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Everything posted by sabills

  1. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130711132208/mk/images/2/25/Anchorman_well_that_escalated_quickly_966.jpg
  2. That might be the most satisfying final episode of a show I've ever scene. And at the end, even though I've never felt much of anything for Walt, I felt a little pity? Empathy? Not sure what, but it hit me a bit right in that final shot. Well done.
  3. I think either Jesse has to kill Walt or the other way around. I don't see Walt going to jail, or dying from cancer either. He either has to die at the hands of someone he loved, or live having lost everything that he was working to save. Glad I pushed through to the end of the show; the next 6 episodes are gonna be intense.
  4. I'm not sure Bruce Smith went to camp the last 10 years he was in the league.
  5. I haven't been to Slickers in years and never had a particular affinity towards it. It's just kinda the only bar in Old Forge itself, haha.
  6. Old Mill? Slickers? Big Moose, Screamin' Eagle and The Woods Inn all have good beer selection too, if you're in the area.
  7. Finally caught up so I can read this stuff again, haha. Therefor SPOILERS!!! Though I'll try to keep it to a minimum. I think people get breadth of a character confused w/ depth. Brian Cranston is doing an amazing job of acting out a character that, externally, has a lot of angles to him, but underneath there is very little. Walter isn't confused. He's not haunted by his past. He's strengthed by it, emboldened by it. He sees the people he's killed as people who were in his way, and by killing them he's only made himself stronger. He LIKES who he's become.He started as a man who had no control over his own life, who was a wimp, a pushover, and he's spent the last year of his life 'correcting' that problem. He says he is doing it for his family, but he doesn't mean that. The last shred of possibilty of that being true dissappeared when he (AGAIN SPOILERS) decided to keep the business instead of just taking the $5 mil. That was more than enough to put both his kids through college, and their kids, and buy them all a house if he wanted too. Hell, I'm not 100% convinced that he's even stopped NOW, I think he gave up all that power that he was so fond of WAY to easy. Skyler, who everyone loves to hate, is complex. She knows what she's doing is wrong, but goes along w/ it because its the only way to protect herself and her family. I think she got a little power happy, too, for a while there, but she can't stop, for her saftey, for the saftey of her children and family. She has a little Stockholm syndrom going on, too. Walt talks his way around everyone, convincing them he's got their best interest at heart, but I assure you, everything he does is for himself, and him alone.
  8. Look up a few posts from yours and you'll find my opinion on the Heady Topper. You are a lucky man, haha.
  9. Basically, thought it may have made the madness worse in the long run, haha. I forgot, my cousin from Vermont brought a 4 pack of Heady Topper, which currently tops the list at Beer Advocate. I'd say its worth the rating. Its not, to me at least, so much of a special beer. Its not wildly different from other IPA's I've had. Its just the perfect beer, insomuch as it perfectly defines what I think an IPA should be. Strong and hoppy without being overbearing, a nice fruity/floweryness, stings just a little going down. Fantastic.
  10. I'm trying not to read anything here as I'm not caught up. I just finished season 4 last night. I'll admit, despite the fact that some here will probably shoot me, I wasn't really hooked until the second half of that season. I also think Walt is a sniveling little crybaby, not a badass, but that's probably just me, too, haha.
  11. Found Three Philosophers on Tap in the 'Dacks this last week, which was pretty great. Also, pork slap is good!
  12. Yeah, it took a while to get out, but not terrible. Just the right amount of rain last night. I just wish the Mollys could have played longer.
  13. Isolated T-storms all evening, but nothing like what we had a few weeks ago, haha. % precip is all about 20-30. Looks like most of the action will be to the north, though. Here's hopin' for the best. How was BNL?
  14. Everytime I come to this page I read this as 'table monsters'.
  15. I figure that maybe if I keep saying it at some point it won't sound weird in my head.
  16. Tried Founders' 'Old Curmudgeon' and Local Option's 'Blood ov the Kings' last night at Coles. 'Blood' was the wheatiest beer I've ever seen; it was almost fully opaque, light barely passed through despite it being a lighter color. Pretty tasty too. Old Curmudgeon I only stole a taste from my wife, but wow, alot going on there. That'll be a better beer for cold winter nights than hot summer ones.
  17. There they go again, cheaping out on the fans. A REAL owner would have shelled out for the extra foot. Also, awesome.
  18. Are the pictures publicly available, or are you just teasing us? haha
  19. my benefitting to ladies loving a particular band is really limited to lady in particular at this point, but I'm still pretty ok with that, haha.
  20. I don't know them as well, but I've heard they're really good live. I'm going to listen to some of their stuff over the next week here to get ready, same thing I did w/ the hip a few weeks ago(though I knew some of their stuff before hand).
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