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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. TY for analysis not sure how I feel about Kozak and where he slots but you may be right... love Cedergvist and if the game ever slows down for him he is going to be a beast
  2. Except for a couple momentary lapses including the GA, Sabres prospects break up a lot of plays with their sticks... not overly physical but good use of the body on D and have a little chippy to their game
  3. Hard to tell sometimes because of camera but thought when Sabres forward turned it up they were all over Canadians who tried to be more physical but Sabres figured it out didnt back down and D by and large cleared the net front... Rosen line was impressive... Savoie is fast Benson looked hesitant at times
  4. Josh's decision making looked slow, but Bills still win a tough one if Josh doesnt make those turnovers... not giving up but Allen needs to take a speed reading course
  5. Happy one... gettin close to being older than dirt.
  6. Sabres game is Sat at 7:30... myself and my beer league goalie, a Sabres fan, are going... anyone else interested... Sabres new ticket pricing reminded of game PS Belmont Park is across the parking lot and I was thinking of checking out the ponies beforehand.
  7. TG for auto draft was so exhausted fell asleep before draft
  8. RIP Rick... always remember your voice from under my pillow with the radio so my parents didnt know as a kid listening to games.
  9. Depends on cost... I think you need a D star and an O star and maybe a couple up and coming salary controlled guys... cant be like the Leafs with their eggs in a few baskets
  10. Neither the Sabres no Bills sell logo medical scrubs except hats... Know tons of medical people who'd buy them...
  11. AZ, any Fla team, Dallas and Toronto because screw the Leaves ps Fla couple hurricanes away from being 6 feet under and state govt is anti family... Plus hate the heat
  12. I "weave" around them especially those driving slow in the left lanes on their cells and cut the close with my brights on.. yeh that goes for the blonde and the old guy today on my way to work... my passive way of showing my appreciation for their obliviousness....
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