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Everything posted by sabills

  1. Good luck, this sounds like a cool project. You can give Ancestry.com a try, too, if you haven't. A quick search I did of that name and location popped some stuff up on him, including a link to Find A Grave. I have a subscription to the site, so if you run into a paywall on there let me know, I'll send you any info you want.
  2. I saw some tweets that say that "game sevens" is actually correct. Something to do with compound nouns? lizzy ~showtime~‏@wiseaus does "games seven" sound grammatical? no, bc it's not. "game seven" is a compound noun, correctly pluralized as "game sevens"
  3. That blows, man. My wife used to travel a lot more than she does now, but even without the travel her work is so busy from January to March that I basically see her for 15 minutes at night, and maybe a few hours on the weekends. For the first bit I kinda enjoy the bachelor life, play a bunch of video games, go out with friends, but it gets old pretty quick. Obviously I feel bad bitching about it because, you know, she's actually WORKING for that time and I'm just sitting at home feeling bad about myself, but it can be exhausting. A month is a long time, try to find stuff to keep yourself busy.
  4. sabills

    [OT] Cigars

    Seriously, pop over any time, lol. Brevas, I'll have to remember that, those look about right.
  5. If you don't feel to weird about posting a picture (I would understand if you did), people might have some more ideas for you.
  6. sabills

    [OT] Cigars

    I foolishly bought a bunch of Gurkha's last fall because it was a good deal, I had just gotten a humidor I wanted to fill, and it came with a nice lighter, which I didn't have. Regretting it now. They're not even that bad, they're just HUGE, and not really my style. Forcing myself to have those first to clear some room in the humidor before smoking anymore of my preferred Undercrowns. Anyone have any suggestions for shorties? I like the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story, I think I might pick some more up. I like having a short smoke for mowing the lawn, or when I don't want to/have the time to make a full hour or so commitment to a cigar.
  7. And overall I don't think they've seemed to penned in by becoming the "official" station of both teams. They seem to be just as critical as they were before (outside of the two team owned shows, of course).
  8. God help us if Battista was in that picture of Murray and Bylsma last night.
  9. Yup, he's one the few sports interviews I enjoy.
  10. He was on GR about an hour ago. Worth a listen. Talked about Babcock, other coaches, Eichel, some other stuff.
  11. IDK, I guess it is, but if the Oilers wanted McLellen as bad as they appeared to then the Sabres weren't getting him, and now Babcock who is a moot point, other than that if anything it could GROW (see:Claude Julien). You could also make the argument that if they had interviewed someone else, made a huge offer to Babcock, and then went to guy #2 when that offer failed he would feel like a second fiddle and not be as inclined to take the job.
  12. Three teams have signed coaches, the Oilers who locked onto McLellen EARLY and hard, and the Flyers, who hired someone no one had even mentioned, and now Toronto, all of which have officially happened in the last 3 days. I mean, good for those teams, but lets not pretend that the Sabres dragged their heels and now have to hire Ted Nolan back. There's a LOT of good coaches out there, including Richardson who has been mentioned for this team for a loong time now.
  13. Hey! Tyler Bozak plays for them, and that's who Conner McDavid compares himself to!
  14. If I'm not at ~80% of these it'll be a down year for me. The only one I know I'm missing is Get the Led Out 'cause I'll be up in the 'dacks.
  15. #60 Every Greek person who lives here owns a diner, and they're amazing. #59 We had a president shot here, which is, you know, something. They also electrocuted that elephant. #58 Sure, Detroit is Hockey TOWN, but this is Hockey HEAVEN. Or at least will be when we draft Eichel. #57 Jack Eichel #56 You and Rex Ryan can be best buds and when you both retire after like, 8 championships each, you can star in your own buddy-cop show entitled "Coach 2 Coach" where you both use your innate abilities to get your fellow cops to up their "compete" level. #55 HarborCentre
  16. Really just a Buffalo Bills bash party, which is more acceptable to me. Hell, its what me and my friends turn into any time we watch them.
  17. I'm stopping by a record shop after work today, I'm hoping this albums is there. I have a best of BB CD somewhere but I'd love a Live album, and I am sadly lacking in my blues album repertoire.
  18. Probably Buddy, Clapton, and Derek Trucks. Also, I cannot express how jealous I am of seeing that lineup.
  19. Who's the best blues man left? Probably Buddy Guy, right? I'm paying the 60 bucks to see him next time he's in town; I missed out on BB but I won't make that mistake again.
  20. https://vine.co/v/eKuK6eHnleY EDIT: Looks like he's trapped in the corner, move, quick spin, fire at the net. Love it.
  21. Well there's sharing power and then there's relinquishing power (sorta a GM in name only situation), which Murray would obviously loathe to do.. I was worried about it originally, too, but I think Babbers should be able to work with Murray.
  22. I thought Kyle Orton was the Bills' Craig Rivet...
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