; I'm so glad it didn't go that way. Also, loved the mike stuff as usual.
  4. Yeah. And I'm not surprised the slug sold well; people were pumped to go back to blue and gold, even if it was at the expense of...that.
  5. What bourbon would ya'll suggest for Mint Juleps? I'm going to attempt a 1 gallon batch of Mint Julep beer for the Kentucky Derby, and I've got to soak oak chips in bourbon to toss in the secondary. I figure whatever I have left over will go towards the real Mint Juleps for that day.
  6. To be fair, they sell better when they look better. I have to imagine the royal blues outsold the turdburgers by a couple orders of magnitude.
  7. I mean, thats a pretty slick jersey. I'd even be fine with it sans the cap, just the script like on the thirds from 2 years ago
  8. This one just popped into my head a few minutes ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUYyfy3pqbM
  9. Would need some cleaning up, but there's the basic idea
  10. Just for fun, latest version:
  11. I bet they'd have problems with that; the logo was a Pepsi bottle top and I'd think Pepsi wouldn't be a big fan of that.
  12. I think'd be sweet to even just have the flag symbol as a shoulder patch
  13. I've known you for 13 years and I still can't always tell when you're kidding. How about some silver stars?
  14. Threw the flag logo on a jersey I was playing around with on lunch. Quick and dirty, no numbers or anything yet. I like the gold thunderbolts. EDIT:Dumb, can't spell.
  15. hmm, maybe something art deco-y would be cool.
  16. Bam, if the last one was weak, this is the strongest yet. Jonathan Banks freaking nailed it.
  17. yeahhh sorry. Does look like their probably going to change it though.
  18. http://www.diebytheblade.com/2015/3/9/8174255/help-us-design-a-new-buffalo-sabres-third-jersey TL;DR Current third blows chunks, lets design a new one that the Sabres will never use. Could be fun, though.
  19. Excuse me while I jump off a bridge.
  20. I'm kinda ok with T-Pegs saying no to letting Fred go. Do we really get that much of a competitive advantage with Brown here instead of Fred? I know he's younger, but it kinda seems like they might just want him more because they traded for him last year. Fred is a face of the team, keeping him doesn't hurt the performance on the field (probably), but losing him hurts PR big time. Worth it.
  21. If freddy goes to a contender I'll be able to live with it, but if we make the playoffs for the first time since he's been in the NFL and he's not here I'll be sick to my stomach...
  22. Got Kyle Williams, too, but if we're a 3-4 this year he'll probably be outside, so that's possible.
  23. Ok, I hate Vince Wilfork, so this might not be very objective, but I don't see him getting a lot of play here. Dareus has that middle on lock down.
  24. This week was fun but maybe a bit weaker than the others. Still, a couple seasons worth of the good stuff and this show could lock down best spin-off ever real quick, at least for a drama..
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