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Everything posted by spndnchz

  1. I’d need to think about vets that played a role in myself becoming a Sabres fan. But the players, not ownership or how fancy the Aud or Arena was/is has made me a Sabres fan.
  2. No. Please no Unless you’re bringing in a vet
  3. It really depends what type of bonds they’re gonna be issued whether general or obligation or guaranteed.
  4. That t-shirt will be burned in the fire pit as soon as the snow is gone.
  5. Vanek beating Hasek in the shoutout with that move will be stuck in my head until I die.
  6. I’ve learned to just keep my mouth shut, except for private face to face conversations. Being sued is no fun at all. Even when you know you’re right.
  7. I’ve seen them twice. Give all that back to see him again. RIP
  8. Is there still such a thing as a good loss and yeah Mitts could’ve ended that game twice
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