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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Define "significant." The 2 propositions aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. Will Borgen at present is a 3rd pairing D and he MIGHT be a 2nd pairing stay at home guy. That could be a valuable commodity for the Sabres (or somebody else) in the near future as the Sabres perennially need at least 1 more good stay at home defenseman than they have. And '21-'22 is shaping up to follow that pattern as the only healthy SaH D-man they have is a raw rookie (with a great pedigree). But Seattle just got to take the 4th best (in most cases aka a 2nd pairing) D-man from about 1/2 the league. So, though the Sabres might miss him, he doesn't necessarily make Seattle's squad. Nobody is saying that Borgen will be the 2nd coming of Mike Ramsey nor even Jake McCabe. But that doesn't mean he would not be useful this season nor that he won't be even more useful the next few seasons. It's the potential that people are mourning (for lack of a better term). IF the Sabres take Power, in 2-3 years this could be a very imposing D with 2 (hopefully) studs, 2 solid stay at home guys, & 2 decent puck movers (2 of Jokiharju, Johnson, Bryson, & Pilut) & 2 of those as spares. Get goaltending & we might have something to work with.
  2. He is. He also may be useful with proper usage & actual goaltending behind him. Am still curious to see if Adams manages to drop a 3rd or 4th rounder next year to get Borgen back. IF he does, then he worked the expansion draft masterfully as he'll have lost, what, a 15% chance of an NHLer in 4 years? AND he COULD actually get Borgen back for even less; a mere $500 should he get put on waivers. We MIGHT have watched the nearly perfectly played expansion draft; especially if he gets McCabe & Ullmark back in the fold.
  3. The Pegulas must say a small prayer of thanks every morning for Daryl Katz owning the Eulers.
  4. As Chz is so fond of saying: "whatevs."
  5. It is. No, there isn't (except for the guys that nobody else has to waive to send down). That requirement to waive guys above a certain age & experience level is designed to keep (to as much a degree as possible) the best players in the NHL and the developing ones & the tweeners in the A. Also, could've sworn having read somewhere that Seattle is sharing an AHL squad this year w/ somebody else. IIRC they're stocking some of the Charlotte Checkers. They'll have their own farm club the following year.
  6. No. They need to be at their minimum expansion draft salary at the end of the expansion draft. (They also need to remain below the expansion draft max salary, but that appears not to be remotely an issue. Unless a whole lot of "insiders" have their heads up their bippies.)
  7. Not taking the bait. Should he persist in saying stuff he knows and has admitted is untrue, can just post the link to the last conversation which proves it definitively.
  8. Possible. And maybe they figure a 3rd or 4th rounder in '22 is more valuable than anything else they could get out of Buffalo. But right now, there's at least a 50/50 chance that's the most they got from the Sabres. Heck, could see Adams offering a 4th to get him back & considering how far Buffalo has to climb, Francis deciding that's his best offer. So, did Adams manage to lose the 4th many here were willing to offer to end up minus Miller who could be useful away from Krueger to actually keep (eventually) Borgen & Miller?
  9. Not really presuming the other rumored choices are also correct. Barring several trades (which could obviously still happen) or injuries there is little likelihood that Borgen is one of their top 8 D on opening night. Which effectively gives him back to Buffalo in October if Adams wants him back.
  10. Without being a moderator or an administrator you can't see any deleted threads even if you started the thread. That is what that message was conveying. Not that you'd been banned again.
  11. It might. Would have to read a translation of his dissertation to know for sure. If it is essentially an honorary degree, he won't be the 1st celebrity to have gotten one in this manner & he certainly won't be the last. And that isn't merely a Russian phenomenon.
  12. In this thread shouldn't that be 'Carpe carp?' You can't even say the 5th letter is an 'E?' Gee, this guy (or gal) really does have you sworn to secrecy. 😉
  13. Absolutely this is being done in a vacuum. But there is a bit of info that should be widely known given how things happened at the Vegas draft. And that is, a "win now" (or at least try to win now) team can be assembled. Especially in a division with LA, Anaheim, SJ, & Vancouver in it a team should be expecting to compete for the playoffs. And a team trying to do that ISN'T looking at selections through the lens of "if things go sour, what do we recoup at the end of February." Now, if people were saying they were grabbing a guy to be part of a package to flip NOW, that would make sense IMHO, but grabbing a guy with intentions of flipping him in January or February, not so much. Again, IMHO.
  14. Keep seeing people making selections with statements to the effect of 'Seattle can flip this guy at the deadline.' (Realize that Sakman was saying it could go either way.) Really doubt that Francis will be using that as his selection criterion for the vast majority of players he selects. He's going to try to put a team together that can get ahead of: LA, SJ, Anaheim, & Vancouver while not allowing 5 Norris Division teams ahead of it. That is a very reachable goal IMHO.
  15. If that's correct, that'll be a compressed schedule by about a week if there are no separate off-weeks for teams & by about 2 weeks if everybody gets one again. League would appear to be banking on either no COVID (nor other) shutdowns or they figure if there are shutdowns the Olympics will get shut down as well and they'll bank on using those 2 weeks to get the season back on track.
  16. Don't believe it's from you. It's what we saw with Krueger starting Cozens off on Eakin's wing and his tending to bury the kids. Mittelstadt starting the year on the taxi squad and then playing on a line where he'd have to generate any O he produced pretty much independently. As just a couple of examples. But, maybe it was a Robin Williams sort of thing. He lost a plagiarism lawsuit for stealing jokes he'd heard waiting to go onstage in comedy clubs. Claimed, and it was plausible, that he didn't even realize he'd heard the jokes. (He did have quite the coke habit at one time.) His solution to avoid similar situations was to stay out of the clubs until just before he went on. Don't believe my views came from here, but don't doubt some like you or @Randall Flagg can & have helped color them.
  17. Would expect that for the most part. And 3 & 4 game road trips through Western Canada or California/ AZ / Vegas were already the norm. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see Eastern Conference teams hit up all 4 of Western Canada with either the 1st or last game of the trip to be in Seattle. Could see Canadian teams taking at least 1, if not 2 or 3, extended road trips through the US of 7-10 games. Could also see US squads making 2 circuits through their own conference's Canadian teams to minimize border crossings. Just because things look to be opening up now does not mean politicians won't change their minds again in a few months. Planning now for minimal border crossings would be prudent IMHO.
  18. So, $1.5MM from $5.5MM to $7MM. At any rate, really doubt Granato put more $'s in anybody's pocket than Reinhart. (Well, not including himself. Going from assistant coach to HC probably put at least that much into Don's pocket as well.
  19. That tweet is more or less worthless. Pretty much everybody here expects that to be Adams ask for him. What player & pick he actually turns into is the $64k question.
  20. Your ticket rep must not like you. 😉 Mine kept saying the deadline to pay more than the remaining balance from the previous year's unplayed games had slipped again & hold onto the money.
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