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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Yeh not much for the game but like the skills competitions, then at least the guys are showing off.
  2. He's an NHL ref now? Like father like son... pos refs... He was reffing in hockey East 2 years ago and sucked then... not a surprise get him a bag of donuts...
  3. Mets, Grandmother was a huge fans and as a kid when id go visit in southern CT she'd take me to games... Saw Sever pitch... Dad was a Brooklyn Dodger fan... grandfather and NY State Supreme Court Judge was friends with Branch Ricky... as a kid was sit in his box seats... when Dodgers moved he lost his love... so baseball never really been that big... more hockey and football.
  4. Yeh i could give to craps about Jack but agree on Sam and Montour... Jack is not a leader... a very talented high maintenance 2nd fiddle that is best ignored when acting out... kinda like a teenager... Sam just needed more stable players around him and Montour the right system sadly Granato came too late
  5. Sabres pick 13th between Chi and Ducks for no 1 and 2
  6. Um wife is leaving with nurse friends for a week to iceland... ive got the boys at home... but forgot to take time off and now taking personal days... and have a list of honey doos. PS work friend's Dad just diagnosed with stage 3... he is a mess
  7. I have to hope all the Carolina picks lose in this round.
  8. Have oil beating Devils... gonna be interesting
  9. Dont need to be reminded... gotta ignore this one
  10. just saw this dont know how legit but wouldnt be a bad thing: https://fullpresshockey.com/2023/04/26/nhl-rumors-blues-sabres-blackhawks/?fbclid=IwAR3X76qysuQ6rdoDmx-QHD6O1SH76plmUSdFeavoc9K73-ZduRi7A4oPJug_aem_Af-HX0PYoPqYymM8DijVBpqnCdCnQOKZPxCJRNIPIru3pmWyGHUuiG137HuJNq-15dcL3-O0hyMClaLo97W3bRYcGuR4W74M7b1pOhB1BmbmQOnxMrMYgR3OJHBTVWBsj7Rjd5FCccXhXDADuAIKecld
  11. Back in the day I could make stats say anything I wanted.... puh
  12. thought just another player just had to touch it not possession hmmm
  13. Yeh then it hit the other guy's back... meh touched opposing team's player
  14. Yeh I get he cant guarantee anything but weird he wouldnt be more affirmative except Warow can be a bit of a prickly know it all.... maybe he reacted to that history... yes to what we see needed on D... Keep developing the rest...
  15. It's the Spring nfw... they turn from blue to red and fall.... down... down....down.... (grinding halt sound).
  16. Yeh i could give a flyin fig about Yack... he is out West... Sabres are progressing... its not all on him and yeh like Mitts in a different way he needed to grow up... dont wish him ill except playin Sabres... big non issue now... Really hopin the Leaves fall this spring all the way to ground...
  17. Yup 4-8 and questionable decisions in the west after 1st game... will see
  18. For the first time in a long time im melancholy not interested
  19. Have Edmonton beating Bastan... Toronto losing in the first round, Oil beating Colorado in semis
  20. Thought itd be a good discussion Saw this on TSN Garrioch: DeBrincat has ‘no inclination’ of signing with Senators, could be moved at draft https://www.tsn.ca/1.1945897
  21. God I love his goofy kid like smile.
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