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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. My nephew got me a ā€œfind itā€ kit. Finds your keys or wallet with a click. Paranoid me didnā€™t use it. Plus, does he really think I canā€™t find my stuff? Sure, Iā€™ve gone hunting before. Lol (double space)
  2. I hear ya. One time, chasing a Spaniel around the neighborhood she took of into the road. Luckily the driver stopped. The dog too. Freaked her out (and me)
  3. My last foster dog was a coonhound. She got out the door and went directly 4 neighbors down, into their backyard, right to their chicken coop. Clicked on the leash and walked her home lol. She could also jump and almost catch birds at the feeder 8 feet high. They all take about 4-5 weeks to set a schedule and rules.
  4. Road salt. Would you walk around without shoes? same goes for summer. Those sidewalks get Hot.
  5. Thereā€™s more rules than right?
  6. One stupid answer would be they let you over the bridge and now youā€™re in Canada, and you test positive, how are you going to get back into the US?
  7. How did you get Debbie from Shameless for a promo?
  8. Soā€¦ whoā€™s going to the Islanders game? šŸ˜·šŸ˜·
  9. Nothing after 12/26 NHL, NHLPA agree to pause season through Christmas, effective Wednesday you'll need a full Covid test to attend practice.
  10. Donā€™t spam cry to me. Ppl have a right to vent to our ā€œfamilyā€
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